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Teams & Riders Pogačar as GOAT: already, never, or when?

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As of June 2024, can Pogacar be considered GOAT?

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It must be hard being a Pog hater. I mean if you’d have to choose to hate one rider, from the satisfactory rate POV - to choose Pog is a really bad choice. And all you and @Berniece are left with is Merckx. The final frontier. The impenetrable fortress of greatness never to be conquered by another living soul… But guess what… Each year that passes by, the voices are louder. First they were a mere subtle whispers, hinting the possible similarity. Couple of years later, we are talking Pog vs Merckx on daily basis. This really isn’t going your way, that’s all I’m saying…
There's only one rider who i hate, and that's Philipsen.

I don't agree with that conversation, it's quite premature when there's a significant list of riders in the history of cycling who have a better palmares than Pogacar and probably will still prevail with a better palmares than him. I think that conversation it's quite disrespectful to riders like Hinault, or Indurain.
I assume you did watch a lot of races back then, so your above 50 something?

Since your clearly so mature and objective in all your responses to Pogacar non stop, and clearly no small d energy towards him at all :tearsofjoy:, a piece of advice since its beyond obv, just let it rest it will be better for you and life will be better, just a advice. :tearsofjoy:

The peleton has spoken from Gilbert, Thomas to Contador it says it all way more than biased fans here anyway, if were keeping it real I mean.

And indeed Merckx is the goat for me too tho I didnt see him race but just from what he won, tho ive read he competed in a era where cycling is far less specialized and competetive where riders drank wine during stages, thats the problem with so different eras in all sports.. Pogiman is already best which clearly many already say. Difference betwen best and greatest tho yes. Also hes only 25 still..
You just pick out what you like to read in that article. Because the only thing myself, and Froome are saying is the same as Rowe.

"He's in that category and been in there a couple of years but to be in that level of 'God Tier' riders he's got to do it for a few more years if we're going to put him on the same shelf or similar shelf as Merckx," Rowe responds.
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You just pick out what you like to read in that article. Because the only thing myself, and Froome are saying is the same as Rowe.

"He's in that category and been in there a couple of years but to be in that level of 'God Tier' riders he's got to do it for a few more years if we're going to put him on the same shelf or similar shelf as Merckx," Rowe responds.
Never seen riders talk about merckx with others riders tho ive not been in cycling where that has happen seriously before thats all. Same as me too I agree with everything there. I too think Merckx is goat. Its all good.
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Of course Pogacar is nowhere near Merckx when we talk about GOAT status. Pogacar needs more big wins to be the number one. I think it all depends on Vingegaard. Pogacar with 5 Tours, 3 Giros and 1 Vuelta and more big classics (like the world championship and 5 or 6 monuments), he is the GOAT but I can't see him winning 5 Tours.
Of course Pogacar is nowhere near Merckx when we talk about GOAT status. Pogacar needs more big wins to be the number one. I think it all depends on Vingegaard. Pogacar with 5 Tours, 3 Giros and 1 Vuelta and more big classics (like the world championship and 5 or 6 monuments), he is the GOAT but I can't see him winning 5 Tours.
If Vingegaard and Pogacar stay the best like they have been the past 2-3 years. I mean if the gap keeps to be this big with the next riders in GT's, I can see him win 5 Tours. It'll just be easier for Vingegaard because it's his only goal, while Pogacar goes for a much more diverse palmares.
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Each year that passes by, the voices are louder. First they were a mere subtle whispers, hinting the possible similarity. Couple of years later, we are talking Pog vs Merckx on daily basis.
I can comfirm from within cycling itself this already is the case. Pogacar is already from every SD to rider ive talked too on Merckx status. I get on a forum its some fans and if ur a remco fan, vinge fan or roglic, MvdP whoever it is, emotion are involved but this is the case already, Remco is the only one equiped to get on his level as hes properly number 2 overall already but its gonne be hard as the gap is huge.

But yes I can comfirm this is already the case within cycling, its talked about mentioned on a daily basis already.
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Depends on how long he plans to race and if he will have a long career.

Cav has had long career but a few years where he won close to nothing, just for the discussion. Whats his average per season?
Cavendish: 54 Wins in 18 seasons (starting in 2007) = 3 per season
Merckx: 64 Wins in 14 seasons = 4,6 per season
Pogacar: 18 Wins in 6 seasons = 3 per season
Pogacar fans create invisible enemies. I said many times on this forum that Pogacar is the best all rounder rider of the peloton. I even said that one hour ago in another thread.

Now, this discussion about the GOAT really annoys me, but it's not because it's in Pogacar's thread, or because it's Pogacar. It would annoy me a lot if that happens in the thread of the other top riders.

This conversation about the "GOAT" annoys me seriously in the general of the sports, because people don't know the real meaning of the word "GOAT".

Now, i'm going to post here the definition of "GOAT".

"The greatest of all time : the most accomplished and successful individual in the history of a particular sport or category of performance or activity".

This is the definition of "GOAT". What annoys me is that people think "GOAT" means the best rider/sportsman at the moment. For god's sake, "GOAT" doesn't mean that!

This happens in all of sports.

I get very annoyed when the "bron fans" start to call lebron james as the "GOAT" when he isn't and will never be the "GOAT" of NBA.

Here is another example. I am a big fan of Nikola Jokic. He is clearly the best NBA player in the world since 2 years ago, but i don't see nobody call him "GOAT" because he isn't, and it would be ridiculous if i called him that.

I think cycling is a sport where the GOAT is well accepted by eveybody. Eddy Merckx.

You just wait, Jokić and Pogačar will be in the GOAT debate before their careers are over in their respective sports 😉😎
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Jokic is the most skilled center ever and when we talk about peak he has the greatest offensive peak in NBA history

And like Pogačar, he doesn’t get enough praise because of where he’s from. Had both been Americans or French or Italian, for example, they would be more respected in western media. Just my observation of the last few years and my opinion.
"Pogacar is the GOAT" is a justifiable statement because it's not about his current palmares but about what people generally think, regarding his abilities, skills and potential for development he can achieve.
But that would make him the BOAT, best of all time due to those things. Like for a period Brady was considered the GOAT but Rodgers the BOAT with Mahomes taking that spot.
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He's currently boating for 4-5 years in the UCI rankings.
GOAT is a statement about the present and the future palmares of Pogacar.
Exactly. I think everyone knows Pog is not GOAT at this very moment. However if he can continue this insanity (and that's a big if) until his early-to-mid 30s, then he will be in contention for the GOAT status. And that's exciting. We are living in a time where it actually seems possible someone might achieve similar palmares to f**** Merckx!

I'm not even that huge of a fan of Pog - I'll be rooting for Rogla to kick his ass in TdF. But you can't deny historical significance of what he's doing - not just the results he's making but the way he's making them...