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Search results

  1. J

    Crashes, what can be done?

    just curious, how you want to do that. Crashes are part of the race, because there are 100+ cyclists who are racing at their limits and try to win. the only thing one can do is minimizing the risk in create a, as save as possible route. But still, the factor rider which is going for a small gap...
  2. J

    Primož Roglič

    Economically it would not be rational to really search for doping, as long as the results for the main publicum seems reasonable. The doping scandals in the 00's damaged the sport, so the easy way is to keep it under control some positive doping results for a small teams and mid peleton riders...
  3. J

    Cadel Evans: Yay or Nay on EPO

    easy answer for me. was with the top guys during the late 2000's and won the tour at 2011, so yay on epo. im mean he reminded me a bit on Ulrich, good time trial diesel in the mountains, these mixe gives me always a feeling of a "clean" rider. But get it straigth, i dont expect that a top 20 gc...
  4. J

    Teams & Riders Chris Froome Discussion Thread.

    I really never liked Fromme in past with sky. But it changed at the giro he won with this insane attack on the colle delle finestre. I hoped he would race the giro instead of the tour. I dont think he can do much at the tour, but would love to see that he can animate the race like contador did...
  5. J

    Is EPO currently being used at Major tours

    And the stage was defenitely raced different than the 2001 one.