It's Comcastic?
Hey, I've had the worst of luck getting a feed of Versus here.
To add fuel to this fire, who do I see in the middle of the imbroglio? Why,
Comcast, of course!
It's a long and amusing story, but I am growing convinced that Comcast couldn't tear themselves out of a paper sack. I have a Comcast feed line in my front yard, popping above ground in a plastic "wart" in the middle of the lawn.
I have called them out
no less than four times to make a connection for service between the existing feed line (there's an RG59 cable, terminated, in that wart, running from my home to the wart). The main cable is a big one, looks like RG8 or RG60/U line.
Every time they come out, the technician looks at that fat main line, and shrugs his shoulders, "I don't have the equipment to tap into that" is the common answer.
For four homes on either side of me, everyone has a satellite dish. I wonder why. Comcast invested a princely sum to bury that cable. It must have been done as a tax write-off, because they sure aren't anxious to tap into it for a new customer.
Now then, I guess I'll have to wait before looking into a satellite provider for both networks...