i am a great fan of your site, i read it every day and thonk it is the best cycling-site on the web.
but today i asked myself why Menchov's win in the Giro is not worth a News Flash?
when i think about it, at least 95% of your news-flash articles are doping related!!!
is doping really the most interesting thing in cycling?
just a thought that popped into my head this afternoon.
keep the good work up!!!!!!
PS: with the new site layout this may change...
i am a great fan of your site, i read it every day and thonk it is the best cycling-site on the web.
but today i asked myself why Menchov's win in the Giro is not worth a News Flash?
when i think about it, at least 95% of your news-flash articles are doping related!!!
is doping really the most interesting thing in cycling?
just a thought that popped into my head this afternoon.
keep the good work up!!!!!!
PS: with the new site layout this may change...