I don't mean to post this as entertainment. But this will go onto show how difficult it is to debate with someone who has a blind allegiance to Armstrong and most importantly, his cancer organization. You can read the entire thread on LA's facebook fanpage http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=11425&post=51484&uid=64263459777#post51484. Person of interest is a relentless "Damian Lawler". Said person condemns me to a life in future of cancer and the idea that I would need to fall on LAF's doorpost begging them for help and LA will be the kind one who will save me. I'm shaking my head. I could only conclude that this is an example of celebrity infatuation beyond any reasonable scale.
Here's a snippet from his emotionally charged statements to me in that thread
Here's a snippet from his emotionally charged statements to me in that thread
"Ron you should be working for the UCI mate because your powers of investigative journalism are outstanding, you could bring pro cycling down in one foul swoop!
It amazes me how you say LA avoids the truth and answering questions however you are just the same. I asked you research cancer treatment and it is quite clear you have not.
Just for your information my sister passed away Monday morning at 10.40am, she was brave and she believed in a cure for cancer till the very end. Cancer is a disease that takes far too many and it is one that LA was lucky enough to survive, and luck is what it was! he then chose to start up the LAF which now assists millions of people world wide in many ways.
Without people such as LA my sister would have given up a long time ago. He offers hope regardless of whether you like him or not. I am a realist and I work with elite athletes, something which you may not by the sounds of your postings? I can attest not all elite athletes dope, none of mine do! I have to believe in something and someone so I "choose" to believe in LA and the LAF as did my sister. She was 32 by the way mate!
Now tell me what did you offer my sister?
IMO and it is only mine and no one elses, you offer nothing! nothing but cynicism, jealousy, envy and sadness and emptyness. All these things are what make you to be the man you currently are. Fear not though Ron, you have time to change. Statistically you may be a cancer sufferer one day, so remember this my friend as you may need to believe one day too and I bet you don't knock back assistance from the LAF in your time of need, and Ron, LA wont deny you it either as he is currently a better man than you!"