Bullets couldn't stop Greg Lemond. A bunch of little Lance muppets certainly won't.
Greg Lemond has taken the fight to Armstrong and the rest of the thugs that have infested the professional cycling world. All the nastiness that we see brought out by this endless stream of dingbleberries flowing out of the Public Strategies sewer or whatever intellectual backwater they inhabit is just proof that Lemond and Landis have hit a major nerve.
Chapeau, Greg. Don't pull any punches.
Greg Lemond has taken the fight to Armstrong and the rest of the thugs that have infested the professional cycling world. All the nastiness that we see brought out by this endless stream of dingbleberries flowing out of the Public Strategies sewer or whatever intellectual backwater they inhabit is just proof that Lemond and Landis have hit a major nerve.
Chapeau, Greg. Don't pull any punches.