SNELL Memorial Foundation, the good people that test helmets of all sorts, recommend that you replace your helmet every 5 years. They are the first to admit that replacing them in that time-span is a "judgement call" based on knowing that helmet technology can improve in the 5 year time. They aren't suggesting this to sell more helmets, they are suggesting this to save your noggin'. They do seem to have a sense of humor and recommend you replace your helmet with this statement: "The Foundation recommends that if you are participating in an activity that requires that you wear a helmet, that you avoid hitting stuff with your head. It can be difficult to readily determine if a helmet has been damaged... The Foundation recommends that if you suspect your helmet may be compromised, then replace it. If the helmet has been involved in an impact while in use, replace it."
Here is what they say about the schedule of replacement:
"The five year replacement recommendation is based on a consensus by both the helmet manufacturers and the Snell Foundation. Glues, resins and other materials used in helmet production over can affect liner materials. Hair oils, body fluids and cosmetics, as well as normal "wear and tear" all contribute to helmet degradation. Petroleum based products present in cleaners, paints, fuels and other commonly encountered materials may also degrade materials used in many helmets possibly degrading performance. Additionally, experience indicates there will be a noticeable improvement in the protective characteristic of helmets over a five year period due to advances in materials, designs, production methods and the standards. Thus, the recommendation for five year helmet replacement is a judgment call stemming from a prudent safety philosophy."
All of this taken from the SNELL website: