So was today Lance a clean lance, a rider so scared by the current investigations, so worried by WADA overseeing the tour testing, so worried about AFDL and French police that he hasnt hit the blood this tour, and today we saw the REAL lance armstrong.
Or is he simply a washed up old man?
For me today was proof that Lance has been doping in the past, the fanboys of course are still in denial.. twitter is histerical today, this one particularly caught my eye..
alisontaylor @lancearmstrong Great ride! U looked strong,in spite
of the falls! U will get back up there-U r the most courageous,fit,intelligent athlete!
44 minutes ago via web in reply to lancearmstrong
Or is he simply a washed up old man?
For me today was proof that Lance has been doping in the past, the fanboys of course are still in denial.. twitter is histerical today, this one particularly caught my eye..
alisontaylor @lancearmstrong Great ride! U looked strong,in spite
of the falls! U will get back up there-U r the most courageous,fit,intelligent athlete!
44 minutes ago via web in reply to lancearmstrong