CN: Last week's news was dominated by the positive tests that came out of the Beijing Olympics. How did you react to the news?
LA: I was disappointed on a lot of levels. Firstly because these athletes had a mind set to cheat and that they thought they had a substance that wasn't going to show up. They took that risk. That was a stupid chance and stupid decision. It is also disappointing that of the six people who were positive, the cyclists are the first two names that are made public. If everything is confirmed, it is just another bad story that we have to get over.
LA: I was disappointed on a lot of levels. Firstly because these athletes had a mind set to cheat and that they thought they had a substance that wasn't going to show up. They took that risk. That was a stupid chance and stupid decision. It is also disappointing that of the six people who were positive, the cyclists are the first two names that are made public. If everything is confirmed, it is just another bad story that we have to get over.