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New Milan-Sanremo Finish Line: When Will the Via Roma Come Back ??


So as far as I understand there's roadwork on the "corso Mombello" and a finish in Lungo Mare is now impossible. I won't regret it.

Instead it's been suggested by 'Sanremese Ciclismo' who co-organize the race with RCS that the finish should be somewhere near the former station (sea side).

RCS flatly refuses to get back to the Via Roma. Who are they kidding ???

Apparently, there are logistic reasons for that, no relations to complaints by merchants, as was formerly stated. So just because they can't place VIP tent or something, they destroy the history of the classic, like they have done with Lombardy ???

The interruption is now longer than the Corso Cavaloti "period" between 1987 & 1992. It's more than enough now.

Milan-Sanremo IS the Via Roma and the Via Roma IS Milan-Sanremo, period. :cool:



The Via Roma was perfect for attackers. Slight uphill declivity and wind-proof. There's no better finish for the Primavera. :)
Amazing that I already need to get to page 3 to bump my thread.

So I come back here because on VR they don't care much more.


An "insider" gives arguments in favour of a return of the Via Roma. :)

I tried Google Translate, the translation seems pretty "readable" as such:

"Dear Director,
as an 'insider' I would like to say my opinion about the hypothesis of a return of the arrival of Milan Sanremo Via Roma. I have worked and still work in the preparation of a technical part in the event. I can say that I have noticed many differences logistics working over the years in both locations for both insiders and for citizenship but especially for the many fans and tourists who come to town for the occasion. For brevity, I would like to list the reasons I found to be improvements with the adoption of the arrival on the waterfront.

Panorama: all the tourists who come for the first time near the arrival debut with a 'ohhh' that expresses astonishment and admiration for the place, there is also a lot more space for those who are not lucky enough to take advantage of a ticket tribute to the forums or do not have the possibility to buy it. I would add that the images that are transmitted abroad show very often people in summer clothing or almost, and I have to say that at this time it is not a frequent occurrence throughout Europe as a result an excellent advertisement for our Sanremo.

Roads: we all clear how many means in the eyes of the organization and how many people flock to the city within a quarter of an hour, well, there is room on the promenade in absolute security for all, the city, after the passage of race is immediately free of traffic, the staff of the Municipal Police runs an excellent exit the intersection of Piazza Cesare Battisti and do not form roadblocks in some cases dangerous, remember that last year with arrival on Via Roma was pedestrianized via Matteotti therefore alternatives to traffic ebbed dramatically, we think that an ambulance has to go ... unfortunately Sanremo does not have many alternatives!

Last but not least, the safety of those who work for the event: at the end of the event you have to dismantle everything. Well, on the seafront there is the possibility to work safely without having to rush to clear the way for the restoration of regular traffic that naturally must resume as soon as possible and you can clean up all in complete safety.

I believe that these arguments are to be evaluated carefully when making decisions in haste and invite all fans to follow even the work of setting up and dismantling of the event to see for themselves these statements of mine. Naturally entire organization will comply with the provisions that will be decided by the City, RAI and dal'organizzazione race even though, I'm sure, will prove to be pejorative.

Franco "

Here I need some help from Italophone because Google Trans. is too weird. But apparently a town councillor received several requests in order to bring back the Via Roma. If any Italian could summarize this article for me, I'd be grateful (& surprised).

L'assessore allo sport Eugenio Nocita torna a parlare della classicissima di primavera 'Milano-Sanremo' e lancia la sua proposta, ampiamente condivisa da associazioni, società sportive ed altro. La volontà dell'assessore allo sport è quella di tornare all'antico, ossia, l'arrivo della corsa di primavera in via Roma. "In questi ultimi giorni - ha detto l'assessore Eugenio Nocita -, ho ricevuto numerose sollecitazioni in merito al ripristino dell'arrivo in via Roma, nel cuore della città." Si parla anche di un possibile arrivo sulla pista ciclabile ma trattasi di una soluzione attualmente infelice che richiede dei lavori di adattamento abbastanza onerosi e Corso Cavallotti rimane un poco defilato dal centro. Così Nocita torna alla carica e propone l'arrivo in via Roma come una volta.

Ma un po' di tempo fa sul giornale Tuttobici, il direttore delle corse Rcs Mauro Vegni aveva detto in un'intervista: "Sarebbe bello tornare in corso Cavallotti, a 600 metri dalla fine della discesa del Poggio, ma non ci sono possibilità. Troppo difficile e complicato bloccare l’Aurelia per due giorni: non ce lo permetterebbero assolutamente."

Ma Nocita non si vuole dare per vinto, soprattutto per un fatto tecnico. L'arrivo sul lungomare Italo Calvino è sempre un po' problematico per motivi legati alla sicurezza, all'organizzazione del tracciato e all'ubicazione della regia mobile della Rai e quant'altro, mentre su via Roma sarebbe tutto più semplice. "Come amministratore comunale mi farò portavoce di questa volontà condivisa da buona parte della città, di ripristinare l'arrivo della 'Milano-Sanremo' in via Roma e pertanto molto presto incontrerò i responsabili di Rcs per discutere di questo."

di Andrea Di Blasio
Mar 26, 2009
The 2nd link basically says what you already mentioned; they would like to bring it back to via Roma cause it gives another "flavour" and the location is right in the middle of the city.
The town councillor said he will try his best to make it possible.
Yes, I know that the Corso Cavaloti was closer to the Poggio. I started watching the race in 1992 with the Corso.

But for the scenery, the fountain, the slightly uphill finish and the history, of course. It can't get better than the Via Roma, I think. :)

By the way, I've always thought the Via Roma was back in 1993 but definitely it was 1994. Thanks for that, my mistake.

Not surprising that nobody has ever corrected me, though.
fauniera said:
I disagree. Corso Cavallotti was the best finish, as it came directly after the Poggio. See here.

Via Roma of course would be much better than Lungomare Italo Calvino.

In the article in Italian is also mentioned that Corso Cavallotti is not suitable since they should close the Aurelia for two days...