Moose McKnuckles said:
Hey cancer-lovers, can we talk about the Italian raids instead of Lance?
The Rome conference was supposed to take place in St. Peter's Square. The plan was to wrap the collonades with yellow ribbon to create a giant Livestrong bracelet.
The original plan, before the Sarkozy bike, was to present a Trek to the heads of state of each European Country as a way of representing the global cancer community. Lance was going to present Pope Benedict with a custom, Dario Pegoretti-painted Madone.
Zomegnan totally blew it and now the Catholic Church is mad at him too and on Lance's side now. Italy has always tried to play down their capitulation with Nazis in World War II and now they have a German Pope who was a Hitler Youth siding with Lance.
Eki was ****ed that the donation to the Livestrong Foundation, previously pledged by Zomegnan, had been cut in half. Again, out of spite for Armstrong stepping up in his role as the grand Patron.