all the stuff you listed is not epo/blood as many said and wanted it to be.
And they weren't a clean team or honest/transparent as many said and wanted them to be, as evidenced by the fact that you are giving the laundry list of the grey areas they played in and the performance enhancing drugs they were taking. Even the likes of Rick James and Joachim were reduced to arguing that they weren't doing anything worse than anybody else in the bunch, which given the triumphalism of earlier days and their treatment of the likes of Contador and Nibali at the time, rendered them every bit as guilty of the hypocrisy that you quote in your signature as anybody they had spent the first few years of Sky's reign of terror poking fun at.
In a polarised debate, the truth lies in the middle somewhere. Funny how often that happens.
Also given how for much of their reign of terror the UCI was run by a guy who used to be part of the team's organisational structure, how obstructive the team were around any kind of investigation, how frequently we saw evidence of blatant and clear dishonesty from them, and how poorly they handled themselves when under investigations (zero medical records for three years with no backups anybody?), I have absolutely no faith whatsoever that what we know now is the totality of what was going on and cannot countenance why anybody would.
It may not have been EPO/blood or any old school obvious stuff, or motors or anything else similarly blatant that would bring the whole house of cards crashing down in an instant... but I still think there's plenty been going on in the péloton, whether inside or outside the grey areas, that we don't know yet. We haven't had a Thomas Frei in over a decade now. A bit of tramadol here and there and abuse of cortisone outside of competition does not explain the huge performance leaps that we've been seeing in the bunch in the last few years. Anti-doping progress has come to all but a screeching halt since 2009, but the speeds in the bunch have continued to increase. We've seen the UCI wrestle control of anti-doping away from independent testers, and lawyers manage to dismantle the efficacy of the biopassport in obtaining bans as well as manage to formulate acquittals based on some incredibly tenuous probabilities just by proving that they aren't necessarily
impossible. It is a
lot harder to believe that anti-doping is keeping up with the dopers now than it was 15 years ago, and consequently I find it extremely hard to believe that what we have been able to learn about doping in the 12 years since Thomas Frei's confessions is the totality of what is going on.
As an aside... you quote on Henao's acquittal. Do you believe Daryl Impey to be a clean rider following his controversial acquittal?