If people actually think about this, first ive seen it, how many pages from this thread has been moved though to another thread. You have pog vs vingegaard 2023 as a thread I see, you have pog goat thread, and more. El pistolero might have had alot of threads too idk so might be irrelevant.
Im only and more curious to know how popular was this forum during that period/era of active users? im curious since I dont know. eye ball me vs today and any particular reason it changed ? like change of site or anything major like that or why?
My guess is different times plays alot into it, theres more social platforms cycling is adressed now vs back then and forums in itself is more outdated? Idk just a guess. Maybe alot of new forums i dont know about vs back then? Just spitballing i have no idea. Time and place have something to do with it is my guess and that forum is not that relevant and only source of relevant option vs back then just imo but I dont know, I dont even know how popular the forum was back then, but curious to know.