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The Schlecks are gone

See ya, Bjarne.


May 28, 2010
Well this is hardly a major shock huh?

I wonder if we will now see an official announcment of Contador signig with Riis in the near future...
Jul 27, 2009
Even though I expected this, I'm still sad to see them go. I'm not really too sure why they needed to make their own team to be honest, Bjarne seemed to be going pretty well for them.
Jul 22, 2009
Publicus said:
You can't see it, but I am playing the tiniest violin. Riis will be just fine if he signs AC.
What makes you think signing a 5 time GC winner is such a great thing for a team manager?
scribe said:
What makes you think signing a 5 time GC winner is such a great thing for a team manager?

Good question. You should ask that that of all the people trying to sign Contador. Maybe they'll give you a good answer. Like maybe...increased sponsorship money? Visibility? Success? Nah. Can't be that obvious.
Jun 18, 2009
Moose McKnuckles said:
Good question. You should ask that that of all the people trying to sign Contador. Maybe they'll give you a good answer. Like maybe...increased sponsorship money? Visibility? Success? Nah. Can't be that obvious.

Sarcasm fail.
scribe said:
What makes you think signing a 5 time GC winner is such a great thing for a team manager?

LOL. Come on Scribbles, even YOU would acknowledge that from a team manager and sponsor stand point signing a 5-time GT winner who still hasn't reached his full potential is a bit of a coup. Right? This is where you much heralded ambivalence should kick-in... :p;)
scribe said:
What makes you think signing a 5 time GC winner is such a great thing for a team manager?

It isn't. It's hard out there for a team manager. What with all the 7 time GC winners all retired. I don't know how Riis will survive.

[pours out a little liquor for Riis]
Great news, now just to get rid of the other winger in the team Cancellara......Attack El Pistalero Attack...Doesn't surprise me that the Schlecks are starting their own Team.Nationalism is very popular these days amongst Teams...Thus The Aussies and Kiwi's wanting their own teams aswell.


Jun 8, 2010
hard to find much coverage on the details of the team Schlecks are setting up - any info on who is financial backer, ballpark budget, DS etc?
mastersracer said:
hard to find much coverage on the details of the team Schlecks are setting up - any info on who is financial backer, ballpark budget, DS etc?

Seconded. I feel like, since it has been public knowledge for some time, there should be a few more details floating about. (Or at least more than AC/Riis/Sunguard/Specialized, which has yet to be officially confirmed.)
May 11, 2009
mastersracer said:
hard to find much coverage on the details of the team Schlecks are setting up - any info on who is financial backer, ballpark budget, DS etc?

I have my doubts that a new team will be competitive in the TdF - apart from getting an invite they have to build up the team including all support services, train, and get race experience as a team. Skye did not do too good in the TdF this year. Unless of course they are rebranding an existing team and moving its HQ to Luxemberg.
avanti said:
I have my doubts that a new team will be competitive in the TdF - apart from getting an invite they have to build up the team including all support services, train, and get race experience as a team. Skye did not do too good in the TdF this year. Unless of course they are rebranding an existing team and moving its HQ to Luxemberg.

Both Schlecks will have a lot of points by the end of the season, especially if they perform well at the Vuelta. The team will likely be ranked in the top 17 teams, so getting an invite may not be a problem.
Jun 9, 2010
mastersracer said:
hard to find much coverage on the details of the team Schlecks are setting up - any info on who is financial backer, ballpark budget, DS etc?

Well... they're not gone, they just don't ride on Saxobank/ Sungard-Whatever anymore...
It's not like they've gone pfff!

As for what Riis should do now... honestly, I hope he isn't gonna bring in Contador. Simply because I agree with a person who during the Tour wrote that Riis' mission is taking great talents and turning them into GT-winners... not 5-time GT-winners and turning them into 6-time GT-winners...
RedheadDane said:
Well... they're not gone, they just don't ride on Saxobank/ Sungard-Whatever anymore...
It's not like they've gone pfff!

As for what Riis should do now... honestly, I hope he isn't gonna bring in Contador. Simply because I agree with a person who during the Tour wrote that Riis' mission is taking great talents and turning them into GT-winners... not 5-time GT-winners and turning them into 6-time GT-winners...

He can still have young riders in the team that can benefit from the addition of Alberto Contador. Andy and Frank Schleck were also riding for Saxobank when Carlos Sastre was the "captain". Just because Alberto Contador gets the current leader role doesn't mean that the talent production will be halted.
Aug 1, 2009
mastersracer said:
hard to find much coverage on the details of the team Schlecks are setting up - any info on who is financial backer, ballpark budget, DS etc?

According to Stephanie Surrugue of danish paper Politiken, a Flavio Becca is providing the money:


"Sin nye mæcen vil Brian Nygaard ikke udtale sig om, selv om TV2-sporten i denne uge er kommet i besiddelse af dokumenter, som i april måned er sendt blandt andre Fränk Schleck og den luxembourgske rigmand Flavio Becca, hvor det nye holds opbygning og sponsorater bliver diskuteret.

»Jeg blev kontaktet af en person, der er meget lidt offentlig, og som har defineret sin person på, at der er andre, der gør tingene i hans navn. Jeg brugte lang tid på at sætte mig ind i, hvem de mennesker var, og og det er ordentlige, dygtige og hæderlige folk, som jeg har et ubetinget godt indtryk af«.

Hvem er så Flavio Becca? Først og fremmest er han diskret. Han taler ikke med pressen og viser kun sjældent i offentligheden. Han ejer den store entreprenørvirksomhed T-comalux og adskillige mindre selskaber. Og så er den 46-årige finansmand den 28. mest indflydelsesrige person i fyrstedømmet ifølge den Top 100, som det luxembourgske medie- og finansmagasin PaperJam har udarbejdet.

»Flavio Becca er involveret i vores lands økonomi på mange niveauer«, siger den luxembourgske finansekspert Jean-Michel Goudron.
»Han udvikler ejendomsprojekter, investerer i byggeprojekter og finansierer fodboldholdet F91 Dudelange, som har vundet de nationale mesterskaber fem år i træk. Det lader til, at det er meget få store, nationale prestigeprojekter som skabes uden hans medvirken. Men det kan være svært at få et overblik over, for han helt utrolig diskret. Ofte opererer han gennem andre selskaber, uden at hans eget navn bliver nævnt. I den forstand svæver der et mysterium omkring ham«.

I don't have time to translate, but it says that he owns T-comalux and other compagnies, invests in and develop building projects and finances a football team F91 Dudelange. He is important in Luxembourg and he is discrete and does not want to be a public person.

Edit: DS will obviously be Kim Andersen
May 2, 2010
BroDeal said:
Both Schlecks will have a lot of points by the end of the season, especially if they perform well at the Vuelta. The team will likely be ranked in the top 17 teams, so getting an invite may not be a problem.

those points won't go to saxo's total?