A very successful year for the Czech CT team ATT Investments.
The article below gives quite a dry, statistical overview of it, but the important stats as I see it are:
• Finishing ahead of Elkov in the UCI rankings and the Czech Cup
• Ranked as the third best European CT team just behind the devo duo of Alpecin and Jumbo which should still guarantee an invite to every .2 race in the continent
• Lots of wins. Many more than previous years
A lot of that success is of course down to Otruba who deserves to go to a higher level, but that is still up in the air.
The article does get a bit more interesting towards the end when it talks about transfers (~50% of the work force will change) and they give some clues about the riders - three foreign nationalities (Slovak, Hungarian? and ????), a pure sprinter and some youngsters.
Boguslawski? Toupalik Jr? Sivok? A few of my guesses.
The article below gives quite a dry, statistical overview of it, but the important stats as I see it are:
• Finishing ahead of Elkov in the UCI rankings and the Czech Cup
• Ranked as the third best European CT team just behind the devo duo of Alpecin and Jumbo which should still guarantee an invite to every .2 race in the continent
• Lots of wins. Many more than previous years
A lot of that success is of course down to Otruba who deserves to go to a higher level, but that is still up in the air.
The article does get a bit more interesting towards the end when it talks about transfers (~50% of the work force will change) and they give some clues about the riders - three foreign nationalities (Slovak, Hungarian? and ????), a pure sprinter and some youngsters.
Boguslawski? Toupalik Jr? Sivok? A few of my guesses.

S jakými změnami vstoupí do nové sezóny ATT Investments, třetí nejúspěšnější evropský kontinentální tým? | RoadCycling.cz
ATT Investments se poprvé ve své historii stal nejúspěšnějším českým týmem. Jeho letošní vzestup byl tak masivní, že se podle zisku UCI bodů i počtu dosažených vítězství stal třetím nejúspěšnějším evropským kontinentálním týmem a Jakub Otruba druhým Evropanem! Pojďme si vedle sezónní bilance...