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The Sports Illustrated Article



Will it ever appear, whats in it, blah blah.. (figured we may as well talk about it somewhere, the other threads are all a bit general now).

Interesting sidenote. Armstrong was on Austin Radio yesterday morning, complaining that his knee wasnt any better and was causing him problems.

Now cast your mind back to last year, and the "inconvenient" crash at the Tour of California.

Jun 12, 2010
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Feb 14, 2010
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So much for having a dedicated Sports Illustrated thread :rolleyes: I saw the MSNBC version of that WikiLeaks story, and it said he doesn't intend to name names. He's just trying to get some changes made. And there was no athlete mentioned with the politicians, etc.

If the Sports Illustrated article does exist, hits this week and is a big enough deal to make things hot for Lance, that means the mag hits Thursday American time and he'd be likely to bail before the Friday stage? Is there a betting line for him finishing the race?
Aug 13, 2009
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Martin318is said:
Which affects Lance how? It states that he has details of around 2,000 clients. Are you saying that Lance is one, or merely that this type of behaviour may one day lead to someone else making Lance's details go public?

I do not think that this guy will name Lance, but it would be short sighted to think the Landis was the only guy Och introduced to Swiss banker so he could hide his income. Och managed Armstrong's money for years.

Back on the SI topic, would not be surprised to see some stuff in there about bags of cash....and not just Armstrong
May 20, 2010
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Race Radio said:
I do not think that this guy will name Lance, but it would be short sighted to think the Landis was the only guy Och introduced to Swiss banker so he could hide his income. Och managed Armstrong's money for years.

Back on the SI topic, would not be surprised to see some stuff in there about bags of cash....and not just Armstrong

Ahem. Ahem.
I'm strongly suspecting it's not anything we don't already know, or have speculated here. But it may be presented in a very coherent way for the masses, and that's what's important.

As to Rudolf Elmer, I hope he goes for it. I'm pretty much against what Wikileaks did with my own corrupt government docs - I already know my country is a plutocracy thank you, but as long as he doesn't have names, I'm okay with this.
TeamSkyFans said:
Will it ever appear, whats in it, blah blah.. (figured we may as well talk about it somewhere, the other threads are all a bit general now).

Interesting sidenote. Armstrong was on Austin Radio yesterday morning, complaining that his knee wasnt any better and was causing him problems.

Now cast your mind back to last year, and the "inconvenient" crash at the Tour of California.


Come on. He crashed and bloodied up his face. You're not really saying he did it on purpose are you?

Lack of concentration will do that to you, but I'd assume it was most inconvenient.

But yeah, let's talk about the SI article when it comes out! :D
Alpe d'Huez said:
I'm strongly suspecting it's not anything we don't already know, or have speculated here. But it may be presented in a very coherent way for the masses, and that's what's important.

Well, to be honest it's pretty hard to think of things we haven't speculated on here, so it could include anything, from him being a secret US government 'superman' experiment (with 'cancer' as the coverup) to him somehow making Andy Schleck drop his chain last year.

But yes, agreed that it would be a major deal for presenting the info to the uninformed.
Race Radio said:
...it would be short sighted to think the Landis was the only guy Och introduced to Swiss banker so he could hide his income. Och managed Armstrong's money for years..

You mean perhaps that's where this went?:

"I stand by what I said before. I can tell you that there is not one Kazakh penny in my bank account, I can promise you that."

heh heh.... ;)

Mar 26, 2010
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Alpe d'Huez said:
I'm strongly suspecting it's not anything we don't already know, or have speculated here. But it may be presented in a very coherent way for the masses, and that's what's important.
I think you're right. I'd bet the article contains nothing anyone here will find earth shattering, but for those who aren't obsessed with Uniballer's drug habits, it will be new information.


MD said:
It's hard to believe SI would not hold it until after the Super Bowl.

well theyve got one week to get it out before superbowl preview issue. Logic might be as well that whatever they are planning is not exclusive to them, and if they leave it another 4 weeks (this week, superbowl preview, superbowl review, week x) then they may miss the boat.
TeamSkyFans said:
well theyve got one week to get it out before superbowl preview issue. Logic might be as well that whatever they are planning is not exclusive to them, and if they leave it another 4 weeks (this week, superbowl preview, superbowl review, week x) then they may miss the boat.

After superbowl it's swimsuit edition! :)


Aug 17, 2009
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veganrob said:
Oh for goodness sake. This news would be so big they could put out a special edition. This would blow away the public. This is way bigger than the Super Bowl IMO.

Yup the Lance news is BIG, for about the 10 of us in the forum.
Jun 16, 2009
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flicker said:
Yup the Lance news is BIG, for about the 10 of us in the forum.

Well, either each of those 10 have viewed this thread 260 times each... or, that number has just been pulled out of somewhere unmentionable..... it certainly does stink....


Mar 11, 2009
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Martin318is said:
Well, either each of those 10 have viewed this thread 260 times each....

Yep, that actually sounds about right:)

This week is Lance's last International race as a Pro.
It would make sense, be timely, for SI to run the article this week.

Maybe part of the article will be a tribute too?
Maybe review all the times Lance made the cover? Cool!!
Gosh, hard for me to pick my favorite one...

If your contemplating fried fish, what did SI do on Bonds, McGuire, Clemmons et al, that are just as big sporting celebrities? My inclination is that they work in the same way that they did with these previous cases.

I believe they have two choices:
1. Expose everything they have their fingers on and risk being the bad guy attacking Lance.
2. Write some article that alludes to issues, but stands far from the line. After all cant let ESPN have the sole benefit of Armstrong stories for readership.

One last thing that could happen, is that SI knows that charges are going to drop, and their story releases to coincide with that occurrence. After all, with stage bonuses and all, we should know by now its all about making a buck.
PotentialPro said:
If your contemplating fried fish, what did SI do on Bonds, McGuire, Clemmons et al, that are just as big sporting celebrities? My inclination is that they work in the same way that they did with these previous cases.

I believe they have two choices:
1. Expose everything they have their fingers on and risk being the bad guy attacking Lance.
2. Write some article that alludes to issues, but stands far from the line. After all cant let ESPN have the sole benefit of Armstrong stories for readership.

One last thing that could happen, is that SI knows that charges are going to drop, and their story releases to coincide with that occurrence. After all, with stage bonuses and all, we should know by now its all about making a buck.

I think #2 is most likely. SI is really not the hard investigative type of magazine. Oh well. We just have to wait and see.