Rock up in the middle east with a Fosters or VB sponsorship and see how long it takes before you're escorted to the border. It's not 'just' a sponsor, it's an insult to an entire culture. You can ask for exemptions, but it's rare.
We've been asked to remove images of team members drinking champagne on podiums in other countries before, as it's such a disgrace in their homeland.
Regarding tobacco - it's banned in most places. There's a reason Marlboro was paying Ferrari $120 million a year and only getting eight white boxes in return. Sadly, that's also a reflection on how strong the brand association was at that time - they didn't need to display their name for everyone to know what it was.
Erm, do you know what you're talking about? Smokes cause cancer, Amgen's business (some of it at least) is ridding cancer. Pretty big difference in social acceptance there.
Yes, but if sporting federations were THAT socially concerned about the impacts of gambling, they would move to prevent companies from betting on their sport as well as banning those types of sponsorships. However instead many of them partner up and licence official betting partners. I don't know the stats, some will argue with me, but I'm confident the social and real costs of smoking is somewhat greater than that of gambling - but that's not to say the latter isn't an issue.
Greg Johnson