It's coming:
This year the build-up the Tour de France, which begins on 3 July, has been shrouded in controversy; something that cycling fans have become accustomed to for far too long.
The debates and accusations that have surfaced throughout the earlier parts of the year have ranged from the ridiculous to one matter of a particularly destructive nature.
It has left cycling fans apprehensive and uncertain over the authenticity of its sport and its most celebrated riders.
The pending damage of accusations made by Floyd Landis towards Lance Armstrong and his former US Postal team colleagues back in April have tipped the balance regarding Armstrong’s integrity.
Edited by mod, thanks to TeamSkyFan for the link
This year the build-up the Tour de France, which begins on 3 July, has been shrouded in controversy; something that cycling fans have become accustomed to for far too long.
The debates and accusations that have surfaced throughout the earlier parts of the year have ranged from the ridiculous to one matter of a particularly destructive nature.
It has left cycling fans apprehensive and uncertain over the authenticity of its sport and its most celebrated riders.
The pending damage of accusations made by Floyd Landis towards Lance Armstrong and his former US Postal team colleagues back in April have tipped the balance regarding Armstrong’s integrity.
Edited by mod, thanks to TeamSkyFan for the link