a friend raised a good point: wouldn't it be good if Barry 'fessed up to everything...that would definitely get things rolling.
Likely to happen?
For my part, general good opinion of Dave Brailsford and the SKY team, and after DB's comments about "procedure" with regards to MB's involvement - if anyone's going to have to call it quits on the Omerta and give the game away, it's probably him right?
And if MB comes out stating it's all a lie, with DB's backing, can we believe him?
Likely to happen?
For my part, general good opinion of Dave Brailsford and the SKY team, and after DB's comments about "procedure" with regards to MB's involvement - if anyone's going to have to call it quits on the Omerta and give the game away, it's probably him right?
And if MB comes out stating it's all a lie, with DB's backing, can we believe him?