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Teams & Riders Lennert Van Eetvelt

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2y extra shouldn't hurt him. He can do his thing and already ride the Tour (which would be hard in a top team). Yes IF he keeps progressing and shows he can actually aim for a top 3 or so in a GT Lotto simply doesn't have the money to support him. Mainly because they can't pay for GT standard doms for him and their TT setup will probably never be on par with that of UAE for example. But as long as he isn't at that level your team doesn't have to carry the race. It's not like he's gonna be in a leader jersey after a TT like Remco.

We still have to see if he can ever get to that level (I have some doubts), for now going to one of the superteams would just mean getting some chances in races like UAE Tour, but probably be a domestique in a lot of the big races. Or it has to be Trek or Ineos maybe.

Anyways, Lotto was close to extending him. There have been talks for a few months now. No agreement yet, but it was going in the right direction. But that was before UAE Tour ofcourse, he will be able to ask for more money now and he will be getting better offers.

His own words about it tho:
"I'm not really thinking about it. I'm super happy at the team right now, I get a lot of chances. So for me this can take a while longer" (last sentence is a literal translation, he basically is saying he's fine with staying for now).

Anyways we'll see. I've always said it. If you're a actual GC prospect with GT ambitions I understand why you would leave a team like Lotto (even tho I don't think it's good for the sport at all), it's a completely different story to De Lie, Vermeersch or Van Gils (who hasn''t made up his mind).

EDIT: for the Dutch speaking people:

Here is the podcast where Lennert himself, his team manager Van de Wouwer and also José De Cauwer talk about his UAE win. With the last 1'30 or so about his expriring contract.
It's good for Lotto that his GT this year will be Vuelta. By the time this starts most riders will already have negotiated a new contract, which means that bigger teams might not dare to take the risk on him without knowing how he would perform in a 3-week race.
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I wouldn't mention it either cause there's no reason to, but it's not like they're saying they're going for a podium or a top 5 or something quite outrageous. Steff Cras came in 11th last year, Rodriguez 12th. in the end there's like 12 riders going for a GC. I see it more as we go for a GC to see where it gets him. If it's a top 10, great, if it isn't no worries.

That being said, he really shouldn't just go for GC. He's still in the position that top riders won't really look at him in a GT (unless he really surprises people in a stage race like Catalunya or Suisse). He can just chill in flat stages (who cares if he loses 30s somewhere, no reason to stress over it), do his best in MTFs AND still have some fun in breaks. Absolutely no reason to just follow the big ones to then come in 9th or 10th but have no close result in the end. Like you already have to come close to a top 5 to make that worth something imo.

But I do agree that he also shouldn't just go for stage wins. If he aims to be a GC rider he should at least try to see where it gets him. If he cracks in the 3rd week no one would care, it would be a normal thing even if he's also tries to go in breaks for stage win.
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I wouldn't mention it either cause there's no reason to, but it's not like they're saying they're going for a podium or a top 5 or something quite outrageous. Steff Cras came in 11th last year, Rodriguez 12th. in the end there's like 12 riders going for a GC. I see it more as we go for a GC to see where it gets him. If it's a top 10, great, if it isn't no worries.

That being said, he really shouldn't just go for GC. He's still in the position that top riders won't really look at him in a GT (unless he really surprises people in a stage race like Catalunya or Suisse). He can just chill in flat stages (who cares if he loses 30s somewhere, no reason to stress over it), do his best in MTFs AND still have some fun in breaks. Absolutely no reason to just follow the big ones to then come in 9th or 10th but have no close result in the end. Like you already have to come close to a top 5 to make that worth something imo.

But I do agree that he also shouldn't just go for stage wins. If he aims to be a GC rider he should at least try to see where it gets him. If he cracks in the 3rd week no one would care, it would be a normal thing even if he's also tries to go in breaks for stage win.
If you assume he won't be able to hang with the big boys for three weeks, he can just take it as far as possible, see where it gets him, and as soon as he loses time, he will get more freedom to go for stagewins etc. If you assume he can follow the big boys, then there is also no reason to hold back. So i don't understand why you wouldn't just let him go for it and see. If he can't follow, no problem, use the freedom that comes with the territory. If he can, even better.
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I only read the interview with Van de Wouwer, who said GC ambitions. Which is indeed a top 10, but I find that still a knife to the throat for someone who still has to proof that he is able to ride at that level for 3 weeks.

Also tactically I don't understand why you would proclaim this beforehand.
Well, it wasn't a "top 10, or else!" statement. I think it was meant more as "we believe in you". Considering they want to renew his contract, i can see why they want him to feel like the team has his back
Well, it wasn't a "top 10, or else!" statement. I think it was meant more as "we believe in you". Considering they want to renew his contract, i can see why they want him to feel like the team has his back
Indeed, for the team it makes sense. I’m still not sure if this was the best thing for the rider. Also, but that’s maybe the sceptic in me, his performance was in the UAE tour. Let’s wait for stage 2-3 of Catalunya and Tour de Suisse before assuming he’s able to ride top 10 in a GT.
Indeed, for the team it makes sense. I’m still not sure if this was the best thing for the rider. Also, but that’s maybe the sceptic in me, his performance was in the UAE tour. Let’s wait for stage 2-3 of Catalunya and Tour de Suisse before assuming he’s able to ride top 10 in a GT.

I think it's over-protective to always pretend that riders don't ride GC.

"Oh Jonas? No, no, he only kept close so he could give Primoz his bike if he needed one" (on the final kilometre of a hilly finish). Please.

As soon as the rider doesn't skip time on purpose it's evident what the plan is, so I don't see what the harm is in saying it beforehand.
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Sadly still having problems with his knee. Did a few short rides the last few days but can't do more. There needs to be improvement soon or he'll be also missing the classics and Romandie, which is a huge bummer for the team and ofcourse him who would be missing those races 2 years in a row.

They think the knee pain was caused by him riding on a crooked saddle for a while during Strade Bianche, but they don't know for sure.

Btw, is it just me or are there more rider than normal having knee problems lately?
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I have no good idea about what the baseline is. Riders also vary a lot in what they tell publicly about injuries.

Yes about the 2nd part, definitely about knee injuries. For example Kron started his season late because of a training accident (concussion as a result) supposedly, but I also know he had never communicated knee problems this winter (meaning he was gonna start pretty late anyways).

It's probably just coincidence. I just see a lot of knee injuries lately. Van Eetvelt, Powless, Garcia Pierna, Groves, Louvel, Martinez, ... Last year I remember Vine, Bettiol, Bernal, Capiot, ... Maybe rider just take a break quicker when they have a little kneep pain.
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Yes about the 2nd part, definitely about knee injuries. For example Kron started his season late because of a training accident (concussion as a result) supposedly, but I also know he had never communicated knee problems this winter (meaning he was gonna start pretty late anyways).

It's probably just coincidence. I just see a lot of knee injuries lately. Van Eetvelt, Powless, Garcia Pierna, Groves, Louvel, Martinez, ... Last year I remember Vine, Bettiol, Bernal, Capiot, ... Maybe rider just take a break quicker when they have a little kneep pain.
Tobias Johannessen and Archie Ryan too.
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Still no positive progression regarding his knee issue. Went in for a new check up with a specialist and they decided he needs surgery. Not good ofcourse. Planned on Monday. He said he still wants to be fit for Suisse, but don't be surprised if we don't see him till the last part of the season sadly.
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He started training again after his surgery. He's been pain free for a few days now, but he needs to build up slowly. He still wants to ride Tour de Suisse, but he probably won't make that. And even if he does, he won't have any form. Tour de Slovaquie and Sibiu Tour will highly likely be his return to competition. It's sad that he's missed that much after his impressive start of the season, but at least it looks like he will be able to be top fit again for the Vuelta.
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He started training again after his surgery. He's been pain free for a few days now, but he needs to build up slowly. He still wants to make Tour de Suisse, but he probably won't make that. And even if he does, he won't have any form. Tour de Slovaquie and Sibiu Tour will highly likely be his return to competition. It's sad that he's missed that much after his impressive start of the season, but at least it looks like he will be able to be top fit again for the Vuelta.
TDS seems silly if he has only just started training again.
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Time to make a note in your diary -
After an energetic debut of the season, including overall victory in the UAE Tour, things went wrong for Lennert Van Eetvelt for medical reasons. Knee problems have kept him out of competition since March. "Lennert is doing better, but his originally planned return to the Tour de Suisse comes too soon," said sports manager Kurt Van de Wouwer. "The knee problem has to be completely solved before we let him return to competition. We are now aiming for the Sibiu Tour (6 to 9 July, ed.) where he won a stage last year."
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Just to be clear. It's a bit of a weird quote from Van de Wouwer, it makes it seem like he's still having pain. He is not. He has been pain free for about 20 days, but he's still slowly increasing the training intensitiy (he has done more than 5h for the first time yesterday), so Tour de Suisse is coming too early (as expected). So as long as he's knee is holding the next weeks he will indeed be back in Sibiu (possibly Slovaquie already, not decided yet).
Just to be clear. It's a bit of a weird quote from Van de Wouwer, it makes it seem like he's still having pain. He is not. He has been pain free for about 20 days, but he's still slowly increasing the training intensitiy (he has done more than 5h for the first time yesterday), so Tour de Suisse is coming too early (as expected). So as long as he's knee is holding the next weeks he will indeed be back in Sibiu (possibly Slovaquie already, not decided yet).
I honestly don't understand they actually considered TDS to begin with, given the situation weeks ago.
THEY didn't, HE did.

TDS was a big goal for him, he had already missed a lot, of course he was still hoping on making that even tho it was basically mission impossible.
Ok, don't get your knickers in a twist. The team obviously is in contact with him and should have made it clear that was a terrible idea. Even more if it was a big goal, because then he'd have gone with expectations and put pressure on himself.
Ok, don't get your knickers in a twist. The team obviously is in contact with him and should have made it clear that was a terrible idea. Even more if it was a big goal, because then he'd have gone with expectations and put pressure on himself.

You're whining about absolutely nothing. I asked him a few weeks ago when he thought there was a possibility to be fit enough given he's always in form really quickly in the winter, that's it. You're making a thing out of nothing. The team never put a date on his return.