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Coronavirus: How dangerous a threat?

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Find out why the vaccines are not getting into arms, or task someone to do so. Find the bottlenecks and improve the delivery. Use the DPA to make more of the raw materials to make more vaccine which is a reason why the manufacturing has also been below expectations.

One for sure bottleneck is the tiered system...."ok, any more front line workers? Anyone? Going once..."

Vaccinate everybody who wants one. Stop playing PC Equity games. Gottlieb has it right, every single shot in the arm is a "win."

Making more vaccine right now is pointless. We can't use what little we already have out of some sort of political correctness. Insane? You bet it is.
The scary thing is that the testing wasn't that high considering the caseload. The percent positive was near 15%.

One for sure bottleneck is the tiered system...."ok, any more front line workers? Anyone? Going once..."

Vaccinate everybody who wants one. Stop playing PC Equity games. Gottlieb has it right, every single shot in the arm is a "win."

Making more vaccine right now is pointless. We can't use what little we already have out of some sort of political correctness. Insane? You bet it is.
I think some of the doses are being held back to make sure second doses are available, so the amount distributed contributes to this. Also shows why we need the J&J vaccine.
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One positive outcome of the current riots in D.C. is that members of Congress who have previously been against wearing masks are now embracing them--gas masks, that is. Hope their freedom isn't infringed too much. But riots tend to infringe on some people's freedom.

i could in fact cite some studies that gas masks may be causing more problems than they address:

Stop infringing our freedoms by mandating gas masks inside the Capitol!
You should demand an emergency commission to look into these allegations!
Upthread, I pointed out that masks are likely to increase crime, because they make it possible to hide your identity without being suspicious. A lot of those protesters who broke into the Capitol Building are going to get prosecuted, because they were either too stupid, or too full of phony pride, to wear masks. Many of them were caught on tape, and will be sitting ducks, like that guy who broke into Pelosi’s office, and the one who stood at the podium where they had been counting electoral votes until the break-in. And they won’t be faced with breaking and entering, like some of those protesters this summer who looted stores. They could get charged with treason or sedition, and put away for a very long time. All of which they might have avoided if they were wearing masks.

In any case, gas masks should become the new rage. I’m thinking of starting a business manufacturing them. The right kind should protect you from the coronavirus, which we know is everywhere these days, and tear gas, which you’re sure to encounter the next time a riot is held at a place near where you live. Why only be half safe, when you can get full protection?

But if you want to be REALLY safe, I recommend a SCUBA tank, so you can avoid breathing air in any local environment. They are kind of heavy, so you might not want to bike up steep hills with one, but they could be great for flat stretches, though you might not want to use one in a sanctioned race, where you might run afoul of anti-doping regulations.

Speaking of masks, I don’t know why it took me so long to realize this, but they should block transmission of the virus regardless of how it happens. One of the arguments for not wearing them, early in the pandemic, was that transmission was thought to occur largely by touching contaminated surfaces. That does not seem to be a major factor, but even if it were, masks would still be very useful. The only way the virus gets on a surface in the first place is from being emitted from the mouth or the nose, either by breathing, coughing or other method of exhaling hair, or touching those body parts with your hands. In either case, a mask should greatly reduce transmission.

A corollary of this is if most people are wearing masks, in public, there should be very little virus present on surfaces that they don’’t touch with their hands, such as floors. Most people remove their shoes when they enter their homes now, which is probably a good idea, anyway, but I’m thinking it's very unlikely that the soles of your shoes will be contaminated with virus.
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If you had to get personal or historic about Covid down to the day,let's say..on the day of someone's death a certain milestone..like yesterday 4000+ people died and the people in charge of the fight against the virus took a day off. So what did they do instead of battling the Corona virus? What was more important than ironing out problems in getting vaccines into the arms of at risk Americans? If you asked that question on January, 6th 2021, instead of virus abaitmente..the people tasked with fighting Covid instead inspired people to attack the DC police,vandalize the White House and cause death and mayhem, afterwards saying " we love you " for the death and destruction.
this has been repeated in a sick groundhog day, over and over and over. Were one day fighting the virus takes a backseat to giving the Medal of Freedom..an award that was presented to Neil Armstrong,Jackie Robinson and Buzz Aldrin..now the award winners include Rush Limbaugh and Devin Nunez in part for their support of Trump saying that the virus is fake.
So some family will look back and say what was more important than fighting to save the life of my loved one that day? Maybe pardons for porn movie makers, like Charlie Kushner..or maybe Covid issues were less important that day than golf..maybe the virus fight needed to wait in line while pardoning Duncan Hunter Jr..because you would not want him in jail for minor offenses like sending his pet rabbit on coast to coast flights using taxpayers money..or using prepaid credit cards intended for disabled veterans for hotels,food and booze and sex rendezvous with campaign staffers..
It is really really hard to understand what is and is not important in the Covid 19 war..yesterday..these last months are clearly a time of shame and embarrassment for America and Americans.
And in states..rationing of care..EMT's and ambulance staff making decisions in the street about what Corona virus patients live or die..while our President gets a time out mandated by Twitter..truly mind blowing
So when you see today's deaths, vaccine distribution snafus ..what was more important than fixing it?
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I'm curious to see the results for the J&J 1 dose trial.
The expectation is still that it will hit the threshold to unblind the results this month with an EUA approval next month. I think one way that you can speed up vaccination while maintaining some semblance of fairness is keeping the tier system for the mRNA vaccines while being a little more first come first serve for the J&J one. Open up a football stadium and just jab people as soon as they drive through. No need to keep reserves for a second dose, so just use it all as it arrives as quickly as you can. Also, go to hard hit communities with mobile hospitals in churches and vaccinate everyone who walks up there too.
Upthread, I pointed out that masks are likely to increase crime, because they make it possible to hide your identity without being suspicious. A lot of those protesters who broke into the Capitol Building are going to get prosecuted, because they were either too stupid, or too full of phony pride, to wear masks. Many of them were caught on tape, and will be sitting ducks, like that guy who broke into Pelosi’s office, and the one who stood at the podium where they had been counting electoral votes until the break-in. And they won’t be faced with breaking and entering, like some of those protesters this summer who looted stores. They could get charged with treason or sedition, and put away for a very long time. All of which they might have avoided if they were wearing masks.

In any case, gas masks should become the new rage. I’m thinking of starting a business manufacturing them. The right kind should protect you from the coronavirus, which we know is everywhere these days, and tear gas, which you’re sure to encounter the next time a riot is held at a place near where you live. Why only be half safe, when you can get full protection?

But if you want to be REALLY safe, I recommend a SCUBA tank, so you can avoid breathing air in any local environment. They are kind of heavy, so you might not want to bike up steep hills with one, but they could be great for flat stretches, though you might not want to use one in a sanctioned race, where you might run afoul of anti-doping regulations.

Speaking of masks, I don’t know why it took me so long to realize this, but they should block transmission of the virus regardless of how it happens. One of the arguments for not wearing them, early in the pandemic, was that transmission was thought to occur largely by touching contaminated surfaces. That does not seem to be a major factor, but even if it were, masks would still be very useful. The only way the virus gets on a surface in the first place is from being emitted from the mouth or the nose, either by breathing, coughing or other method of exhaling hair, or touching those body parts with your hands. In either case, a mask should greatly reduce transmission.

A corollary of this is if most people are wearing masks, in public, there should be very little virus present on surfaces that they don’’t touch with their hands, such as floors. Most people remove their shoes when they enter their homes now, which is probably a good idea, anyway, but I’m thinking it's very unlikely that the soles of your shoes will be contaminated with virus.
The terrorist who was in the chamber is Josiah Colt from the Idaho freedom foundation He is plastered all over social media (including his own video),and will be easy to prosecute, but he will no doubt be in hiding with his terrorist friends like Ammon Bundy funded by Wayne Hoffman. They aren't smart enough to wear masks for C-19 or concealment.

I have long ranted about how masks keep droplets out of the environment (out of the air we breath and off of the things we touch).

I don't wear my shoes in the house anyway, but if you think about it, what are the odds of C-19 getting from the bottom of your shoes into your lungs (viable and in enough quantity)?
One positive outcome of the current riots in D.C. is that members of Congress who have previously been against wearing masks are now embracing them--gas masks, that is. Hope their freedom isn't infringed too much. But riots tend to infringe on some people's freedom.

Yes. riots! Evidently there were not enough buildings burned, stores looted, and businesses destroyed to call it a "peaceful protest."
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Just got an email about the vaccinations offered by my employer. They are requesting volunteers to administer the vaccine, which will be given strictly on a priority basis. Initially, it is people who have medical training. But, they mention that they will eventually expand and start training people who don't have past experience to vaccinate people. I only have used needles on animals, so I doubt they will let me do it with the first group. The carrot they are dangling is that people who sign up get to jump the line and get the vaccine first.

It does strike me that there needs to be more money attached to vaccination efforts. I think that is a bottleneck that can surely be improved upon.
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the level of hypocrisy witnessed last night and today has been a true milestone.

It really has. Just compare the police and NG response last night to that for any BLM protest, or for Trump's phony Bible outside the church stunt. Or the proportion of BLM protesters who supported looting of stores and burning of buildings with the proportion of last night's protesters who supported breaching the Capitol.

How many police officers had selfies taken with BLM protesters? How many members of Congress voted for a resolution that encouraged BLM protesters breaking and entering into stores? What publicly elected official encouraged the BLM protesters to act violently?
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The expectation is still that it will hit the threshold to unblind the results this month with an EUA approval next month. I think one way that you can speed up vaccination while maintaining some semblance of fairness is keeping the tier system for the mRNA vaccines while being a little more first come first serve for the J&J one. Open up a football stadium and just jab people as soon as they drive through. No need to keep reserves for a second dose, so just use it all as it arrives as quickly as you can. Also, go to hard hit communities with mobile hospitals in churches and vaccinate everyone who walks up there too.

I also suspect the J&J one could be used for people who have ban reactions to vaccines and are being recommended to not get the Pfizer ones specifically, but also may not be advised to get the Moderna one either.

I've heard they are hopeful to release information sometime mid January. Once they have all the paperwork together apply for EUA with both the FDA and Europe. The huge parking lots so many sports arenas have would be great for mass vaccinations, especially for the J&J 1 dose one. I would still hope you get a card saying you've had the vaccine. If the 2 dose trial proves it's even more effective (2 months apart for that), it's likely you would be able to get a 2nd dose if you want it later as a booster. The 1 dose trial if it shows it works well would be a big game changer. I agree to keep the mRNA vaccines for the front line responders and put the J&J out for whoever wants it on first come first serve basis. Also should make that one easier for the big pharmacies (CVS, Wallgreens, etc) to distribute it as well.
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Just got an email about the vaccinations offered by my employer. They are requesting volunteers to administer the vaccine, which will be given strictly on a priority basis. Initially, it is people who have medical training. But, they mention that they will eventually expand and start training people who don't have past experience to vaccinate people. I only have used needles on animals, so I doubt they will let me do it with the first group. The carrot they are dangling is that people who sign up get to jump the line and get the vaccine first.

It does strike me that there needs to be more money attached to vaccination efforts. I think that is a bottleneck that can surely be improved upon.
About 10 years ago my company asked for volunteers to learn how to administer epi pens. Since I am a designated CPR person and have actually administered epi pens I gladly did. If they do the same as your company I will get to give shots now too!
So, while we in Belgium were only allowed to see 1 person outside of our household during the holidays, the rules were much less stringent in other places in Europe. Many workers (>10 %) that went back to their family in central and eastern Europe now return testing positive. There, the infection rate is much higher than in Belgium and they were allowed to mingle with other households. This is extremely frustrating. These people needed to go into quarantine when coming back, so hopefully they indeed adhered to this, but I am worried - also because this is a source of import of covid variants.
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