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101.9 degrees @ 6:30p



redtreviso said:
101.9 degrees @ 6:30p jeez ...I am sure it will be pleasant at 7:15 when I try to get an hour ride in..

Probably Global Warming.
Mar 10, 2009
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72 degrees F at 18:28hrs.

Played 18 holes this morning, off for a brisk 25 mile bike ride tonight.

Sometimes life is very good :p
Aug 4, 2009
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Only mad dogs and englishmen. Try 48c with hot wind at 80 knots that is what we had to go out dressed in heavy wool fire suits on Black Saturday.

Personaly I prefer to go out in the evening when the sea brez kicks in.
could try the wind trainer in the swimming pool.

The best advice is dont do it sit in front of a air con with a cold beer and make up for it later.

If you train in that wather it takes a lot longer to recover.
Jul 23, 2010
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krebs303 said:
High 75° F | 24° C
Low 59° F| 15° C
Humidity: 79%
Wind: 8.0 mph / 12.9 km/h / 3.6 m/s from the WNW
very pleasant


Damn, our humidity is near 90%, and when its not raining, its 100 degrees.
Jul 6, 2009
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socal has had the best summer so far in 10+years utterly perfect 75 to 85 moderate humidity. angeles crest highway is still closed though.
Jul 25, 2010
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Thats what we've had all summer in coastal Georgia. 90s every day and 100 lately, 90+% humidity, little to no breeze, heat indexes 105-115. It was 79 when I left the house to ride this morning and now at just after 10:00AM its 86 already
Aug 29, 2009
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outrage9 said:
Thats what we've had all summer in coastal Georgia. 90s every day and 100 lately, 90+% humidity, little to no breeze, heat indexes 105-115. It was 79 when I left the house to ride this morning and now at just after 10:00AM its 86 already

And according to Daughter in Charlotte, NC same there.
100*F+ for the last 3 weeks here in Yamato, Japan and same in homebase London, Ontario, Canada.
Report from my sister in Holland it finally cooled down a bit, but they also had the 30s when the Tour was doing Northern France @ 30+.
I guess you better get used to it unless you want to move to Greenland or so!
Been riding here (Yamato) regularly, but 2 bottles and a bit shorter rides.
May 23, 2010
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Suppose to be 106 today ,,Dallas/Ft Worth.. 75 now though..Amazing how much more miserable 106 is than 100. I'm going to ride a little this morning and call it a day.
Jul 25, 2010
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Hoekstyn said:
And according to Daughter in Charlotte, NC same there.
100*F+ for the last 3 weeks here in Yamato, Japan and same in homebase London, Ontario, Canada.
Report from my sister in Holland it finally cooled down a bit, but they also had the 30s when the Tour was doing Northern France @ 30+.
I guess you better get used to it unless you want to move to Greenland or so!
Been riding here (Yamato) regularly, but 2 bottles and a bit shorter rides.

What really sucks about it is we had an unusually cold winter here as well, for the SE USA. So we went from record cold in Jan-Feb to record heat in summer. Typically June is more mild than July and August but June was pretty brutal, around the 4th of July it actually cooled off some, we even broke a record low on July 2nd in the 60s, and now we're back to 99+ deg, 99%humidity. Crazy weather year in the US.
Jul 12, 2009
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I can adapt to the heat up to a point, especially if the temp stays steady for a few weeks. Now when it gets over 95F is when people need to be careful.

An observation; here, on 90 or even 100F days, some of the guys go balls out, and then there are the guys that hang on by a thread. They hammer the whole ride. Here's the thing. You don't see these guys a day or 2 later. When they do show up, it's always "oh man, I was totally fried!" The people that let them go on those exceptionally hot day/s always seems to fare far better.

It's a shame that history repeats itself.
Oct 26, 2009
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redtreviso said:
Suppose to be 106 today ,,Dallas/Ft Worth.. 75 now though..Amazing how much more miserable 106 is than 100. I'm going to ride a little this morning and call it a day.

That's the way to do it. I start at 6:45AM and get in a quick 20 miler or so. It's just too hot go try to go after work.

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