you test in cologne and you are a doper. same urine in paris or turkey and you walk.
Yes, it would be nice to have the same level of detection everywhere. But maybe financial conditions make that difficult, not all labs can afford the latest in technology. To put it in perspective, it’s something like a speeder being caught on one highway because there is a cop and a radar gun at that place, while another speeder doesn’t get caught on another road where there is no cop. I’m very willing to believe riders other than Bert might have tested positive if their samples had gone to Germany, and this is something that needs to be addressed (if CB use is common, there seems to be a lot of disagreement about that). But that fact doesn’t absolve Bert.
IOW, the problem--so far--is there may be a lot of false negatives--hardly something new in the doping world--not false positives. IIRC, Catlin's LA lab uses a different standard for the isotope T test than the French lab used for Landis. So uneven standards are not confined to CB, though probably this is the worst example. In practice, what it means is that the lab that analyzes your samples determines how many days after you stop taking CB you can still be detected.
you have a dinner on the same day in the same restaurant (nielsen vs colo) and one is an accursed doper and another a free man.
Definitely there was unfairness here, but Colo was technically not treated as a doper. He was treated as someone who got careless. He got the 1 year penalty for no significant fault, which could only be given if CONI bought his story that he ate contaminated meat. The unfairness is treating two virtually identical cases as no fault in one case and no significant fault in the other (as Mas post alludes to).
you go race and the dope collectors test you but not your mates who ate with you at the same table - you are a doper and they are not because it's apparently there is a rule (i failed to find in wada code) that you have to eat with your mates but they don't have to test them....
They are not tested, obviously, because they did not finish in some position that WADA rules specify being tested. I don’t think anyone had a notion of getting everyone at the dinner table tested until it was realized that none of Bert’s teammates could serve to back up his story.
I know the analogy isn't perfect, but it seems to me that WADA is in a difficult position when it essentially does not prosecute cases where there is a KNOWN hazard that they have WARNED athletes about.
I think this is a good point. At some point, WADA has to say, it’s not safe to eat meat in this country, if you test positive and make that excuse, you will get one year for no significant fault. But we are in a transition period, where rules are in flux, and inconsistencies are inevitable.
contador's team never claimed they know exactly where the meat came from. they even at one point entertained the possibility that the meat could have been imported. their submittable to rfec certainly did not exclude the possibility of the foregn origin of the meat.
As has been discussed “to death” here before, foreign meat imported into Spain is subjected to the same inspection criteria as domestic meat. So the domestic/foreign distinction doesn’t change the situation.
it seems some wada politicians are either
-blockheads or
-blind or simply
-don't know how to read...
Ah, now, we shouldn’t criticize people who have more information than we do. It makes us look like pseudo-politicians. Better to let WADA in its wisdom sort all this out.
But since we all do carp here, I'll say that while I agreed with the WADA decision not to establish a threshold, at least not this time around, I think they should have made a stronger statement acknowledging the problem in certain countries. In line with what that other poster said, they could have warned athletes either to avoid eating meat in those places, or at least to take precautions that would allow them to validate their claim of contaminated meat. I don't think this is a permanent solution to the problem, but a quick-fix that would at least help.