In Ed Burke's (ed) 1996 book ( may he RIP), High-Tech cycling, ISBN 0-87322-535-X, Human Kinetics, author Chester R. Kyle writes in the first chapter on "Selecting Cycling Equipment", on page 2, under the heading "Human Power" :
In 1975 at a Sporthochschule in Cologne, Germany, professional cyclist Eddy Merckx produced over 0.6 horsepower for 1hr (455 Watts) on a cycling ergometer
Over the years, every now and then, I have tried to find out more about that outstanding pre-EPO-HGH,etc performance. Without any success.
So, I would like to know if somebody knows any details.
As far as wikipedia knows, Merckx weighed 73 kg in his prime.
That means 6,23 watts/kg for 1hr. in the most dismal conditions : how do you keep reasonably cool at such effort level on a stationnery bike? Did he have a jet engine blowing cool air over him? You can only guess that he could have produced considerably more power if kept reasonably cool.
As it is, 455 watts is approximately what a 73 kg cyclist needs to produce to get himself , his 7kg bike and shoes, cloth, etc to the top of Ventoux in 60 minutes or so. And without cooling yet?
So, I would like to learn more about that outstanding performance, Eddy Merckx never replied to my letter.
BTW : he presumably did it, that hour of torture, only in the interest of science, there was no reward to be obtained.
In 1975 at a Sporthochschule in Cologne, Germany, professional cyclist Eddy Merckx produced over 0.6 horsepower for 1hr (455 Watts) on a cycling ergometer
Over the years, every now and then, I have tried to find out more about that outstanding pre-EPO-HGH,etc performance. Without any success.
So, I would like to know if somebody knows any details.
As far as wikipedia knows, Merckx weighed 73 kg in his prime.
That means 6,23 watts/kg for 1hr. in the most dismal conditions : how do you keep reasonably cool at such effort level on a stationnery bike? Did he have a jet engine blowing cool air over him? You can only guess that he could have produced considerably more power if kept reasonably cool.
As it is, 455 watts is approximately what a 73 kg cyclist needs to produce to get himself , his 7kg bike and shoes, cloth, etc to the top of Ventoux in 60 minutes or so. And without cooling yet?
So, I would like to learn more about that outstanding performance, Eddy Merckx never replied to my letter.
BTW : he presumably did it, that hour of torture, only in the interest of science, there was no reward to be obtained.