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A suggestion

Mar 11, 2009
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In the Road, MTB, Cyclo-Cross and Track forums, does it maybe make sense to have an 'official' pinned discussion thread for any ongoing race? It would keep things tidy, and also help those who can't follow races during the day and like to watch highlight shows or replays without knowing the results.
Mar 10, 2009
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Jamsque said:
In the Road, MTB, Cyclo-Cross and Track forums, does it maybe make sense to have an 'official' pinned discussion thread for any ongoing race? It would keep things tidy, and also help those who can't follow races during the day and like to watch highlight shows or replays without knowing the results.

Would be great.

And one more request please: RIDER's SUBFORUMS.
ROAD can be divided to parts of each country and then to each player's threads.
I like the idea of having the current race threads stickied so they can be accessed at the top. Not too keen on having lots of subforums though, it makes the forum feel more alive if the conversations are concentrated in one area as opposed to many separate sections.


or instead of stickying can we not just have sub sections in the road forum...

Grand Tours
Other Races

might help keep the sections a bit less cluttered?
Mar 10, 2009
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Merckx said:
I like the idea of having the current race threads stickied so they can be accessed at the top. Not too keen on having lots of subforums though, it makes the forum feel more alive if the conversations are concentrated in one area as opposed to many separate sections.
I'm not sure about all current races, but certainly the Classics and Grand Tours deserve prominence; pinning or "sticking" these races in advance of the actual race will start lasting dialogues.

Ultimately, a simpler forum is better; the further people have to dig to find a thread, the less likely they will read it or submit a post. If people want news/interviews/tech info, they can look for that content on your site, elsewhere on the web, in print media, at their local coffee house or hey--what a novel idea--pay a visit to the wrencher. Please keep the forum simple. There's already evidence of info/posting overload/and buried content.

Sometimes less really is more.
Mar 10, 2009
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How about a forum devoted to Doping? Already threads in the Road forum are being hijacked to a certain degree by doping discussions. It grows tiresome.

Mar 12, 2009
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Jamsque said:
I think a doping subforum would get very ugly very quickly.

True, but at least you know when you go in there that's what your going to cop, instead of the D word being brought up in every thread.
Mar 10, 2009
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Vlad the Impailer said:
Cant we have a link that takes us to the last post in the thread, or display the thread as last post on top.
saves going through all the posts you have read before.

If you're logged in and looking at the list of posts on a particular forum, there's a blue 'v' icon to the left of the topic title, which if clicked takes you to the latest unread post. Which should do what you want I think. If you hover over it, you should get a tooltip telling you what it does.
Mar 12, 2009
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Samoth said:
If you're logged in and looking at the list of posts on a particular forum, there's a blue 'v' icon to the left of the topic title, which if clicked takes you to the latest unread post. Which should do what you want I think. If you hover over it, you should get a tooltip telling you what it does.

How does it know what you've read? :D
Mar 10, 2009
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"Local race events & cyclosportives" and "social" section

What about a section that contains data about local cycling events, local races, cyclo sportives, other organized (charity) rides, gran fondos and maybe even favourite routes to ride in ones locale. People can announce what's going on in their region, so that people unfamiliar with these events, have an opportunity to join in.

Another section or combined with the previous one, could be a social section where people discuss with other forum members to organize a ride/event, hook up for group rides in ones own area, or actual socials, 'couch surf' to discover routes in areas where one is not familiar, or spending only a little time (it's always annoying to hear on the forum that you missed that great climb in the region where you went on a bike holiday, few days after returning home; locals could have been fantastic tour guides, and it's fun to ride together and meet new people), do online quizzes a la megabike, gigabike, fantasy cycling teams, predicting results of races, guess the pro in the picture (i.e. someone posts a pic of a pro, and the one who guesses who it is, posts the next pic), show off pics of riding with the pros, show off the pics of pros you took when you attended races, who knows, show off pics of your own bike (maybe that could go under gear and tech as well), anything you would do when go to a virtual pub basically...

Mar 14, 2009
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tifosa said:
I'm not sure about all current races, but certainly the Classics and Grand Tours deserve prominence; pinning or "sticking" these races in advance of the actual race will start lasting dialogues.

Ultimately, a simpler forum is better; the further people have to dig to find a thread, the less likely they will read it or submit a post. If people want news/interviews/tech info, they can look for that content on your site, elsewhere on the web, in print media, at their local coffee house or hey--what a novel idea--pay a visit to the wrencher. Please keep the forum simple. There's already evidence of info/posting overload/and buried content.

Sometimes less really is more.

I agree.

In the same token what I'd like to see is something like the current "New Posts" button except I'd like to see all posts (or certain length of the recent posts) chronologically and not just today's or the actual new posts. I don't think other cycling forums have this option either so I'm not sure it's do-able. The option for everyone to see all new posts together in one central place gives the forum a certain cohesive collective conscience of a community, so to speak, if that makes sense, instead of many small segmented separate group talks. The current "New Posts" option does it to a point but sometimes you end up getting just a few actual new posts or you simply get "There's no new post" message. I don't think there's a way to, sort of rewind, to see all the previous new posts chronologically if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps there is such option already and I don't know about it.
Mar 15, 2009
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byledobiec said:
Would be great.

And one more request please: RIDER's SUBFORUMS.
ROAD can be divided to parts of each country and then to each player's threads.

It would be great if the board 'Road' could be divided into some subboards. It would be much clearer to read. Now, you have many topics, but they are all in the same board. I would like this subdivision.

- News
- Races
- Teams

The other boards could be subdivided into:

- News
- Races
- Riders
Mar 11, 2009
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I think that is a great idea also. Those that like the ugliness can get their dose, the rest of us can point them in the right direction when another thread looks like it is being hijacked (which is not to say that doping should not come up elsewhere, but the head banging gets tiresome indeed!).
Mar 12, 2009
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Laurens said:
It would be great if the board 'Road' could be divided into some subboards. It would be much clearer to read. Now, you have many topics, but they are all in the same board. I would like this subdivision.

- News
- Races
- Teams

The other boards could be subdivided into:

- News
- Races
- Riders

On the right track, basically sub forums for current races, current news/rumors, rider discussion and then a general forum are a must.
Mar 15, 2009
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Maybe create a Pro Racing or Pro Peloton forum and move those threads out of the road forum to the new forum. The Road forum is really not being used as a road forum currently.
dekindy said:
Maybe create a Pro Racing or Pro Peloton forum and move those threads out of the road forum to the new forum. The Road forum is really not being used as a road forum currently.


There needs to be a Pro Cyling forum and a separate forum for non-pro stuff.

If there is enough interest then there needs to be an amateur racing forum for those who race.


lookkg386 said:
On the right track, basically sub forums for current races, current news/rumors, rider discussion and then a general forum are a must.

only trouble is things get derailed and you end up in the races page having the race thread diverted onto something completely different...

a news/riders section yes, but i think races should be broken into grand tours, classics and other races.. i can imagine already with the teams announced for tdf that there is going to be a thread appearing soon.. and its only march.. if that and every thread that regard the tour appear in the main section we are going to absolutely swamped..

thats of course exasperated by the illogic of some people who no doubt seeing a "who will win the tour" thread, will still start a "will contador win the tour" thread, a "i think lance will not win" thread, and a "who will win the green jersey thread"....

i would suggest...

ROAD FORUM (main road chat)
subforum----------Rider Discussion (including doping)
subforum----------Races (general race chat)

and then subforums in the races section for
-----------grand tours

all other discussion would be help in main road forum, so only two subsections being used, race discussion other than GT or C would be just straight in the races section, so only two subsections there as well..

would work without having too many sections.. of course then you need mods who are about to actually stick stuff in the right sections when threads get derailed, or people post tour discussions in the general races etc etc... but thats something for CN to sort out.. if in three months its all messy and they cant do it, maybe then they can look at who posts regularly, is reliable etc and appoint mods for each area or something...
No classics are raced at the same time as a GT so there is no reason to have separate forums. The same people who are likely to post about classics are also likely to post about GTs, so are they supposed to start the year posting in the classics forum, switch to the GT forum for the Giro and the Tour, switch back to the classics after the Tour, ...

All pro racing gets mixed together anyway. When a rider has a good perofrmance in a pre-GT race it is more natural to discuss what that might indicate for his prospects in the upcoming GT in the forum where the race is being discussed than have to do so in another foum.

The real problem is that there is no forum for general bike stuff that might include everything from "Hey, I got hit by a car today." to "I have never ridden a century. What's it like?" to "I am depressed. I cannot ride because it is too freakin' cold." Most cycling boards have a "cafe" forum for general socializing.


general socialising.. yes.. i agree....

spose we have to give them time.. it is new...
Mar 17, 2009
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I agree with a socialising forum too, helps people get to know one another a little better. After all, life is not just about cycling!

*hinter ducks behind sofa anticipating outraged responses!*:p


no i agree.. its already occured to me for instance, if anyones in paris in july meeting up for a ventoux beer somewhere... where am i to put that without a cafe section.. :D

(i do love paris for the tour.. every year we meet up with different people and just talk about cycling for hours.. what could be better)