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Andy Schleck and wild form swings....

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Jul 6, 2009
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true schlecks as doped as la or ac no doubt and they all lie about it equally. funny how personal interest directs how much anger this draws. this is why committed la haters make me laugh some routine posters on here are just so pathetic i bet there real gems to behold in person. its all bitterness and compensation there sporting or other inadequacies are easy to deal with if they think "i could have been good to if i doped" much easier than excepting that they are simply inferior physically and mentally which they are.


Sep 24, 2009
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forty four said:
true schlecks as doped as la or ac no doubt and they all lie about it equally. funny how personal interest directs how much anger this draws. this is why committed la haters make me laugh some routine posters on here are just so pathetic i bet there real gems to behold in person. its all bitterness and compensation there sporting or other inadequacies are easy to deal with if they think "i could have been good to if i doped" much easier than excepting that they are simply inferior physically and mentally which they are.

Do you like irony?
May 13, 2009
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altark123 said:
Really? Care to elaborate how my thesis is ridiculous or my posting history would prevent a worthwhile discussion on this topic? If you have a personal issue with my posts ignore them or PM me, don't hijack my thread.

No I don't care. This thread is a joke. But I enjoyed TSF's video. It's fitting.
Jul 5, 2010
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Hillavoider said:
Andy is on what ever his father can fit in the family cars boot and drag around france. He and his brother are known dopers. i cannot believe they have gotten away with what they have so far. his peaks and form slumps are typical of someone on a doping programme.

...actually was it the 08 tour that 'they' stopped his car, pulled it apart and couldn't find anything? At a guess he would using couriers/small fridge like the others for his 'refresh'
May 20, 2010
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yeah youre right they didn't find anything but why would they search in the first place, there is a massive cloud over the schleps. Frank schlep didn't give Dr Fuentes 10k for advice on his herpes.
The answer to the question raised on this thread is of course Andy Schleck dopes and Frank too, also Vino, Basso, Levi, Jens, Alberto, Sammy Sanchez, LL Sanchez, Dirty Sanchez. To save time lets just say they all dope, or at least 90% of the tour starters.
Only one man, however, hides behind a charity which nets him millions of dollars a year.
He survived cancer he would never take anything that was bad for him.
He doesn't do "it" for us he does it for them (the brave cancer beaters).
Most tested ....never failed....on his bike 8 hours a .....well you all know the drill.
Nov 17, 2009
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It makes me wanna throw up when I see people rooting for Schlecks and Andy. Worst kind of dopers in the current pro peloton. It broke my heart watching Cadel at yesterdays stage, I'm seriously getting to the point that I can't watch this stuff anymore.
Jul 23, 2009
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Mambo95 said:
At ToC and Suisse, he wasn't trying very hard - just getting a few racing miles in the legs. Bar Haedo, the whole of Saxo rode the ToC as though they were on holiday.

Yep, that was a lethargic spin around the state, showing off the sponsor's bikes to them that will buy 'em, and staring at knockers at the start line. Hardly a good indicator of his July form.

B.Rasmussen said:
Yep. I cheered his attacks today and I haven't had cancer all day (works against shark attacks as well). :p

Hillavoider said:
.... He and his brother are known dopers. i cannot believe they have gotten away with what they have so far...

KNOWN dopers? Facts? I don't doubt they dope but what are you referencing? More than Frank's bank accounts I hope.

wattage said:
It makes me wanna throw up when I see people rooting for Schlecks and Andy. Worst kind of dopers in the current pro peloton...

Wow. Really? The worst kind? Did they chase down a clean guy and spit on him? What makes them worse than other dopers? I think they're among the skinniest kind of dopers in the peloton...
Jul 5, 2010
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pedaling squares said:
Yep, that was a lethargic spin around the state, showing off the sponsor's bikes to them that will buy 'em, and staring at knockers at the start line. Hardly a good indicator of his July form.


KNOWN dopers? Facts? I don't doubt they dope but what are you referencing? More than Frank's bank accounts I hope.

Wow. Really? The worst kind? Did they chase down a clean guy and spit on him? What makes them worse than other dopers? I think they're among the skinniest kind of dopers in the peloton...

haha... I'll bite, that actually is funny!! :D
wattage said:
It makes me wanna throw up when I see people rooting for Schlecks and Andy. Worst kind of dopers in the current pro peloton. It broke my heart watching Cadel at yesterdays stage, I'm seriously getting to the point that I can't watch this stuff anymore.

No way dude Wigans is the worst kind of doper, he still gets his @ss dropped.:rolleyes:
Cobblestones said:
altark123 said:
Really? Care to elaborate how my thesis is ridiculous or my posting history would prevent a worthwhile discussion on this topic? If you have a personal issue with my posts ignore them or PM me, don't hijack my thread.
No I don't care. This thread is a joke. But I enjoyed TSF's video. It's fitting.
I think this is an intriguing topic. Another thread was started on this same topic and Hitch linked to here, which is how I found it. I don't know who you guys really are or your histories, and I don't care. I do know this. WHO started the thread should not matter. Only the content of the OP should matter. Respond accordingly. Whatever is going on between you guys, failing to answer altark's reasonable question above says much more about Cobblestone than altark123, and it's not good. FWIW.


Hugh Januss said:
No way dude Wigans is the worst kind of doper, he still gets his @ss dropped.:rolleyes:

So true. Wiggins, for 3 months, essentially screams "look at me, look at me"... shoves his contract up Garmin's backside... all for a payday and a programme ONLY to get shattered on the first cat 1 climb of the tour.

Brodeal said it best. Brailsford ought to ask Garmin for a refund.
Aug 6, 2009
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Scott SoCal said:
So true. Wiggins, for 3 months, essentially screams "look at me, look at me"... shoves his contract up Garmin's backside... all for a payday and a programme ONLY to get shattered on the first cat 1 climb of the tour.

Brodeal said it best. Brailsford ought to ask Garmin for a refund.

I'm pretty sure they've got a no refund policy.
Scott SoCal said:
So true. Wiggins, for 3 months, essentially screams "look at me, look at me"... shoves his contract up Garmin's backside... all for a payday and a programme ONLY to get shattered on the first cat 1 climb of the tour.

Brodeal said it best. Brailsford ought to ask Garmin for a refund.

Wouldn't that be like shoplifting something and then trying to return it when it broke?
Vaughters must be laughing a little right now.
Mar 11, 2009
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Wiggo was great with his and Sky's "oh pish posh we can't be bothered to make a proper effort at the Giro we're going for the Tour and would rather finsih 5th there than win the Giro" attitude. It's nice that that hasn't worked proving that in some small corner of the universe there is a little justice (or not).
May 13, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
I think this is an intriguing topic. Another thread was started on this same topic and Hitch linked to here, which is how I found it. I don't know who you guys really are or your histories, and I don't care. I do know this. WHO started the thread should not matter. Only the content of the OP should matter. Respond accordingly. Whatever is going on between you guys, failing to answer altark's reasonable question above says much more about Cobblestone than altark123, and it's not good. FWIW.


I don't care to elaborate why I find the combination of OP, his posting record and the thesis of the thread absurd. Actually, if you're interested, TFF gave a nice rundown on that.

For the actual topic, it's stupid. So a rider shows varying form throughout the year? :eek: How's that possible? :eek:

Let's turn it around, what would you say if a rider shows the same great form throughout the year? :confused: Or would that be a-okay? Riders peak once or twice a year. Riders target different races and race other races for training/fun or to oogle podium girls, apparently. Some riders dope, they extract blood at one time and put it back in some other time. Who's to say which explanation is the right one?

ETA: Let's see the OP thesis:

Can anyone discuss his incredible jump into form since TOC and Suisse without mentioning doping?

Answer: yes it is possible. He might not have cared for the race and/or saved energy for the TdF.

ok, happy?

I can't believe that I actually gave a serious answer to a loaded question of a self admitted Lance fanboy.


Hugh Januss said:
Wouldn't that be like shoplifting something and then trying to return it when it broke?
Vaughters must be laughing a little right now.

I think so. It would be a belly laugh except Garmin's tour has gone pear shaped.