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Another story making the case = Armstrong is clean.

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Apr 12, 2009
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mikkemus23 said:
New member here.

Have been reading at the forum for a couple of weeks now, and it sure is a lot about doping. But that is understandable given the times - riders get caught all the time...and even those who dont get caught dope. So why should we believe in one who was caught thru new testing, but not according to protocol or whatever, and who was beating the dopers quite easily for 7 consecutive years? A rider with no GT palmares until 99...I know I dont. Thats all from me on his case.

One last thing - this "FBI" guy...I really thought he was on Lances payroll after two days reading his post...seriously. Must have lazy days these FBI guys, guy is posting like crazy ;)

I welcome you hope you fit in, and a tip don't make thought for food angry.
Jul 1, 2009
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byu123 said:
It's called "v a c a t i o n" ya know that whole take a break from work in the summer time thing?

That explains a lot, also thanks for spelling the word out.
So you do summer time work for Lance on the side? ;)
Apr 28, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
We are not all the same. Some of us realize that their is much to be learned from people everywhere, and have visited many of those places to do just that. I guess I am touchy because in reality, I have a lot of friends and I wouldn't put any in the ugly American category.

No more flames from me, I can see that you overstated a bit.....and if you have ever read any of my posts, you will know that I might have edged towards that a time or two.

Well said sir.

As someone that knows less about this sport than anyone here, I can say that your posts come from an educated perspective. There is no need to lower yourself to the level of the people that take the low road. . .even though I understand it it certain circumstances.

I'm just here trying to learn more about this sport, so I'm quiet for the most part. There are many people here that have a great deal of knowledge about the sport, and also exhibit a sense of balance. . .kudos to all of you that understand the need for balance in your opinions.

Please take this in the spirit it was given.
Jun 26, 2009
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mikkemus23 said:
That explains a lot, also thanks for spelling the word out.
So you do summer time work for Lance on the side? ;)

Yeah . . . I get paid good money by Team Astana to come on these blogs and push the agenda.;)


byu123 said:
Yeah . . . I get paid good money by Team Astana to come on these blogs and push the agenda.;)

Um....I don't think the FBI will approve of your ties to the government of Kazakhstan...........:)
Jun 26, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
Um....I don't think the FBI will approve of your ties to the government of Kazakhstan...........:)

Shhhhh! . . . Psst . . . just between you and me . . . . I . . . am actually a double agent for Garmin/Slipstream. I was actually the case agent on that whole Nike take over plan that got foiled at the last second . . . still working on it though.
byu123 said:
Perhaps the largest problem lies with Walsh himself. Over the years, Walsh worked closely with former riders such as Sean Kelly and Stephen Roche. By the time Walsh's positive biography about the former was written, Kelly was no stranger to rumors of performance enhancing drugs, and had failed drug tests.

The connection Walsh has with Roche is even stranger. When Stephen Roche was publicly accused of using drugs years after he retired, Walsh quickly wrote a condemning piece in a British paper. This problem goes to the center of Walsh's predicament. It had been long rumored that Roche had used drugs during his career, and Walsh never took the time to investigate it. 15 years later, Roche is accused and Walsh condemns him before any actual evidence about the case came out.

This example shows why Walsh is not pure either. First of all, Roche's name had been brought up for years in connection to his days with the Carrera cycling team. From the time of his retirement in 1993 until 2005, Walsh never accused Roche of anything. It is not like Roche wasn't worth the time or effort, as he was one of only three riders in history to win the cycling triple crown of the Giro, Tour, and World Championship in the same year. Was he not worth Walsh's effort? Secondly, Walsh was so quick to finally condemn Roche that he forgot to look at the facts of the actual accusations made in 2005, which haven't held up. So, Walsh ignores it while it is not out in the open, and then when someone makes an accusation, Walsh is quick to condemn without researching the actual accusations being made.

Walsh should have taken a couple of lessons on investigative reporting from Matt Rendell, whose biography of Marco Pantani leaves no room for intepretation. Where Rendell risked quite a bit to make sure that his case was indestructable, Walsh seems to feel the need to sensationalize.

My first post on this forum, but have been a regular on a couple of others. Have followed the sport for over twenty years, am Irish by the way - just like Roche, Kelly and David Walsh.
Firstly, let me just say that I'm not sure if you're for real, as your level of knowledge, if indeed you are for real, is farcical. Simply too many examples to cite. But I feel it important to set a few things straight here about David Walsh, as there are plenty of people refuting your nonsense in relation to Lance.
David has been writing about cycling since the early 80s, even late 70s. He felt that Roche and Kelly were not getting the publicity in Ireland, which they deserved. He went about putting this right, and indeed befriended them both. As is also well known, David wrote a book called Inside the Tour de France, in the early 90s, where he interviewed a raw Lance. This was a very positive piece for Lance.
Fast forward 1996 and the Atlanta Games. David Walsh, along with Paul Kimmage were basically the only two journalists in Ireland to have the courage to express their suspicions at our 'greatest' Olympian, Michelle Smith. They both got severely criticised, but were completely vindicated two years later when she tampered with a Urine sample.
In relation to cycling and David though, the seminal moment for him was the Festina affair. Even Paul Kimmage admits himself that he didn't realise things were so bad, until Willy's car was stopped. This opened David's eyes. Instead if the '99 Tour being slower, because EPO was a thing of the past, it was faster again. And Lance won this Tour at a canter.
David Walsh actually reported Stephen Roche's EPO usage in 2000, in an Irish Newspaper. David reported it, because Stephen's name had come up for EPO usage under Conconi, the teacher of a certain Ferrari. An Italian judge was unequivocal that Roche was one of the riders mentioned.
I've read Matt's book, but this is the same Matt Rendell who castigated Paul Kimmage for investigating David Millar, only a couple of months before David actually confessed.
BYU, I'm not sure if it was you who wrote that piece/review on Amazon, but if it wasn't, you should stop commenting on David Walsh's work, until you have read it.
Incidentally, he is a mutli award winning journalist amd writes across a whole range of sports.......
Jun 26, 2009
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Digger said:
My first post on this forum, but have been a regular on a couple of others. Have followed the sport for over twenty years, am Irish by the way - just like Roche, Kelly and David Walsh.
Firstly, let me just say that I'm not sure if you're for real, as your level of knowledge, if indeed you are for real, is farcical. Simply too many examples to cite. But I feel it important to set a few things straight here about David Walsh, as there are plenty of people refuting your nonsense in relation to Lance.
David has been writing about cycling since the early 80s, even late 70s. He felt that Roche and Kelly were not getting the publicity in Ireland, which they deserved. He went about putting this right, and indeed befriended them both. As is also well known, David wrote a book called Inside the Tour de France, in the early 90s, where he interviewed a raw Lance. This was a very positive piece for Lance.
Fast forward 1996 and the Atlanta Games. David Walsh, along with Paul Kimmage were basically the only two journalists in Ireland to have the courage to express their suspicions at our 'greatest' Olympian, Michelle Smith. They both got severely criticised, but were completely vindicated two years later when she tampered with a Urine sample.
In relation to cycling and David though, the seminal moment for him was the Festina affair. Even Paul Kimmage admits himself that he didn't realise things were so bad, until Willy's car was stopped. This opened David's eyes. Instead if the '99 Tour being slower, because EPO was a thing of the past, it was faster again. And Lance won this Tour at a canter.
David Walsh actually reported Stephen Roche's EPO usage in 2000, in an Irish Newspaper. David reported it, because Stephen's name had come up for EPO usage under Conconi, the teacher of a certain Ferrari. An Italian judge was unequivocal that Roche was one of the riders mentioned.
I've read Matt's book, but this is the same Matt Rendell who castigated Paul Kimmage for investigating David Millar, only a couple of months before David actually confessed.
BYU, I'm not sure if it was you who wrote that piece/review on Amazon, but if it wasn't, you should stop commenting on David Walsh's work, until you have read it.
Incidentally, he is a mutli award winning journalist amd writes across a whole range of sports.......

I didn't write the review. People here have me all over the Internet . . . here, Twitter, Amazon reviewer, etc. I am just here on this topic. I simply went to Amazon queried the book and read the reviews and posted the link to someone elses review. I don't question Walsh's competence overall, similarly I don't question Ashenden's credentials as a scientist. I just find fault with their assumptions and judgements with respect to "that un-retired racer everyone is talking about these days."
Mar 30, 2009
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You just have to understand that the French always try (often successfully) to change the rules after the event to suit themselves.

If you are from the USA following Armstrong this may be the only time you have experienced it.

But.. a few cases to prove the rule are:

- Graham Obree's second mile record deemed illegal by the UCI (France).
- Michelle Platini's successful attempts to ensure that Barcelona got through and won the final of the Champions? League, because he had already stated that he did not like the U.K premier league domintion.
- Some French bloke who punched Eddy Merckx in the kidneys to stop him winning the TDF (to bring it back to a cycling theme)

Jun 26, 2009
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ridelikethewind said:
You just have to understand that the French always try (often successfully) to change the rules after the event to suit themselves.

If you are from the USA following Armstrong this may be the only time you have experienced it.

But.. a few cases to prove the rule are:

- Graham Obree's second mile record deemed illegal by the UCI (France).
- Michelle Platini's successful attempts to ensure that Barcelona got through and won the final of the Champions? League, because he had already stated that he did not like the U.K premier league domintion.
- Some French bloke who punched Eddy Merckx in the kidneys to stop him winning the TDF (to bring it back to a cycling theme)


Yeah . . . and that whole meddling French intervention in 1778 upsetting the apple cart for England by jumping into the middle of a revolution between England and one of her upstart colonies by coming to the aid of the colony.

America and France have a very strange love/hate relationship. Often at each other's throats on smaller less significant things. But the course of each country's current success is hugely dependent on the sacrifice of the other . . . France for America in Revolutionary war and America for France at Normandy and WWII.
Mar 20, 2009
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Are we as a group going to let this troll continue to post flame-bait on these forums? We can't stop him, but we can certainly ignore him. All these responses just encourage him to keep creating new threads of the same old blather. Please, don't feed this troll.
Jun 10, 2009
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grimpeur said:
Are we as a group going to let this troll continue to post flame-bait on these forums? We can't stop him, but we can certainly ignore him. All these responses just encourage him to keep creating new threads of the same old blather. Please, don't feed this troll.

Not that I think byu is a troll, but I have never seen this work.
Jun 26, 2009
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grimpeur said:
Are we as a group going to let this troll continue to post flame-bait on these forums? We can't stop him, but we can certainly ignore him. All these responses just encourage him to keep creating new threads of the same old blather. Please, don't feed this troll.

Uh . . . the last post was meant as a compliement to France not a "flame bait." I oppose stereotyping whole groups and was replying to an earlier post maligning all French people . . .
Mar 19, 2009
There's a really great ignore function on this form that you can access though your user CP, which is at the top left menu bar. Click on it, then edit ignore list, enter the name of the user(s), and you'll never see mindless drivel agian.
Resolved: People who will NOT ruin my July, no matter how hard they try....

et al

You know (from my very clear posting posture) that I respect the hell out of EACH OF YOU for your cycling knowledge and your passion for a clean sport (although RhubARoman, you are at times tiresome :) ). BUTTTTT - I am NOT going to let your opinions get in the way of a beautiful July. My 8th trip across the pond for the Grande Boucle, 6 stages seen live (Pyrenees, Alps, et le geant du Provence), and a month of riding in my beloved France/Italy, will most certainly eclipse ANYTHING you will spew over the next 5 weeks.

We might very well see one of the most compelling TdF's in a long time (and I date back to '84 in terms of fanhood - Frenchie'sPee, I know you beat me in this regard). With one little Pekker removed from the bunch, and prob a few more twixt now and the 26th, I still can't wait to see the ATHLETIC stories unfold, and a flawed, but true protagonist make his mark on the occasion.

I will be roadside, cheering for the best goddang sport that has ever graced the planet.

Embrace the sport, pray for cleanliness. Enjoy the race. Can't wait to check in with y'all on a daily basis after having the storied climbs kick me and my 34x27 a$$ to kingdom come. If you're going to be there, and want to ride with a husky sprinter (at my pace), lemme know.


53x11 in DC said:
Resolved: People who will NOT ruin my July, no matter how hard they try....

et al

You know (from my very clear posting posture) that I respect the hell out of EACH OF YOU for your cycling knowledge and your passion for a clean sport (although RhubARoman, you are at times tiresome :) ). BUTTTTT - I am NOT going to let your opinions get in the way of a beautiful July. My 8th trip across the pond for the Grande Boucle, 6 stages seen live (Pyrenees, Alps, et le geant du Provence), and a month of riding in my beloved France/Italy, will most certainly eclipse ANYTHING you will spew over the next 5 weeks.

We might very well see one of the most compelling TdF's in a long time (and I date back to '84 in terms of fanhood - Frenchie'sPee, I know you beat me in this regard). With one little Pekker removed from the bunch, and prob a few more twixt now and the 26th, I still can't wait to see the ATHLETIC stories unfold, and a flawed, but true protagonist make his mark on the occasion.

I will be roadside, cheering for the best goddang sport that has ever graced the planet.

Embrace the sport, pray for cleanliness. Enjoy the race. Can't wait to check in with y'all on a daily basis after having the storied climbs kick me and my 34x27 a$$ to kingdom come. If you're going to be there, and want to ride with a husky sprinter (at my pace), lemme know.

This may surprise you, but I am jealous. I would trade sitting here in the US watching it on TV and posting snarky posts with a pis$ poor attitude with your trip ANY day. I would love to be there, and I hope you have a great time. As much as I cannot abide dopers, I freaking love cycling....just not as much as when I was young and innocent about what the ugly side is. That does not mean that I do not see the beautiful side also. Have a safe wonderful trip.
Thoughtforfood said:
This may surprise you, but I am jealous. I would trade sitting here in the US watching it on TV and posting snarky posts with a pis$ poor attitude with your trip ANY day. I would love to be there, and I hope you have a great time. As much as I cannot abide dopers, I freaking love cycling....just not as much as when I was young and innocent about what the ugly side is. That does not mean that I do not see the beautiful side also. Have a safe wonderful trip.

Thanks TFF - I assure you we're more alike than different.
Apr 9, 2009
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53x11 in DC said:
Resolved: People who will NOT ruin my July, no matter how hard they try....

et al

You know (from my very clear posting posture) that I respect the hell out of EACH OF YOU for your cycling knowledge and your passion for a clean sport (although RhubARoman, you are at times tiresome :) ). BUTTTTT - I am NOT going to let your opinions get in the way of a beautiful July. My 8th trip across the pond for the Grande Boucle, 6 stages seen live (Pyrenees, Alps, et le geant du Provence), and a month of riding in my beloved France/Italy, will most certainly eclipse ANYTHING you will spew over the next 5 weeks.

We might very well see one of the most compelling TdF's in a long time (and I date back to '84 in terms of fanhood - Frenchie'sPee, I know you beat me in this regard). With one little Pekker removed from the bunch, and prob a few more twixt now and the 26th, I still can't wait to see the ATHLETIC stories unfold, and a flawed, but true protagonist make his mark on the occasion.

I will be roadside, cheering for the best goddang sport that has ever graced the planet.

Embrace the sport, pray for cleanliness. Enjoy the race. Can't wait to check in with y'all on a daily basis after having the storied climbs kick me and my 34x27 a$$ to kingdom come. If you're going to be there, and want to ride with a husky sprinter (at my pace), lemme know.

I know I haven't been posting that much, but... still offended I didn't make the list.

As much as my cynicism has overtaken me these past 5 years, there's nothing I'd like more than to be roadside at the Tour this year. Just in time for Le Tour, I'm getting a new road frame delivered, so I haven't given up on the sport yet!

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Digger said:
My first post on this forum, but have been a regular on a couple of others. Have followed the sport for over twenty years, am Irish by the way - just like Roche, Kelly and David Walsh.
Firstly, let me just say that I'm not sure if you're for real, as your level of knowledge, if indeed you are for real, is farcical. Simply too many examples to cite. But I feel it important to set a few things straight here about David Walsh, as there are plenty of people refuting your nonsense in relation to Lance.
David has been writing about cycling since the early 80s, even late 70s. He felt that Roche and Kelly were not getting the publicity in Ireland, which they deserved. He went about putting this right, and indeed befriended them both. As is also well known, David wrote a book called Inside the Tour de France, in the early 90s, where he interviewed a raw Lance. This was a very positive piece for Lance.
Fast forward 1996 and the Atlanta Games. David Walsh, along with Paul Kimmage were basically the only two journalists in Ireland to have the courage to express their suspicions at our 'greatest' Olympian, Michelle Smith. They both got severely criticised, but were completely vindicated two years later when she tampered with a Urine sample.
In relation to cycling and David though, the seminal moment for him was the Festina affair. Even Paul Kimmage admits himself that he didn't realise things were so bad, until Willy's car was stopped. This opened David's eyes. Instead if the '99 Tour being slower, because EPO was a thing of the past, it was faster again. And Lance won this Tour at a canter.
David Walsh actually reported Stephen Roche's EPO usage in 2000, in an Irish Newspaper. David reported it, because Stephen's name had come up for EPO usage under Conconi, the teacher of a certain Ferrari. An Italian judge was unequivocal that Roche was one of the riders mentioned.
I've read Matt's book, but this is the same Matt Rendell who castigated Paul Kimmage for investigating David Millar, only a couple of months before David actually confessed.
BYU, I'm not sure if it was you who wrote that piece/review on Amazon, but if it wasn't, you should stop commenting on David Walsh's work, until you have read it.
Incidentally, he is a mutli award winning journalist amd writes across a whole range of sports.......

Thanks for that - I couldnt remember when David first started reporting on Stephen Roche but I knew it was waaay earlier than 2005!

And one small addition re: outspoken journos on Michelle De Bruin- dont forget Tom Humphries!!
Kennf1 said:
I know I haven't been posting that much, but... still offended I didn't make the list.

As much as my cynicism has overtaken me these past 5 years, there's nothing I'd like more than to be roadside at the Tour this year. Just in time for Le Tour, I'm getting a new road frame delivered, so I haven't given up on the sport yet!

OK FKennandBarbie, you're in there too! Let's f'in enjoy the festivities. MellowBiggyDiggyDangVelo will try to tell you how boring these stages are (love ya MV, and you're often right), but this could be a freakin show!! at least we all should hope so.

For those of you who haven't watched from the roadside:

With a few thousand of your new bestest friends, translating in whatever language works (including Italian sign language), I can assure you that you'll, just for a moment, forget the sheeite that has plagued our sport since the olden days. It's the hardest sport in the world, and the wrongs happen for indefensible reasons. But when you see the lead group crushing a climb, after the chicanery that is the publicity caravan, you get it. You get why so many of us are mesmerized by the spectacle.

Again, as much as I love the Ardennes and the Flandrian Classics, the next few weeks bind us.

I wish I hadn't had so much wine tonight.