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Armstrong TUE's

Aug 3, 2010
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After having to admit to a TUE for corticoids, is there any chance that LA had TUE's for either EPO or testosterone due to his cancer? Is there any way to find out from the UCI who has TUE's registered?
For what it's worth, in 1999 Armstrong said he had no TUEs at all. When the positive for corticoids came out and he was asked more or less the same thing you're asking here, he said it was due to a cream and that in his mind that didn't really count (yeah I know, he said it). I would imagine a TUE for EPO would count, and he denied having anything of the sort.
Aug 10, 2009
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hrotha said:
For what it's worth, in 1999 Armstrong said he had no TUEs at all. When the positive for corticoids came out and he was asked more or less the same thing you're asking here, he said it was due to a cream and that in his mind that didn't really count (yeah I know, he said it). I would imagine a TUE for EPO would count, and he denied having anything of the sort.

Correct... I believe it was a rest day press conference in Tarbes? where he denied having any TUEs at all
Muzzin said:
Correct... I believe it was a rest day press conference in Tarbes? where he denied having any TUEs at all
Yes, I think it was the rest day press conference where he denied having any TUEs, and then in the press conference after the stage the following day he was asked about his TUE for corticoids and the contradition between that fact and his previous statement. Armstrong's reply was that he had said he had no TUEs to take any forbidden drugs, and that a cream wasn't the same thing. He had a point, but with all we know about him now it's a moot question really.
Obeeone said:
All if you look at LA during the launch of the Quiznos challenge

standing there with all the politicians... there is no way he is getting busted... the picture looks like he is saying "check out my posse... come and get me"

Just a thought

Dunno. One governor, one USAC CEO, and one former pro don't quite make "posse" in my book.

Looks like they had to drag out the U-23 squad to fill out the dais...
Apr 14, 2010
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Whilst EPO is used to combat the effects of Chemo, once a chemo programme is finished, so is the need for EPO so there would be no need for a TUE upon his return. He may have sought a TUE during treatment but there would be no reason to continue this after completion (ie EPO was used in his treatment - which isn't universal).
Jul 29, 2010
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MacRoadie said:
Dunno. One governor, one USAC CEO, and one former pro don't quite make "posse" in my book.

Looks like they had to drag out the U-23 squad to fill out the dais...

True. The only reason Davis there is b/c his son is making big bank thanks to Lance.

I have a friend in the know who said that Taylor's salary LAST YEAR at Livestrong was $100K. Whoa. I guess now we know why he left JV to go over to the dark side. It also explains how Davis and Connie gave their blessing to such a career move.
Boeing said:
I duno about that pic but LA does have a deep network with deeper pockets..

Well, if you're to believe this article:

Lance Armstrong Chased by BALCO the Sequel

then the BALCO investigation has cost +/- $50 million. As it appears that the feds have no problem allowing the same level of investigation (and one could assume a commensurate expenditure) in this case, then Armstrong will need to rely on very deep pockets indeed.


Apr 28, 2010
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MacRoadie said:
Well, if you're to believe this article:

Lance Armstrong Chased by BALCO the Sequel

then the BALCO investigation has cost +/- $50 million. As it appears that the feds have no problem allowing the same level of investigation (and one could assume a commensurate expenditure) in this case, then Armstrong will need to rely on very deep pockets indeed.

Well most often it is more expensive for the prosecution than for the defense in these types of cases. The prosecution needs to prove, the defense only needs to raise reasonable doubt
May 23, 2010
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I wonder if anyone has (really)ever tested positive for using corticoid ointments.(or Nyquil) Seems like it might be not unlike second hand Marijuana positives.
Barrus said:
Well most often it is more expensive for the prosecution than for the defense in these types of cases. The prosecution needs to prove, the defense only needs to raise reasonable doubt

I wasn't suggesting that.

The point being that the government isn't afraid to spend however much it takes to prosecute these cases. Will the Armstrong deep pockets be prepared to do likewise? Floyd allegedly spent almost $2 million, against a poorly funded USAC. What do you think the going rate is for defending against a criminal indictment in federal court?

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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To get back to the original question:
spetsa said:
After having to admit to a TUE for corticoids, is there any chance that LA had TUE's for either EPO or testosterone due to his cancer? Is there any way to find out from the UCI who has TUE's registered?

According to Armstrong himself - the answer is no.

Would you open up your health book?
In the year 2001, there were two riders without any notes in their health books – me and Erik Dekker.

He is then asked specifically about EPO:
Have you ever taken EPO?
Yes, during the fall of 1996. Whenever I was ill.
Interview Cycling Weely 2008.