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Jul 14, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
Poor kid..

Yea who wants a dad that has raised 350 mil makes 10 mil per, rides a sub 49, 50 and will be retired when he is 42. Not to mention his video collection. Having a carbon fiber tricycle would be sweet.


Mar 11, 2009
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I still can't believe that Lance believed Anna Hansen when she told him - "of course its your baby".

I mean c'mon.

The kid looks like LeMond.


Aug 1, 2009
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Not LeMond. He'd be too busy talking about his VO2 Max and never get around to doing it. (Although his name is Max!)
I think he looks like Tom Boonen


fatandfast said:
Yea who wants a dad that has raised 350 mil makes 10 mil per, rides a sub 49, 50 and will be retired when he is 42. Not to mention his video collection. Having a carbon fiber tricycle would be sweet.

Who left his girlfriend for his nurse who he then married, had some kids, then left her, dated Cheryl Crow who reportedly wanted to have kids and he didn't, then hit a string of women who looked like his mother up to and including Matthew McConaughey, then found his latest mommy dearest and had a kid with her. So far, he has proven to be a bit elusive on the stability front, and statistics show that kids with fathers like that tend to end up having a rough go of it. As soon as that kid starts to have a part time dad, the problems begin. I stand by my statement.
Jul 24, 2009
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Christ I never really had a sense of just how powerful Armstrong is until he came out here for this. He is definitely "bigger" than cycling.
Jan 14, 2010
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fatandfast said:
Yea who wants a dad that has raised 350 mil makes 10 mil per, rides a sub 49, 50 and will be retired when he is 42. Not to mention his video collection. Having a carbon fiber tricycle would be sweet.

'Cause insanely rich kids always turn out great. Especially when they grow up under the shadow of a celebrity father who ****s everything that moves. I'm sure that kid will have his head screwed on straight.
Jul 5, 2009
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A tender moment between father and son. He's dressed in Radio Shack livery and the child is swaddled in Mellow Johnny clothing. Using your own son as a prop to promote your brand and a sense of family is pretty low.

John Swanson
Mar 13, 2009
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I don't know how Strongarm's wriggleys can still swim considering what he's had through his veins.

Unfortunately for us LA and RS have the Oz PR wagon under his thumb.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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My personal thoughts are that Lances personal life is off limits............

But then there is an excellent observation like this......
ScienceIsCool said:
A tender moment between father and son. He's dressed in Radio Shack livery and the child is swaddled in Mellow Johnny clothing. Using your own son as a prop to promote your brand and a sense of family is pretty low.

John Swanson

...........Unfortunatley - Lance makes his private life public, therefore it is open to comment - and while personally I prefer not to talk about his personal life, I can see why his personal life arouses comment.
Perhaps my only observation is to question why this piece is in The Clinic?
Nov 24, 2009
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Armstrong has three other children with his former wife, Kristin Richard - Luke, 10, and twins Isabelle and Grace, 8 - but his conception with Hansen is the first to be natural.

- is the article quietly disparaging his other kids because they were not 'natural'? If so that is pretty low journalism
Jun 27, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
Who left his girlfriend for his nurse who he then married, had some kids, then left her, dated Cheryl Crow who reportedly wanted to have kids and he didn't, then hit a string of women who looked like his mother up to and including Matthew McConaughey, then found his latest mommy dearest and had a kid with her. So far, he has proven to be a bit elusive on the stability front, and statistics show that kids with fathers like that tend to end up having a rough go of it. As soon as that kid starts to have a part time dad, the problems begin. I stand by my statement.

It's these statements of yours that make us all realize how clueless you really are about Armstrong.

You have serious issues, dude.

P.S. What's it like knowing most of us 1-up you in life?


fpcyclingn said:
It's these statements of yours that make us all realize how clueless you really are about Armstrong.

You have serious issues, dude.

P.S. What's it like knowing most of us 1-up you in life?

If by 1-up you mean "most totally useless douchebag" (which is the only real option you have in life), then I feel pretty good about it.

Clueless? Funny, refute it. (refute means:to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous.)

"Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
Aug 13, 2009
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fpcyclingn said:
It's these statements of yours that make us all realize how clueless you really are about Armstrong.

You have serious issues, dude.

P.S. What's it like knowing most of us 1-up you in life?

Yes, we get it. Anyone that questions the myth lives in a cave and has never done anything with their life. I expect you post your bank balance next.
Nov 24, 2009
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fpcyclingn said:
It's these statements of yours that make us all realize how clueless you really are about Armstrong.

You have serious issues, dude.

P.S. What's it like knowing most of us 1-up you in life?

Apart from TFF's outlandish statement about McConaughey (that is obviously still going on and was not a one time thing, the whole Ben Stiller thing is just cover) everything he said about StrongArm's relationships was accurate... I mean, what does your interpretation look like?


Big GMaC said:
Apart from TFF's outlandish statement about McConaughey (that is obviously still going on and was not a one time thing, the whole Ben Stiller thing is just cover) everything he said about StrongArm's relationships was accurate... I mean, what does your interpretation look like?

I missed that, though I am not sure why. How silly of me to think Armstrong would go for a brunette. I hope he and Stiller at least shared a cuddle or two.