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Bedogni Grassi Natalini?

Mar 16, 2009
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I just saw the photo of the winner of stage 2 of the 47th Giro del Friuli Venezia Giulia (here: http://www.cyclingnews.com/photos.php?id=/photos/2009/may09/friuli09/friuli092/arrivo_porte), and the Mapei "blocks" on the jersey just jumped off the screen at me. Doing a little poking around with Google, it looks like Tafi is involved with the team. However, using Babelfish translations of the few articles that I could find on the web, I am a bit confused. What is the level of this team? When Mapei quit cycling, I was pretty sure that it was never to return. It's interesting to see the Mapei logo again, especially as the doping atmosphere seems not to be all that different from when Mapei discontinued their sponsorship. If anyone knew more about this team, I would be interested to hear.

Mar 10, 2009
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It's one of the strongest semi-pro teams in Tuscany, that is teams that compete in Under 23 and Elite races. It seems they have 8 elite riders and 12 U-23 ones.

Mapei came on board this year thanks to Tafi.

I remember many years ago the Grassi-Mapei semi-pro team. In 1996 its strongest riders were Dario Pieri, Gabriele Balducci and... Paolo Bettini. This latter often worked for the other two as they were faster sprinters, IIRC. Their red and green jerseys were the coolest around.

EDIT: with "semi-pro" I mean "officially amateur".
Mar 16, 2009
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Thank you for all the information - you've certainly answered my questions. I'm still a bit surprised to see Mapei's return to the sport, even at the amateur level; I guess the bonds of friendship and loyalty are strong.

As for the team jersey, I like the current one as well. Maybe a bit too many sponsors' names, but I like the red and green colors. In fact, I wish that I could get my hands on one of these.

Again, thank you,

Mar 10, 2009
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Biciclette Bianchi said:
Thank you for all the information - you've certainly answered my questions. I'm still a bit surprised to see Mapei's return to the sport, even at the amateur level; I guess the bonds of friendship and loyalty are strong.
I haven't followed youth or amateur racing in the last few years, so I might be wrong: but I think they have been active in both all this time, and only stopped sponsoring pro cycling.

The state-of-the-art Mapei sport center, lead by Aldo Sassi, has also continued working all these years. This year they are following Ivan Basso among others.

As for the team jersey, I like the current one as well. Maybe a bit too many sponsors' names, but I like the red and green colors. In fact, I wish that I could get my hands on one of these.
There is some contact information on their website. I still prefer the old Grassi Mapei jersey, as seen on this podium (can you guess the winner?), coupled with their red and green Tommasini bicycles.
Mar 16, 2009
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Leopejo said:
I still prefer the old Grassi Mapei jersey, as seen on this podium (can you guess the winner?)

Il Grillo! That's a great old photo there. I really do miss Bettini; the sport is poorer for his absence.

I hadn't realized that Mapei had stayed involved in cycling, but then I have neither the time nor the linguistic ability to follow European amateur racing. Unfortunately, in French, Italian, and German, I can't say much more than "please" and "thank you."

You have been really generous with your time in answering my questions. Thank you Leopejo. The links that you provided have also been much fun to look at.


P.S. Thank you, also, for the link to the Tommasini site. Though I (pretty obviously) ride Bianchi, I loved the exotic lugging on the Tommasini CARBOLIGHT frame (that's some beautiful craftsmanship). If I hadn't just recently bought a new frame, you might have made a convert of me. ;-)