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Bordry, protocols & law enforcement

Feb 14, 2010
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This story didn't seem to get much attention as an add-on by others to an existing thread, and to me at least it seems like a really big story that hasn't really made it into English yet.

The fight against doping on the hunt for gangsters

Pierre Bordry announced that through investigations into young Ukrainian riders from the Tour de L'Avenir, he is now aware of protocols using a combination of items that allow people to use a decent sized amount of EPO without testing positive. The AFLD has signed an agreement with law enforcement to help battle what's perceived to be a large International drug trade that would reach far outside the cycling world. The quotes say it better. These excerpts (go to the link for more) are from a link posted by PouPou:

"In Besançon, the Tour de l'Avenir 2009 , the police got their hands on kits doping, says Pierre Bordry. The novelty is that these kits were associated with a particular protocol to avoid testing positive, "said Pierre Bordry.

Prof. Michel Rieu, scientific consultant of the Agency, details: "A system of cures out of competition and micro-doses taken just before the tests, the performance-enhancing drugs are not always detectable. Moreover, it is possible to mix the substances so that each is found in very low doses in the body, while retaining a powerful combination.

It is against these "networks" that the AFLD has signed an "agreement to exchange information" with the police.

This collaboration will include better targeting of inspections. "We should not stigmatize all riders, says Pierre Bordry.By combining information, we can control certain priority with greater efficiency. "And if they are not on French territory, the AFLD can always rely on its networks.

Here's the link that sent me running to the Clinic earlier.

The big news for me, other than the fact that there are even more ways to mask doping than the saline solution and things noted last year, are that the French agency is willing and able to get samples via anti-doping agencies in other countries, plus the formal agreement to share information with police. So the AFLD isn't limited to seeing samples only taken while riders are in France.

It also has me wondering more about the specific number of additional tests they fought the UCI to try to do...was it at Paris-Nice? There was some mention at the time of the battle with the UCI about switching the emphasis to investigations in addition to testing.

Anyway, with International law enforcement working together with doping agencies to try to track down big money gangsters (and cheaters) trading in an illegal drug trade, there should be more manpower and resources available for the fight.
Oct 6, 2009
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So, the AFLD has signed an agreement to cooperate with police. Wonder if that includes turning over DNA samples so 7 guys can be matched to infusion kits the police confiscated at the '09 Tour?

I'm guessing one of their partner countries might be Italy, based on the Italian police's current investigation.
Feb 14, 2010
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Bordry did an interview before Paris-Roubaix. The AFLD is still waiting for the government to come up with a grant for four million Euros of their budget. Also, last year the UCI promised to share the whereabouts of cyclists before the Tour de France, but failed to do so in a manner that would allow proper tests. This year the AFLD will use whatever resources they have to track down the riders they want to test. They mentioned media sources, so I guess instead of getting the info from the UCI, they'll follow twitter and Facebook and interviews and stories.

The police and justice are they the best defense against doping?

Pierre Bordry. I think that convergence between the Agency for fight against doping and the judiciary is one good way to get things done.

The services of our agency and even the sports ministry have an obligation to give their information to the judiciary.

Where is your relationship with the International Cycling Union (UCI), following the incidents on the Tour de France 2009?

Pierre Bordry. Stalled! We do not ever want to be competitive in collaboration with the UCI in the same context. Everything that we have reported on the failure of controls at the Tour in 2009 has not been heard. Do you know that now all those working with it have an obligation to respect a confidentiality clause? The UCI has very afraid of transparency!The other problem is that the UCI had promised to give us the location of athletes before the Tour. She did not, or has done so it was impossible to hold a controlling interest in good conditions. This year, with or without the International Federation, we will use all media available to us to locate the riders before the race.

How, when the UCI's hand remains on racing his Pro-Tour?

Pierre Bordry. I told the director of the World Anti-Doping Agency of my intentions. We ask the UCI to the possibility of organizing additional controls. She can say no, but it will in this case to the AMA to decide. This is about to amend Article 15.1 of the world code that allows a national authority to require additional controls. So far these controls were added to those already made by many international federations. Suddenly, they could refuse, arguing that the work had been done. Adding to this article is to take into account the motivation of controls (targeting precise control and unannounced), it will prevent those federations refuse.
