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Can't adore Contador

May 7, 2009
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better not adore Evans, then, either.

For the record, I don't "adore" anyone.. far to cynical for that. What I like is the race and the sport. It's too risky to idolize any one participant in it though. Better to watch the racing without growing too attached to a favorite IMO.
May 2, 2010
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Ninety5rpm said:
... and it wouldn't matter if I understood whatever the heck he was saying.

He speaks Spanish. Do YOU speak Spanish? Contador's English is not the best, but at least he tries.

You're welcome.
May 8, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
Call me petty, but that high pitch whiny squeaky voice makes me hit the ffwd every time, and it wouldn't matter if I understood whatever the heck he was saying.

You say your current location is "The World", but your comment sounds quite provincial. It would not make you any harm to learn a language spoken by +600 million people.

At least you shouldn't complain about others speaking in their mother tongue. What else do you expect??

Incidentally Contador was operated to extirpate a polyp in his vocal folds http://www.libertaddigital.com/depo...-un-polipo-en-las-cuerdas-vocales-1276344319/

Maybe that explains why his voice disturbs you so much, maybe it just cannot be explained since your comment looks quite irrational.

BTW I am Spanish, I hope you can understand what I wrote.
Jul 22, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
Call me petty, but that high pitch whiny squeaky voice makes me hit the ffwd every time, and it wouldn't matter if I understood whatever the heck he was saying.

He is decently marketable...... if he keeps his mouth shut, keeps his thoughts to himself, takes a still photograph with his mouth mostly shut, and projects directly to an audience of one person (publicus), oh: and doesn't do that stupid pistol thing


he is growing on me as a rider (despite my misgivings about how he does it) but his salute is ridiculous
Aug 6, 2009
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dgodave said:
Why doesnt some enterprising rider pantomime a nuclear blast, when he "detonates" the race? That would be so cool!

That would indeed be cool, unfortunately under the Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty the use of nuclear salutes are limited to French, British, Russian, American and Chinese riders and none of these nationalities have really detonated the race yet. You might have something to look forward to though, since sources in team Radioshack informs me that that Armstrong is going to blow up like nuclear warhead on Tourmalet.
Jun 9, 2009
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For many Americans, it is difficult to relate to a sportsman who doesn't speak English. Add to that fact the situation where many Americans idolize Armstrong and he had that over-dramatized feud with Contador last year. Throw in a victory salute that is almost unanimously agreed upon as being kind of annoying. Just for a little extra he is sponsored by a former cold-war opponent of the US.

Summed up, you get an athlete that will find it very difficult to endear himself to American fans and sponsors.
scribe said:
He is decently marketable...... if he keeps his mouth shut, keeps his thoughts to himself, takes a still photograph with his mouth mostly shut, and projects directly to an audience of one person (publicus), oh: and doesn't do that stupid pistol thing

Yes. I am the only person in the entire world that is a fan of AC's racing style.
Aug 6, 2009
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David Suro said:
For many Americans, it is difficult to relate to a sportsman who doesn't speak English.

I suspect most people, American or otherwise finds it easier to relate to someone they can easily understand, and it's an added bonus if they're actually from your own country.