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Captain Obvious needs to make a statement.

Apr 29, 2009
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This giro has been spectacular. Best GT I have seen by a mile since I started following the sport in 06. So many memorable days every rider finishing that race can be proud.

Apologies if there is already a topic saying pretty much just this.
Ibanez said:
This giro has been spectacular. Best GT I have seen by a mile since I started following the sport in 06. So many memorable days every rider finishing that race can be proud.

Apologies if there is already a topic saying pretty much just this.

Now you have an idea how racing was before Lance and boredom came in. Pretty much GT racing like this :)
Apr 27, 2009
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Ibanez said:
This giro has been spectacular. Best GT I have seen by a mile since I started following the sport in 06. So many memorable days every rider finishing that race can be proud.

Apologies if there is already a topic saying pretty much just this.

I was about to make a post to say the exact same thing and you beat me to it. Well Said.

This race has been one of the best GTs that I have ever seen. Absolutely fantastic racing on a brutal course. Favorites racing boldly, and generally terrific action every day.

..and Jesus H Christ if someone hasn't also managed to try to hijack the thread into a "I hate Lance Armstrong" thread. Take your venom elsewhere, please. This is a thread about how great this year's Giro is/was.
Jul 22, 2009
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Ibanez said:
This giro has been spectacular. Best GT I have seen by a mile since I started following the sport in 06. So many memorable days every rider finishing that race can be proud.

Apologies if there is already a topic saying pretty much just this.

Testify Brother Ibanez!

I agree, this Giro has been pretty exciting. The Vino and cadel dual on stage 7 was spectacular, I was literally off the couch and rooting loud in front of my TV. Basso's attack on the Mortirolo was also great to watch. Vino, Basso, Cadel and LIQUIGAS have done a great job at making this Giro suspenseful.
maltiv said:
Imagine how crazy this race would've been if there wasn't a super-team like Liquigas here! Would've been attacks all the time :D

The green team is a potential Astana killer. In a year or two, Nibali will be number two in Paris. And in two or three years, he might be number one.
May 11, 2009
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maltiv said:
Imagine how crazy this race would've been if there wasn't a super-team like Liquigas here! Would've been attacks all the time :D

Or you could say imagine some of the other teams brougt a proper team instead of bringing young guys and out of shape guys. The giro is not only preparation for the tour. All the DS should be forced to learn that.
Mar 11, 2009
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Liquigas targeted this race in a big way and it worked out perfectly for them, they sent a really strong squad and have been the only team that has managed to defend the Maglia Rosa in this Giro, even though they failed the first time.
Sep 21, 2009
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Thanks God that Liquigas failed a couple of times and had to recover by riding aggressively. I doubt the race would have been as interesting if they had stayed at the front in the stages to Montalcino and L'Aquila. I would have wished Arroyo to preserve the Maglia Rosa yesterday to watch more attacking today, but I guess that's asking too much.

I can't compare to previous Giros as I haven't followed them as closely as this. But comparing this to the Tour, and excluding the crazy 2006 edition, I have to go back to the 89 and 87 to find something similar.
mr. tibbs said:
The green team is a potential Astana killer. In a year or two, Nibali will be number two in Paris. And in two or three years, he might be number one.
I don't think Nibali can win the Tour. I think he is too limited as a climber.
If anything, Kreuziger is their best bet for the future. Kreuziger was sick during the Tour last year, far off his best, and still finished 9th, just 2 spots behind Nibali. He is also 2 years younger.
Imagine in 2 years they will have a formidable train with Nibali, Basso, Kiserlovski (very strong climber), Szmyd, perhaps even Sagan, Pellizotti (if he gets cleared?)...and then Kreuziger as last man...
Ibanez said:
This giro has been spectacular. Best GT I have seen by a mile since I started following the sport in 06. So many memorable days every rider finishing that race can be proud.

Apologies if there is already a topic saying pretty much just this.
How much is it due to the ITT kms being at such a rock bottom in this race?
It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the Tour. One thing I'm looking forward to seeing is how the strongest rider, Contador, manages without a strong team to help him. I dare say that Evans might very well have won if he had been on a team like liquigas and the fact that Evans didn't have a strong team is part of what made this race even more exciting.
Dekker_Tifosi said:
I don't think Nibali can win the Tour. I think he is too limited as a climber.
If anything, Kreuziger is their best bet for the future. Kreuziger was sick during the Tour last year, far off his best, and still finished 9th, just 2 spots behind Nibali. He is also 2 years younger.
Imagine in 2 years they will have a formidable train with Nibali, Basso, Kiserlovski (very strong climber), Szmyd, perhaps even Sagan, Pellizotti (if he gets cleared?)...and then Kreuziger as last man...

kreuziger agrees with you. said something in an interview about nibali being capable of top five in the tdf, but no more, because he has a "small engine". made me wonder if this is kreuziger's subjective evaluation, from watching nibali on training, or if he knows his numbers, vo2 max and whatnot, and knows it won't do? kreuziger seems to think he himself can win it, though..
been a fantastic Giro.
almost an anti-climax when evans blew yesterday and couldn't stay with basso on mortirolo. would have made for a cracker today and maybe brought it all down to tomorrow's TT...

otherwise it's been a great tour.
And yes, to state the obvious, it has been a wonderful race, and I'm sorry it's almost over. Only bad thing, liquigas was maybe to strong. today's stage might have been more exciting if liquigas was more like an average team.
Sep 27, 2009
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The first Giro I have followed and it has been great, absolutely loved it. Liquigas have done an excellent job of using their strength as a team, but Evans with absolutely no team in the mountains and Scarponi without much help have fought hard against them and done extremely well as well. We have had two big surprises in pink in Arroyo and Porte. Rabobank have done brilliantly with their young group of riders. Almost every stage has had some drama, excitement and been highly entertaining. Hopefully the Tour can produce something like this.
Lion of Flanders said:
I was about to make a post to say the exact same thing and you beat me to it. Well Said.

This race has been one of the best GTs that I have ever seen. Absolutely fantastic racing on a brutal course. Favorites racing boldly, and generally terrific action every day.

..and Jesus H Christ if someone hasn't also managed to try to hijack the thread into a "I hate Lance Armstrong" thread. Take your venom elsewhere, please. This is a thread about how great this year's Giro is/was.

I think someone was just trying to point out why GTs might have been less entertaining in the recent past.
Didn't take long for the Lance ball suckers to show up though, did it?
Jun 22, 2009
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LukeSchmid said:
The first Giro I have followed and it has been great, absolutely loved it. Liquigas have done an excellent job of using their strength as a team, but Evans with absolutely no team in the mountains and Scarponi without much help have fought hard against them and done extremely well as well. We have had two big surprises in pink in Arroyo and Porte. Rabobank have done brilliantly with their young group of riders. Almost every stage has had some drama, excitement and been highly entertaining. Hopefully the Tour can produce something like this.

I wouldn't count on it :p