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Cavs Biography



diverted from the cadel thread..
pedaling squares said:
I agree. Too early for either book in my humble opinion. I have always thought of biographies as being a wrap-up of one's life, not an ongoing saga.

oh two world championships, mutliple grand tour stage wins, i dont see the harm in a story about his childhood, and where he is now...

to be honest, his biography was aimed at the british public, and yes is cashing in on his popularity, but also british cycling is trying to push forward, bring more kids into the sport, and start building something really special.. the track team are superb, and there are some damn good teenagers, and now kids coming through in the track team.. we have the riders to dominate that discipline for years, and now they want to start on the road..

i actuallty think its good for the kids to have someone they can identify with, someone whos story is relevant and current, who they can read about, read his biography, and think, i could be mark cavendish in ten years... its no good them reading about anquetil, or robert miller, or somebody they cant associate with, that doesnt inspire them.. they can associate with mark, the skally, the petty troublemaker, they know about the music he talks about, the places hes been.. they can associate it and dream to be him, in the same way they dream about being beckham, or micheal owen, or steven gerrard.. they dont aspire to be franz beckenbaur, or peter shilton...

wouldnt surprise me if he wasnt "encouraged" to put it out.. i know just from talking to the wife, there are kids at her school who know all about mark, something unthought of five years ago.. when she came back from the tour prologue a few years ago the kids where all pestering her constantly to hear about it.. if his biography appeals to the public and the kids and gets them thinking they can do it, im all for it..
Jul 23, 2009
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I see your point Dim, but I've always thought that it was the job of the cycling, sporting, and news press to promote British riders to the British public. Perhaps I've just become very Canadian - don't build yourself up for God's sake, be good and be quiet about it and you'll be a hero.

PS - you're up late.


pedaling squares said:
I see your point Dim, but I've always thought that it was the job of the cycling, sporting, and news press to promote British riders to the British public. Perhaps I've just become very Canadian - don't build yourself up for God's sake, be good and be quiet about it and you'll be a hero.

PS - you're up late.

tis only half one..was watching the track till 11, and then editing ready for rendering overnight..

i think cavs book had an impact on the kids.. its great to see kids riding around on their bikes saying they are mark cavendish, rather than david beckham.. if his biography helps, then great..
I think it is ridiculous to have autobiographies for people so young. I lost track of how many Obama has. I cannot wait for the Jensen Button one, "The Jenson Button Story: How a Driver of Very Modest--To be Generous--Talent Became the Luckiest Man and the Most Unworthy Champion in the History of Formula 1".


BroDeal said:
I think it is ridiculous to have autobiographies for people so young. I lost track of how many Obama has. I cannot wait for the Jensen Button one, "The Jenson Button Story: How a Driver of Very Modest--To be Generous--Talent Became the Luckiest Man and the Most Unworthy Champion in the History of Formula 1".

i tend to agree, however i can see the positives from cavs.. i see it every day on the streets.. the kids aspire to be him.. which aint a bad thing..
Jul 23, 2009
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dimspace said:
tis only half one..was watching the track till 11, and then editing ready for rendering overnight..

i think cavs book had an impact on the kids.. its great to see kids riding around on their bikes saying they are mark cavendish, rather than david beckham.. if his biography helps, then great..

True, if there is a positive result from the book then I guess I can get off my high horse. I guess I'd have to read the book before I pass judgement. Being that he is so young, I fear there would be little substance in there beyond a few trips round the track, some stage victories, "inside scoop" of who said what in the peloton, and the obligatory story about the man who believed in me when nobody else did.

BroDeal said:
I think it is ridiculous to have autobiographies for people so young. I lost track of how many Obama has. I cannot wait for the Jensen Button one, "The Jenson Button Story: How a Driver of Very Modest--To be Generous--Talent Became the Luckiest Man and the Most Unworthy Champion in the History of Formula 1".

That was a funny version of my original point.
Apparantly Brad Wiggins has an autobiography too entitled, In Pursuit of Glory: The Autobiography. It is also subtitled How I Won A Couple of Gold Medals Approximately 19 People Care About, and Didn't Even Manage a Bronze at the Tour de France.


Seriously, did anyone even know about that? What's with Britain giving so many people book deals so soon? Apparantly Andy "haven't even won a tournament anyone cares about yet" Murray has one as well.
Oct 26, 2009
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seems a bit early for an autobiography...wouldn't you think they'd wait a few years?

i guess that want to $$ in while the iron's hot!
Jul 6, 2009
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oh how cute a young arrogant kid with a biography. but seriously thats ridiculous maybe in 30 years. this would be a good example of too much fame too fast with the addition of no humility as a person. character traits that should not be promoted.
Mar 10, 2009
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BroDeal said:
I think it is ridiculous to have autobiographies for people so young. I lost track of how many Obama has. I cannot wait for the Jensen Button one, "The Jenson Button Story: How a Driver of Very Modest--To be Generous--Talent Became the Luckiest Man and the Most Unworthy Champion in the History of Formula 1".

Isn't that 'the curious case of Jensen button'?

I think I commented on it before, but I think it's a little sad to have your bio written at any age in the sports and entertainment industry, like soccer players and the likes of b. Spears and Hannah Montana (perhaps with an exception for some who have one foot in the grave) I guess it's part of business (merchandise) nowadays... They are most likely written according to a one size fits all egos format.

So if cav wants to make a quick buck, good for him. I just don't think it will even be worth the paper it's printed on.
It's just the world we live in.

Top cricketers might have 5 (auto)biographies shortly after they retire.

As long as someone has a story to tell, who cares, I don't think it's that arrogant.

At the end of the day if it's a **** book, then it shouldn't have been written. If it's a read, credit where it's due.


forty four said:
oh how cute a young arrogant kid with a biography. but seriously thats ridiculous maybe in 30 years. this would be a good example of too much fame too fast with the addition of no humility as a person. character traits that should not be promoted.

as i say, if you read my first post it explains what i think is some of the reasoning, and also the positives behind it...

the books are very much aimed at the british market, and over here biographies sell.. we still have the highest newbook sales in the world and biographies are always near the top of the list..
dimspace said:
as i say, if you read my first post it explains what i think is some of the reasoning, and also the positives behind it...

the books are very much aimed at the british market, and over here biographies sell.. we still have the highest newbook sales in the world and biographies are always near the top of the list..

For me isn't the question of how good/bad is to have a biography from a young athlete - the real questions is what would make it appealing to the people to go buy it...

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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hfer07 said:
For me isn't the question of how good/bad is to have a biography from a young athlete - the real questions is what would make it appealing to the people to go buy it...

I think you have nailed it!
I agree with the posters who say that a Biography should be written after their career.
But the flip side is, are there people interested in the story so far? So of course the publishers exploit that gap even if it is a continuing story.

I have not read the book - but I would be suprised if it is different from
Bala Verde observation below which was on a different thread:
Bala Verde said:
But honestly, a biography at 24. It's like a 16 year old Britney Spears singing about love...

I am going to guess the storyline here (perhaps warranting a spoiler alert), so can someone confirm:

-Introduction: the story of my life, how I became so great
-Chapter 1: I was young and grew up in a poor environment. I hated school and I did not have a lot of possibilities. Everyone is a farmer or mechanic around here. I loved to watch cycling.
-Chapter 2: I started riding a bike and loved it. I trained really hard every day, out in the open fields battling the wind.
-Chapter 3: I joined a cycling team and started racing. I went to every race in the UK even if it took me hours to get there. More and more hardship I suffer.
-Chapter 4: I am not that good, but it's all because the others have better bikes and facilities and I am poor, so I just have to work harder.
-Chapter 5: the track team. My coach believes in me, and pushes me to the limit. I need to work on my attitude, because I am a difficult person.
-Chapter 6: Some set backs. Will I ever make it to the top?
-Chapter 7: To the road. People believe in me as a road sprinter. I take my one chance and prove them right.
-Chapter 8: I join Columbia and they work for me. I ride the TdF and I am the greatest at 24.
The end.

Summary: I have a dream; Much hardship; I work hard; Setbacks; I become successful.
Jun 19, 2009
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Makes sense from both sides of the marketing equation.

For the sellers, he's a hot commodity, so now is the best time to get his story to market.

For the buyers, the information the book might contain about how he got to be so good will have some contemporaneous value. In 40 years when we're looking back on his great career, the things he has to say about training and tactics won't be so cutting-edge.

Or someone could buy him a phone and he could twitter it all. Save a few trees that way.
Mar 18, 2009
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Its all about money!!! Nothing else...so it is early in his career...so what...he is making money. In a sport where anything can happen, and money isn't like the other sports, I actually agree with Cav writing a bio. Get some financial security for yourself and family. Whats the big deal? I also agree with Dim...if more kids are interested in cycling because of it, and are on the road trying to be the next Cav...FANTASTIC!!! I'm all about the kids...and things that get them into cycling are all good!!
Jun 11, 2009
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It is about the money but also getting in there first. As soon as someone starts to get a bit of notice someone somewhere is writting an unofficial biography, for which the subject gets :rolleyes:
Aug 16, 2009
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The Brits are a bunch of total fanboys. They eat this crap up. Wiggo is great, but I have talked to Brits who seem to think he'll be dropping Contador in Alps next year. They also think that Jenson Button is WDC based on talent and not because he was driving the best car.

Americans are just about as bad. Lance actually wrote a sequel to his autobiography and I am sure he'll do another. You can also buy a Danica Patrick bio which is a joke because she has accomplished nothing.
Mar 18, 2009
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Astana1 said:
The Brits are a bunch of total fanboys. They eat this crap up. Wiggo is great, but I have talked to Brits who seem to think he'll be dropping Contador in Alps next year. They also think that Jenson Button is WDC based on talent and not because he was driving the best car.

Americans are just about as bad. Lance actually wrote a sequel to his autobiography and I am sure he'll do another. You can also buy a Danica Patrick bio which is a joke because she has accomplished nothing.

If Danica Patrick has some topless photos in her book...I may be interested...just sayin.
Oct 6, 2009
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Astana1 said:
The Brits are a bunch of total fanboys. They eat this crap up. Wiggo is great, but I have talked to Brits who seem to think he'll be dropping Contador in Alps next year. They also think that Jenson Button is WDC based on talent and not because he was driving the best car.

Americans are just about as bad. Lance actually wrote a sequel to his autobiography and I am sure he'll do another. You can also buy a Danica Patrick bio which is a joke because she has accomplished nothing.

Lance's mother also wrote a book about raising the little phenom.


Astana1 said:
The Brits are a bunch of total fanboys. They eat this crap up. Wiggo is great, but I have talked to Brits who seem to think he'll be dropping Contador in Alps next year. They also think that Jenson Button is WDC based on talent and not because he was driving the best car.

Americans are just about as bad. Lance actually wrote a sequel to his autobiography and I am sure he'll do another. You can also buy a Danica Patrick bio which is a joke because she has accomplished nothing.

you obvioulsy havnt read the posts very well then...

a lot of americans here are anti lance
i have never said wiggo would win the tour next year
and if you read my comments on cavs book they are not from a fanboy perspective but a cycling development one..

i also happen to think jenson button is a ****

this is coming from a fanboy who cals himself astana1.. bet youve got the mug and the tea towel havnt you.. :D