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CN Podcasts!



Michielveedeebee said:
I didn't even know there were cn podcasts :eek: where can I find them ?

ditto.. didnt even know about them..

and i REFUSE to have shi-tunes on this computer
May 3, 2010
Am unable to download the tour podcasts not sure why, can get all the normal ones np, (checked by redownloading them). Same problem with last years tour podcasts, are they "broken" at the moment or merely geo-restricted?
Mar 11, 2009
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Regular podcasts are great.

But the tour podcasts have been worthless - like listening to a bunch of drunks in the pub who think they're interesting. I realize doing a daily podcast is more difficult and you can't have the pre-production planning you put into a weekly podcast, but at least make the attempt to be sober and include some content worth listening to.
Jul 14, 2010
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podcasts rubbish

I agree totally - i loved last year. This year it's all about them, not about the race. get on with it! Get Taman OFF! Very funny first time, now it's a bore. I've got better things to do - yesterday was a great stage and no-one said anything at all about it of any interest. I'm a novice with more insight. Today 's the test - if it's rubbish i'm not coming back. Only joined the forum to post a complaint, that's how annoying it is.
Jun 14, 2009
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It would also be nice to get it posted to iTunes before the next stage starts.

Yes, it would be better if the ratio of cycling discussion to idle chatter was reversed. I'll only put up with it by imagining how punchy I might might get on such a three week road trip where you stay somewhere else every night.

That said, try for, maybe, 80% content and 20% sophomoric BS instead of the other way around. Having a little nonsense helps get an idea of who the guys are, but don't go overboard.
May 3, 2010
The podcasts are fun but im currently listening to stage 9 (Yes im a bit behind) but "tanman" should never ever be allowed to sing again on a podcast or i will refuse to listen further.
Mar 11, 2009
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stanley said:
And why no mention of Hushovd's feat of climbing Tourmalet and three other cols to finish with the GC faves and take green?

Did you actually believe this bunch of self absorbed charlatans would actually provide useful commentary on the race? Why talk about the race when Anthony Tan can sing!

I'm through with this sorry excuse for a podcast. If you want to listen to something worthwhile, I'd suggest downloading the Velocast. You'll get good race commentary and the podcasters are actually intelligent and funny. What a novel concept.
Jun 16, 2009
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Mark Trimmer said:
Did you actually believe this bunch of self absorbed charlatans would actually provide useful commentary on the race? Why talk about the race when Anthony Tan can sing!

I'm through with this sorry excuse for a podcast. If you want to listen to something worthwhile, I'd suggest downloading the Velocast. You'll get good race commentary and the podcasters are actually intelligent and funny. What a novel concept.

Exactly my thinking!
Jul 23, 2010
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They are amusing. I would love 5 min more of facts-who won, etc. The basics.

I cut them slack on other content-you try riding around france for 3 weeks in small french car. I'd be punchy too. But, they should upload more consistently. It's Friday, after tourmalet, and they've not posted anything since the day before 2nd rest day. Even bicycling got a podcast up on rest day. Come on!
May 14, 2009
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The tour podcasts are great.

Sure, it would be nice if they were uploaded before the next day's stage started. But for those of us who can't go to the tour, it's a little bit like being taken along with the lucky few who get to follow along every day, everything from riding in the car, to finding a restaurant to actually seeing some racing.

These guys have spent the day traveling long distances and trying to provide sober analyses for their respective publications, so if they want to blow off a little steam after 10 p.m., is that really a problem? I say no.

Bravo to Daniel, Richard and yes, even Anthony who has a fetish he perhaps should not have shared. You have entertained a lot and informed a little. Good night to you gentlemen, too.
Jun 16, 2009
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Last podcast: 19/08/2010
Location of Dan & Jeff:: Unknown
Response from other workers at CN: Nothing
Why am I doing this? because the podcast is good and there is a lot of things to be talked about.

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