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Critical Mass

Oct 29, 2009
Are any other forum member familiar with this movement? If not I added a link to the wikipedia page, so you can at least get some familiarity with it. I was thinking about it because a trial recently started for a 2008 incident in which a cop performed what looked like a linebacker type hit on a cyclist, slamming him into the ground. I think the cops unprovoked actions are absolutely reprehensible, but in researching these critcal mass rides, they seem deliberately disruptive and show little to no concern for motorists and no road etiquette whatsoever.

I'm just curious what other users think. Are they getting a bad rap, or are they really like this? I've never been on one of these rides, nor have I ever seen one in person. From what I can see, they aren't real cyclists, just people on bikes trying to cause a stir. Ultimately, doing a disservice to cycling as a whole.

Mar 16, 2009
From what I have seen from around here the rides seem very politically motivated. Not much promoting cycling just a rolling billboard for agendas
Apr 17, 2009
I've heard the various ones can be different but the reputation is pretty much the same as the rap they get.

IMO it's not cycling advocacy, but anarchy. Blocking crowded intersections with bikes just ****es motorists off more. Usually its the innocent ones minding their own business that suffer the consequences.
Mar 19, 2009
Critical Mass is not good for cycling, it's just a parade of really obtuse people thinking they're doing something good for cycling awareness, when they're in fact not doing a thing but making a lot of people angry. In my view, as an ex-messenger even, nobody I know takes Massers seriously at all, cyclist or not. If you really want to experience the lamest bike parade in town and not accomplish a thing in terms of any positive advocacy at all, go attend a CM.
Mar 17, 2009
Critical Mass is not good for cycling, it's just a parade of really obtuse people thinking they're doing something good for cycling awareness, when they're in fact not doing a thing but making a lot of people angry.

I totally agree. I've ridden in a few and really it just causes trouble and makes people mad. In the end I think most people involved are more interested in making trouble than promoting cycling.

Also, it's quite dangerous because a lot of the people aren't "real" cyclists and can't handle their bikes in a crowd so there are lots of crashes.

Jul 22, 2009
I'd argue that it has created a movement of civic accomodation in some urban centers. While I don't agree with the tactics, I remember a time when there was absolutely no room for bikes on the streets.
Apr 11, 2009
I've ridden CM rides in Seattle and San Diego and for the most part the participants are followers of a few un-named leaders and no one really knows the agenda of the day until they ride. I liken anonymous participation in CM rides to anonymous participation in forums. People use pseudonyms to hide their true identity usually so they can spout off something insulting and hopefully never have it attritbuted to them personally I found the whole mysterious "no organization" part of the CM movement to be just as potentailly irresponsible. If there is no recognizable organizations, officially anyway, they can't be sued for dangerous behavior. I have completely disassociated myself from any of their future rides becausse I think it reflects very negatively on cycling.
Sep 8, 2009
Critical Mass is like communism. Looked good on paper.

It's a completely counterproductive movement. If you want to call it that still. Now it's just an excuse for people to show up on bikes, booze it up, dress up like tools, and pretend that they are there for some sort of cause.
Mar 22, 2010
soOpOSMthanks! said:
Critical Mass is like communism. Looked good on paper.

It's a completely counterproductive movement. If you want to call it that still. Now it's just an excuse for people to show up on bikes, booze it up, dress up like tools, and pretend that they are there for some sort of cause.

If it gets featured in Bicycling magazine, I view whatever it is with some skepticism. that's just me, though.
Apr 28, 2010
Critical mass is not about sports cycling...

Critical mass is not about sports cycling... it is a part of a broader movement

Just as Feminists are berated as 'extreme' by modern women who have never known oppression/ discrimination

Just as Unions are reviled by the workers of the affluent west who have never experienced unfavourable conditions of employment - Unions were born of the Industrial revolution...

The basic right of Cyclists to share the roads safely in many western nations has been under real threat for many years- the modern sports cycling resurgance is only possible due to very real activism by people who believed that cycling is a legitamate transport choice worthy of a place on the road.

Be wary of putting the boot into one small part of Cyclist Rights Activism... there are plenty of groups/ individuals out there who will take your words and try to use them to get you off the street
Sep 23, 2009
I have been on two rides in London, the last time I was being heavily harrased by a very big cop, I wouldn't go back again without camera/s. The cops accompany you on bikes and this fellow was built like a prop on steroids, when I say i think he was on them, I not joke. I'm fairly huge myself but you start fighting them and you are guarenteed to lose, one way or another, he did deserve and was asking for a beating. A lot of the people were Ok, a father and son from Brixton on American police mock up bikes, big sound systems. I might go on Friday, day after the Fool Moon.
fernando cauliflower said:
Critical mass is not about sports cycling... it is a part of a broader movement

Just as Feminists are berated as 'extreme' by modern women who have never known oppression/ discrimination

Just as Unions are reviled by the workers of the affluent west who have never experienced unfavourable conditions of employment - Unions were born of the Industrial revolution...

The basic right of Cyclists to share the roads safely in many western nations has been under real threat for many years- the modern sports cycling resurgance is only possible due to very real activism by people who believed that cycling is a legitamate transport choice worthy of a place on the road.

Be wary of putting the boot into one small part of Cyclist Rights Activism... there are plenty of groups/ individuals out there who will take your words and try to use them to get you off the street
Cycling Rights Activism in the name of cyclists obeying the same rules as drivers of vehicles on the same roads to have the same rights is one thing (same rules, same roads, same rights).

Cycling Rights Activism in the name of cyclists to have the right to ride on the road in flagrant disregard for the driver rules of the road is quite another (Critical Mass).
Apr 28, 2010
Typically I do not attend.
As a young male (commonly defined by statisticians as risk-taking) who raced, commuted and couriered I have always felt at ease on the street (including when I was young and dumb and ought not to have)

Despite a university degree in Urbanism (town planning) I was blind to the extent that private car ownership had monopolised the roads and marginalised all else- Commercial traffic, Public transport, pedestrians and cyclists.

After living in mainland European capitals for many years I realised that cities could be nicer... that cycling was for everyone.

The Car industry from F1 down to the local service station has a lot of $$ to manipulate and pervert our way of life. Bikes do not. ALA Critical Mass- Guerilla Warfare.
War is not nice- I prefer to ride elsewhere... and represent in my own way

That said, I reserve my right to participate in any traffic jam- including bicycle traffic jams.... and I will not kick those freaky looking lefty angry weirdo's for trying to affect a change I believe in

I did attend two CM's when in London. I found the Police very friendly and they escorted the ride- a calming influence really, except for the time one fell off and hurt himself trying to hop an island
Apr 28, 2010
Ninety5rpm said:
Cycling Rights Activism in the name of cyclists obeying the same rules as drivers of vehicles on the same roads to have the same rights is one thing (same rules, same roads, same rights).

Cycling Rights Activism in the name of cyclists to have the right to ride on the road in flagrant disregard for the driver rules of the road is quite another (Critical Mass).

heard of 'Assymetrical warfare?'

We need both when the deck is so stacked.

CM is once a month- Congestion, pollution, obesity, heart disease etc etc is every day
Sep 8, 2009
Wow, absurd. Continue believing that your Critical Mass is doing cycling as a whole any good. It's a pity that you believe that acting in a counter-productive manner will somehow shape cycling's future.
Apr 28, 2010
soOpOSMthanks! said:
Wow, absurd. Continue believing that your Critical Mass is doing cycling as a whole any good. It's a pity that you believe that acting in a counter-productive manner will somehow shape cycling's future.

Not sure if you comprehend what I believe- I am rather acknowledging it's past role- and the right for others to do as they will. To act on their beliefs.

fernando cauliflower said:
Typically I do not attend.
The Car industry from F1 down to the local service station has a lot of $$ to manipulate and pervert our way of life. Bikes do not. ALA Critical Mass- Guerilla Warfare.
War is not nice- I prefer to ride elsewhere... and represent in my own way

What I do believe is that people should ride when they can and cooperate graciously and respectfully as fellow road users...

and yes, in some Cities- such as mine- the government is doing it's damndest to accomodate/ promote cycling- so the protest is redundant...in these cases I think they should route the CM to minimise impact.

All protests are subject to hi-jacking by minorities as forums are by trolls- like you?
Jun 16, 2009
Any claim that Critical Mass contributes to improved conditions for cyclists in major cities is garbage.

In my own experiences in Melbourne, Sydney, and London, the general pattern I have seen is that a CM ride occurs and causes disruption and then in the following days in the media we get a stream of 'Get cyclists off our roads - they don't pay to be there and they clearly are scum!' commentary. There is never a case of someone coming out and saying "oh wow, they have a point, lets create cycling lanes and take cars off the roads!"

Successful representation for cyclists comes through sensible and well reasoned non-political organisations such as Bicycle Victoria, Bicycle NSW, British Cycling, etc

In fact I would be surprised if a deep study didn't ultimately demonstrate that city and driver attitudes to cyclists would be BETTER if CM never existed.
Apr 28, 2010
Martin318is said:
In my own experiences in Melbourne, Sydney, and London, the general pattern I have seen is that a CM ride occurs and causes disruption and then in the following days in the media we get a stream of 'Get cyclists off our roads - they don't pay to be there and they clearly are scum!' commentary. There is never a case of someone coming out and saying "oh wow, they have a point, lets create cycling lanes and take cars off the roads!"

So the Great Victorian Bike Ride has helped promote cycling for transport?

It is a complex issue- I suspect your experience is limited
Jun 16, 2009
fernando cauliflower said:
So the Great Victorian Bike Ride has helped promote cycling for transport?

It is a complex issue- I suspect your experience is limited

Yours must be even more limited.

I think you will find if you look a bit deeper that whilst Bicycle Victoria does run events such as Great Vic etc, the majority of their efforts are expended in things such as campaining for cycling lanes, better access for cyclists, secure bicycle storage in city locations, Ride to Work day, etc.

In any event, are you trying to tell us that Critical Mass does ANYTHING for promoting cycling for transport? Get a grip!
Apr 28, 2010
Martin318is said:

In any event, are you trying to tell us that Critical Mass does ANYTHING for promoting cycling for transport?

If you can't appreciate it I'd say open your mind, go on one and talk to more than people who look just like you (women, old people, families)

Maybe you cannot remember a time when the only people who cycled in Oz were sportsmen and eccentrics... perhaps you were a sportsman or were busy driving. If you were riding for transport did you ever wonder why the fattest country in the world that sees itself a a great sporting nation wouldn't use bikes when it is an obvious solution?

Yeah, I must admit I was a bit harsh on Bike Victoria... I have heard they are an effective org.... though not from that region

BikeNSW just apply the tongue to RTA rears and organise 1 off events that clearly contextualise cycling as a leisure past time / recreation.

Cycling needs to be normalised to gain broad acceptance and uptake.

Haters in lycra are still haters
Oct 29, 2009
Thanks for the comments guys; you pretty much confirmed what I was already thinking. I like what Shawn said about the lack of organization being suspicious; it's very true. One thing I've noticed is they're contstantly talking about "strength in numbers," but the rides seem to take place with total anonymity and no responsibilty for their actions. They just perpetuate this notion that cyclists think they own they roads, which is far from the truth. One of the most important things to me as a cyclist is developing a good rapport with motorists, and being a good ambassador to the sport. A dear friend of mine is a staunch supporter of animal rights, but loathes PETA for their actions and tactics. I think the same thing is going on here. I never want to be associated with groups like this.
Aug 13, 2009
scribe said:
I remember a time when there was absolutely no room for bikes on the streets.

Any improvement has nothing to do with CM. They harm the cause more then they help
Jul 14, 2009
Lots of CM riders are for cyclists rights,road access, harsh punishment for offending drivers that act out on cyclists, all things I can get behind. Running red lights through Times Sq or riding up and knocking coffee out of somebody;s hand rather than ring your bell to alert them is F'ed up.CM would have got a bit more press in the NYC civil trial(21,APR) but Michael Douglas's son, Cameron got 5 years for selling coke and meth out of a super expensive hotel/apt. The CM guy who is suing the NYPD is Chris Long he got asked a bunch of questions..really hard ones like where do you live? I am a couch surfer. Why did you get thrown out of the Army? I failed drug tests(2). What about the fatal driving accident you had in NC in 2001. He also had 1 minor accident the same year ? Shared blame. The cops and court didn't see it that way. They also asked him about why he smashed out the window of a mother driving a station wagon w a child inside. He was arrested for riding drunk after he smashed her mirror. He is a quality guy.