NBCSports wasn't top tier on my dish (or I don't think it is). It's not the reason I have the top tier. There are about 5 stations we watch a lot that are top tier.
Vuelta will require 2 months, not one as it's partly in both Aug and Sept.
Just on principle I will NOT pay NBC for their streaming service.
The more I've had to deal with streaming the more i truly do NOT like it at all.
250 is top tier, it was in 200. They prorate partial use of an addon package so I'll only have to pay 3 weeks for the Vuelta.
I understand your stance on Principle, I was the same when NBCSports existed. But I'm not paying for it now so I'm okay paying for Peacock for a few months
Streaming isn't my choice either, unless it's my Only (legal) choice