jackhammer111 said:
Umm.. that is disingenuous.
Protocols NOW exist to properly account for long term storage of samples.
The old protocols of the 99 samples only assured 3 years.
Not saying he didn't dope. Just trying to keep it real.
Seriously, if that is 'keeping it real', you are the master of disingenuity. While the old protocols may have only "assured" 3 years shelf life, that's in no way the same thing as saying the shelf life was limited to 3 years.
I'm not suggesting I know details about WADA/UCI sample storage protocols, but I do know this isn't rocket science. Storage below -70 celsius should be plenty, even for biologically active samples. Even more moderate temps like -40C are probably OK.
Back in my days as a lab rat I extracted RNA (which is way, WAY,
WAY more prone to degradation than proteins [like EPO] or DNA [from evil twins like TH's]) from tissue samples that had been stored in freezers at -70C for up to a decade.
If EPO were in blood or urine samples in '99, it would still be those samples
now unless someone turned the freezers off over summer.
FWIW, we also had a 250g jar of pure testosterone in the cupboard in my lab, which had been around since before it was a restricted substance. We couldn't put it in the safe with the newer restricted substances, because if it had been admitted to auditors that we had it, we probably wouldn't have been allowed to keep it [and we needed it for our research]
I wonder if it's still there, and if not, whether it was handed in for destruction or sold at the local gym...
[edit] the point of which was to say some stuff lasts forever even out of the fridge[/edit]