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Don't touch the..!

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auscyclefan94 said:
i dont bother wif corect gramar wen postin 2 som socialy and mentaly inept peopl.

Spelling and grammar are different things.


Hugh Januss said:
Aussies do not need to be sent to hell, they already live on a huge continent that is largely uninhabitable except for a tiny ring around the coastline.:D

That, and it is populated by organisms in some kind of toxic arms race. How did a *** like Cuddles ever grow up in such a place?
Hugh Januss said:
I have. Do you still have to bring cans of gasoline with you if you want to drive from coast to coast?

Only if you want to drive through the middle. If you stick to the habitable ring around the edge, you can usually find fuel every 200k or so these days. So things are improving. I heard we might even get colour TV here soon. And maybe grammar too.

Back on topic, I seem to recall that Cadel also teed-off on a moto rider in the same tour. The "stand on my dog" incident might have also been the same year. He definitely carried on like someone who was chock-a-block full of the angry pills.
Marmot said:
Only if you want to drive through the middle. If you stick to the habitable ring around the edge, you can usually find fuel every 200k or so these days. So things are improving. I heard we might even get colour TV here soon. And maybe grammar too.
Not if ACF has anything to say about it.
Back on topic, I seem to recall that Cadel also teed-off on a moto rider in the same tour. The "stand on my dog" incident might have also been the same year. He definitely carried on like someone who was chock-a-block full of the angry pills.
I think he is just misunderstood, he tends to get kind of emotional for a few days every month.

May 22, 2010
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Hugh Januss said:
Aussies do not need to be sent to hell, they already live on a huge continent that is largely uninhabitable except for a tiny ring around the coastline.:D

the jokes on you. we sold most of the rest of it to china for enough to keep us out of recession :)
May 20, 2009
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I now believe all of the innuendo and fodder. How old is this besides way done and dusted? Some of the posters I actually have respected for their opinions on other threads, but to take part in this is simply '...I'm a twelve year old boy and, "ha huh, yarw, you, you look funny and you smell, um, too...Ha! We showed him. That accomplished man who speaks out for right while we are whiping our noses!" Good on you. Thirty seconds of my life well spent to say get one yourself. The ones I have had respect for please put your time into something more worthwhile as to cycling.
Opichi said:
I now believe all of the innuendo and fodder. How old is this besides way done and dusted? Some of the posters I actually have respected for their opinions on other threads, but to take part in this is simply '...I'm a twelve year old boy and, "ha huh, yarw, you, you look funny and you smell, um, too...Ha! We showed him. That accomplished man who speaks out for right while we are whiping our noses!" Good on you. Thirty seconds of my life well spent to say get one yourself. The ones I have had respect for please put your time into something more worthwhile as to cycling.

reckon you're about right.
It's just a trolling effort on acf - easy target and doesn't know when to walk away...

as for Cuddles, there are times I just don't get the things I see him do. Like the silly youtube clip shown at the start. something was definately up and there had to be a reason behind why he was so protective of his personal space - naturally a 30second clip will not give you the full picture. there are journo's that just don't respect personal space, and let's face it, most journo's are ****s who'll make anything out of nothing.

then again, coming for the Territory does mean he'll be somewhat out of the norm - whether b*stardised by being in europe or the sport, who knows... and does it matter...
Jun 16, 2009
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scribe said:
What happened in 94?

94th day of the year as I made auscyclefan on its own but screwed it up so I made another one. Yes I understand about the lead years but at the time I didn't think about it so I use 94 for everything.
Jul 17, 2009
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The seven dwarfs went off to work in the mine one day, while Snow White stayed at home to do the housework and cook their lunch.

However when she went to the mine to deliver their lunches, she found there had been a cave-in, and there was no sign of the dwarfs.

Tearfully she yelled in to the mine entrance: "hello - is anyone there. Can anyone hear me".

A voice floated up from the bowels of the mine:

"Cadel Evans will win Le Tour De France""

"Thank god" said Snow White "at least Dopey's still alive"
Oct 6, 2009
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sartoris said:
Maybe some of you haven't seen this yet.

0:20 ,,,,, "Don't touch the douche bag!" :D:


On the other hand, Cadel seems on his way to be more of a winner than a whiner. Let's see if he keeps improving.

I remember when that happened. Cadel had crashed, and his left collarbone was cracked, or suspected of being cracked/broken. That's why he's freaking out to have anything come near his left side like that. I'm not a Cadel fan, but I can't blame him for not wanting to be jostled by reporters with microphones and cameras when he's injured.

If I remember right, he finished the stage and had to do the interviews and podium presentation (was very careful putting on yellow jersey) before he could be taken away for x-rays. I seem to recall that he continued to ride with whatever the injury was.

ETA - memory was a little off. He had actually crashed on stage 9 (which was the day before this video took place).

The day was also a dream for Cadel Evans, whose nightmarish stage nine crash had him starting the stage in bandages. After finishing the day with a superb ride, the Australian was all smiles at the finish. "Yesterday was terrible. I suffered a lot. My entire left side is damaged, my helmet was destroyed. I thought my Tour was over. Now, I only think of the general classification."

Despite being wrapped up like a mummy and clearly a bit stiff from his fall, Evans still managed to put in a few attacks and did a large portion of the work to keep Schleck from getting too much time. His reward was the yellow jersey by a slim one second margin. "Just like the others I hoped for yellow at Hautacam," said Evans. "To get it by a few seconds [is great], but there are still many kilometres left."

Quote is from this article.

Here's his shoulder:
auscyclefan94 said:
where did you go? I bet you enjoyed it!:)

Brisbane, Moreton Island (where we rode our cross bikes around on the sand roads and up and down the beach at low tide). Then up to Noosa (where we poached the trails in the National Park on our cross bikes). It was great, but at my age it took several days to get over the plane ride.:p
Australia is a beautiful place, as barren wastelands go.:D
I kid.
Aug 25, 2009
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ACF showing the classicly thinned skinned aussie temperament here :D.That reporter probably responded to Cadel's bad joke about the french with a better one about aussies, then cadel got all upset cause culturally he likes to give sh** to people, but copes really poorly when he gets it back. :p :p
Jun 16, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
Brisbane, Moreton Island (where we rode our cross bikes around on the sand roads and up and down the beach at low tide). Then up to Noosa (where we poached the trails in the National Park on our cross bikes). It was great, but at my age it took several days to get over the plane ride.:p
Australia is a beautiful place, as barren wastelands go.:D
I kid.

Come to melbourne, you will see some of the best food, wine, art (if that floats your boat) and sport in the world. If only we could have a proper public transport system:(. Anyway, it is pretty awesome.