I'm a linguist. So the use of the right word matters a lot to me, though it may sound boring.
In newspaper or on the net (including this forum), I often come across phrases like "motorized doping" or "electric doping" or whatever. As if doping were a synonym of cheating.
In a way this whole debate gladdens me because it underlines the fact that doping is NOT the only form of cheating this sport has had to face and equipment technology cheating is as old if not older than biological cheating (doping).
1933: Francis Faure broke the Hour record on a recumbent bike
1984: Francesco Moser broke Merckx's Hour record twice on a revolutionary bike (lenticular wheels, aerodynamic frame, etc) and then the ITT in Verona (Giro) on the same bike
1989: Greg LeMond introduced the tri bars into the peloton. Fignon came with it to the GP Merckx and wasn't allowed to ride.
All of these cases were cheating (including LeMond now over-hyped as a presumed clean rider). Then came these supersonic bikes: O'Bree's, Boardman's, Collinelli's and Bellutti's (in Atlanta), and so on.
In newspaper or on the net (including this forum), I often come across phrases like "motorized doping" or "electric doping" or whatever. As if doping were a synonym of cheating.
In a way this whole debate gladdens me because it underlines the fact that doping is NOT the only form of cheating this sport has had to face and equipment technology cheating is as old if not older than biological cheating (doping).
1933: Francis Faure broke the Hour record on a recumbent bike
1984: Francesco Moser broke Merckx's Hour record twice on a revolutionary bike (lenticular wheels, aerodynamic frame, etc) and then the ITT in Verona (Giro) on the same bike
1989: Greg LeMond introduced the tri bars into the peloton. Fignon came with it to the GP Merckx and wasn't allowed to ride.
All of these cases were cheating (including LeMond now over-hyped as a presumed clean rider). Then came these supersonic bikes: O'Bree's, Boardman's, Collinelli's and Bellutti's (in Atlanta), and so on.