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Favourite Non-Cycling Sport

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I enjoy pretty much all sports but, my favourite sport after cycling would be cricket. From there its golf, tennis, table-tennis, and athletics. As a spectator sport for me it would be sailing and motorsports.

I also officiate in football, and will be working on getting my credentials in a couple more over the winter (probably cricket and cycling).


Aug 17, 2009
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Spending time with my wife , Spending time in sporting events with kids ; their participation, riding not watching cycling, American football,fishing, hunting.
Jul 3, 2009
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Boxing, golf, cricket and athletics.

Being from the Uk, I used to be into football, played when I was younger but over the last few years it has become a farce. Money and sky have ruined it for me, They shove it down your throat 24/7. Full of prima donna's who have no idea about the real world and I swear they are getting dumber by the day. England played the other night and after watching several interviews with the players, I came to the conclusion that David Beckham was the most intelligent of the whole sqaud! I am glad though, it has given me the chance to get into cycling a lot more. Still a bit of a noob, but it is starting to come together. Lets just hope sky give cycling the shot in the arm (excuse the pun) it deserves in this country.
Mar 18, 2009
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Esroh the Hoss said:
Running and Horse Trials as regards what I used to do but to Watch it has to be
Hurling. Unique to Ireland and I do not come from an area where it is strong so I sort of missed out
Lads are talking Gaelic but you will get the jist:)

What an insane and intensely fun game to watch, with emphasis on "watch".

I got a crash-course in a pub in Dublin by a hurler (proper title?), who gladly bought rounds while talking us ignorants thru an entire match on TV. Thoroughly enjoyed it...both the match and the commentary! :D


Trail Running (doing) and College Basketball (Watching-I am from NC, we are just born that way. This is not a joke, kids used to get out of school on the Friday of the ACC tournament to go home and watch the games which started a noon. If you stayed in school, teachers usually had a TV with the game on.)

My real passion is photography though.
Thoughtforfood said:
Trail Running (doing) and College Basketball (Watching-I am from NC, we are just born that way. This is not a joke, kids used to get out of school on the Friday of the ACC tournament to go home and watch the games which started a noon. If you stayed in school, teachers usually had a TV with the game on.) QUOTE]

hey TFF understood completely...you think college basketball is a way of life on tobacco road, come to lexington sometime and see what real passion for college basketball is :p
Mar 18, 2009
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I spend a good bit of time riding with my son (he is 13)...when not riding...I like to watch pretty much anything but baseball or NBA. Favorites include american football, NHL, and even a little college football. Time usually does not allow. To do...I am an avid hunter. I train dogs...labs and Plott dogs. This takes a lot of time. I generally enjoy the summers eaten to death by mosquitos, ticks and chiggers... and the winters freezing my tail off in the woods.


aarnold517 said:
hey TFF understood completely...you think college basketball is a way of life on tobacco road, come to lexington sometime and see what real passion for college basketball is :p

Yea, you guys used to be pretty good. A LONG time ago. I'll bet it was great then...Me, I still celebrate a National Championship that was won in 09. :eek:

Hey, what do you think of Christian Laettner?
Mar 18, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
Yea, you guys used to be pretty good. A LONG time ago. I'll bet it was great then...Me, I still celebrate a National Championship that was won in 09. :eek:

Hey, what do you think of Christian Laettner?

Oh my god...a UNC fan? I live in the triangle and usually root for NCSU...but a win by any of the big 3 here is great for the community.


TRDean said:
I spend a good bit of time riding with my son (he is 13)...when not riding...I like to watch pretty much anything but baseball or NBA. Favorites include american football, NHL, and even a little college football. Time usually does not allow. To do...I am an avid hunter. I train dogs...labs and Plott dogs. This takes a lot of time. I generally enjoy the summers eaten to death by mosquitos, ticks and chiggers... and the winters freezing my tail off in the woods.

Yea, I thought I was watching a baseball game the other day, but it was just the paint drying in my bathroom.

As for the NBA. It is the worst form of sport. One based almost solely on individual promotion and accomplishment. It is boring and filled with "Hey look at me!" play and players. I would rather watch cricket.


TRDean said:
Oh my god...a UNC fan? I live in the triangle and usually root for NCSU...but a win by any of the big 3 here is great for the community.

I'm a Tar Heel born
and a Tar Heel bread
and when I die
I'll be Tar Heel dead

Rooting against State is just cruel with the teams they have had in the past decade or two.

Duke? Lets just say that my 6 year old son refers to Mike Kzychleketzykeltxzey as "Rat Face." I am not sure where he got that, but I am proud of him regardless.
Thoughtforfood said:
Yea, you guys used to be pretty good. A LONG time ago. I'll bet it was great then...Me, I still celebrate a National Championship that was won in 09. :eek:

Hey, what do you think of Christian Laettner?

TFF that was a low blow...safe to say we aren't fans of christian laettner here

and don't worry we are on the way to a national championship soon...that is assuming we aren't stripped of it after coach cal commits a major violation:rolleyes:
Jun 24, 2009
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I ski a little
Apr 1, 2009
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Barbarella said:
Rock climbing used to be my life then I got sucked into racing bicycles. This past year I was able to get outside and climb a few times. My latest trip is chronicled here
Now that cross season has started climbing will have to go on hold until January. If I had a TV I'd watch gymnastics (a sport that took up twelve years of my life) and hockey. If US TV had cyclocross coverage I'd watch it, but for now I settle for watching 'cross on YouTube.

+1 on the rockclimbing and you must be good if you were a gymnast. I also did a bunch of other sports, like kite surfing, surfing, skiing. and I use to be a national level wrestler (Junior) basically suck at any sport with a ball.

Like to watch everything really but mostly sports like hockey, football and tennis
Aug 3, 2009
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The only sport I've played at a competitive level is American football. I started out as a tight end playing two-touch before moving out to wide receiver when I was old enough for pads and eventually finding my home as a defensive back. I'm actually quite proud of having been heavily involved in founding my university's squad and one of their early coaches, although I had left and was thus ineligible to play by the time they were admitted to the British Uni league (15 years later they are one of the top teams).

In terms of being a spectator though I love rugby union and test cricket. I really can't be doing with the 50 over game though. I wish a typical tour was 7 tests, two T20s and zero ODIs!

I've also had opportunity to play baseball on a couple of occasions, and have played basketball a quite a bit. Both are really quite fun to play but it doesn't change the fact I find them about the most boring sports I have ever encountered to watch on TV.

Of course, all this is just my personal opinions; your mileage may vary ;)


I love watching running.

Everything from the 100/200 double by Bolt, the 5000/10,000 double by Bekele, up to all the classic marathon battles.

Plus triathlon (but i guess that's not really a 'non-cycling sport')
Aug 16, 2009
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Playing and watching. Well swimming is about all I do except cycling. Watching, we lass two events I went to were Sumo tournements, so I guess that is the vote.
Oct 5, 2009
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That's a very interesting topic. But this field is still new to me. It will be grateful if you give me some

more information about it. Thanks in advance.

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