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Garmin BEATS Astana!

Mar 19, 2009
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THEN >>> the whole field finishes within 1:37 of each other and not only that but the top teams are separated by seconds despite a shift in wind pattern!!!

IF you are traveling at enough power to go 20mph, a 10 mph headwinds will force you down below 15!

But if your driving your F-ing car at 85 mph and you have a 10 mph headwind the same power gets you along at 80. Ha!
Mar 10, 2009
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Yeah, and Columbia beat Garmin by 6 seconds and Astana by 13 seconds and they started first.

Astana beat LPR by 9 seconds - the last and second last to leave the start house.

SaxoBank started 15th and ended 13th; RaboBank started 2nd and finished 7th; AG2R started 5th and ended 21st.

So what's your point BigBo...



im not sure what anyone is on about to be honest...

is it being suggsted garmin are dopers or something..
Mar 11, 2009
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BigBoat said:
THEN >>> the whole field finishes within 1:37 of each other and not only that but the top teams are separated by seconds despite a shift in wind pattern!!!

IF you are traveling at enough power to go 20mph, a 10 mph headwinds will force you down below 15!

But if your driving your F-ing car at 85 mph and you have a 10 mph headwind the same power gets you along at 80. Ha!

But Petacchi beat Cav..that's news! Stage 2.
Mar 19, 2009
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Pettachi is ATLEAST as good as Cippo was at his best... Watch Pettachi win 9 stages of the 2004 Giro, and 4 stages of the 2003 Tour de France!

And totally clean to, lol!
Apr 12, 2009
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BigBoat said:
Pettachi is ATLEAST as good as Cippo was at his best... Watch Pettachi win 9 stages of the 2004 Giro, and 4 stages of the 2003 Tour de France!

And totally clean to, lol!

don't say it big boat you may never know, I thought you would know better than that
Mar 11, 2009
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Gotta say it, I'm not surprised - they are TT specialists that set out to win this stage... If they started to win every stage then I'd start to wonder.

Gotta say it, I reckon Pettachi was probably clean too. I also don't think he was intentionally doping when he tested + for his asthma meds, it is the season for hayfever. Much more annoyed that Di Luca wasn't suspended when he was so obviously hiding something.
BigBoat said:
Pettachi is ATLEAST as good as Cippo was at his best... Watch Pettachi win 9 stages of the 2004 Giro, and 4 stages of the 2003 Tour de France!

The 2004 Giro was a joke. Almost no one showed up, and the ones who did were not in great form. Heck, the GC contest was between two riders on the same team.