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Garmin-Transitions 2010 - where's Tom Zirbel?

Jun 19, 2009
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Good eye. I didn't realize he was missing until just now when I saw the announcement of his positive dope test.

Could be he told Vaughters what was up before the negotiations went too far.

Hope it's not intentional.
Jul 14, 2009
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Tom is using the very popular, there will be a surprise discovery at the testing facility and my name should be clear in a week or 2 technique. He is toast. This close to the Olympics there will be no admitted mistakes by and testing agency or lab. You had a good run Tom.
Mar 21, 2009
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i was looking forward to seeing him at Garmin after his ride in Mendrisio. The puke all over his uni, etc. Real bummer. The first positive of a guy I actually liked, and followed closely.