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GB Worlds team

Mar 18, 2009
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Cav was frustrated with BC in placing Bradley Wiggins in every round of the Team Pursuit at the Olympics, even though they had taken other riders who were capable of doing the qualifying rounds, which left Bradley not at 100% for the Madison, and susequently, Cav was the only GB track rider not to win a medal of any sort at the Olympics.
Afterall, Cav's talent just cannot be ignored.
Mar 12, 2009
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So Cav keeps his foot in the door waiting for London I take it, wouldn't think he needs to ride worlds until an olympic year though.
Mar 13, 2009
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My (purely personal) take... His training has been road focused to this point in 2009, so the Track is a diversion, last year it was a focus on the Olympics
Mar 31, 2009
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WoW Leveling Dos and Don'ts

Undoubtedly, World of Warcraft is an immersive and entertaining game. Since there are too many decisions to be made regarding to servers, factions, races, classes and characters, beginners will find themselves at a loss when they just want to get start. WoW is now increasingly gearing content toward the top level characters that range in the 60-70 levels. This is a response to the dissatisfaction in the past that high level characters' claim that they had nothing to do. New gears include new quests, dungeons, weapons and armor introduced expressly for these high level characters. Nowadays it's very advantageous to have a powerful, established character in order to enjoy this new content, as well as to better enjoy PvP or duels; and players are able to make significant amounts of wow gold on an ongoing basis. Having a high level character will also help you tackle the toughest dungeons and gain membership to the most selective guilds.
Apr 14, 2009
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QUADRUS VERIFIER(FIS-0911)具有对标签质量进行精确分析、测量和报告,是一种功能完善的Data Matrix检验器,可供生产车间使用。小巧轻盈的Quadrus Verifer 专为在工厂环境中使用而设计的,可以将它轻松的整合到制造流程中,配套齐全而经工厂校准的系统提供了灵活的安装配件,可以通过这些配件将Quadrus Verifier 快速轻松的安装于任何场合 MS-Q BASIC(FIS-6150)影像扫描器为解码线性条码和二维标签提供了可靠的手持式解决方案。它读码范围广,可读取经各种打印和标签方法处理的标签。MS-QBASIC影像扫描器适合于一维条码和二维标签的任何应用场合,但需要安装便携式读取设备。 MS-Q Quadrus(FIS-6100)对于扫描解码低对比度基质(如金属、塑料、橡胶和玻璃)上的标签是最为有效的手持式影像扫描器。它适合读取通过直接零件标记(DMP)方法进行标记的一维和二维标签,如通过点刻和激光蚀刻、化学蚀刻的标签。 MS-Q Quardus通过定制的光学系统和先进的解码算法,将智能相机的解码能力集成在功能强大的手持式设备中。MICROSCAN公司的MS-CONNECT210(FIS-0210)使MICROSCAN 条码扫描器在连接安装上更加快速简单,轻松容易,它有鲜明的显示窗口,简便的连接接口,是线缆连接起来更快速方便,还有多种选择,例如以太网。MS12系列 宽扫描角度型 是一种设计紧凑、结实耐用的工业固定式扫描器,具有60度的扫描角,MS12系列适合在大批量扫描应用中在接触或几乎接触的条件下扫描宽型条码