On my team in the Emerging Riders Game? Yes
European? No
On a European team? Yes
On a WWT team? Yes
Ever ridden for Valcar? No
Does she have a brother who was recently suspended until two years ago? No
Competes in CX? No
Is her current team registered in her own country? No
Born before 1996? No
Has a contract with for 2025? No
Competes in track cycling? No
Has any relatives whore are or have been active in cycling? Yes
Riding for a team based in any part of Switzerland? No
Has a contract with her current team for next year? No
Has contract with a different team for 2024? Compared to last year? Yes
Riding for a team based in the French speaking part of Switzerland? No
Born in this century? No
On a Basque team? No
On a French team? No
On a Scandinavian team? No
Alive when Danny Flies flew through his last known race? No
Active? Yes
Has a name which can also be a sentence, like Stevie Nicks or
this guy? No
Does the rider even have a (known) nickname? Not that
I know of at least...
Named Nick? No
Of the same gender as Stevie Nicks? Yes (so you see why her being called 'Nick' would be a bit strange?)
Does the rider have a nickname that revolves around some kind of resemblance to a goat or different animal? Not that I know of
Is the rider a 🐐 of the time the rider raced? No (also, how can you be GOAT of a specific time?)
Scandinavian? No
Basque? No
French? No
Has a name which rhymes with or is identical to any the world's capital cities? Not any I can think of...
Named Berlin? No (so not Antoine)
Has a name which rhymes with Berlin? No
Named Paris? No
Has a name which rhymes with Paris? No