Pedestrians here are worse than any dog.
Funny this thread, because I just clipped 2 peds on the way home from work today! Yes, on purpose.
It was my green light and I was haulin' a$$ (not Boonen 72km/hr a$$ haulin' but I was fresh outta coke), and these two hippie too-cool wannabe's started strolling across the road like they were invincible. I looked at them and kept on haulin', they looked at me at kept on strolling...into my lane. So...I made a slight adjustment to my line a la "The Tashkent Terror" and -- OH MY! -- if they both didn't get a little taste of fast moving elbow! Oops!
The pedestrians here are either 1) completely and utterly unaware of anything around them or 2) a$$h0le pr!cks who think the world should stop for them because they are wearing a cool ipod or a brand new hemp necklace.
I guess now those 2 hippietards know what happens when you walk out into traffic.
On an animal note...years ago I was out riding in the country and a coyote ran across the road about 10 feet in front of me and onto a little dirt path on the other side. So, like any good moron, I decided to follow it (on a road bike!)! We (me and the coyote) went about 15 seconds down this trail when Mr. Wild Animal stopped and turned around to face me. oh my. I don't care who you are, when a beast of nature with FANGS! turns around and stares you down, you get the hell outta there! And I did!
That was my only dog-like encounter.