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LA-Hog forming strategic ties with blogs?

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Jul 29, 2009
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LA-HOG fest

Wouldn't put it past these 2 manipulators.
I makes perfect sense for the uniballer and his handler to do just that.
And it beautifully dovetails with his master plan to discredit any truth, opposition or dissenting voices.
You gotta give this guy credit, he knows his evil like it's no one's business.
May 5, 2009
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The Hog & Cheatstrong will buy and bribe anybody they have to, in order to protect or promote their endeavours... There is a reason, they called him the hog...

And that will make the case pretty difficult for the current investigation...
May 6, 2009
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Moose McKnuckles said:
I'm cheaper than BroDeal.


Apr 11, 2009
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Cozy Beehive said:
In the end for all his 'services', he was given a TREK bike. This is not new to him. He is open in stating that he gets schwag from companies and I do find in that a bad taste.

I've also been wondering whether bike co's have been in on the act. Seems like Specialized and Trek possibly detest each other.

This bears on some "posters'" (company stooges') opinions of teams and specific riders (ie., what they are riding).


Sep 24, 2009
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goober said:
But Bob Roll is the tool of all tools.

Why is that?

You know GH well and say he didn't dope.

goober said:
I know George personally and just can't believe it. Guess I might not know him that well...

You also wrote this;

goober said:
I would agree on most forums but not here - the clinic is the armpit of cycling forums - no holds barred. It is a playground for self proclaimed Lance haters who will say they are speculating but will not allow speculation that conflicts with their speculative views. Many who have crossed into this abyss have run and not come back - they do not have the tenacity to stay. I am not going - for this I am classified as a troll. Note: there are some people that dislike Lance that also have both views on here and are waiting and providing civil speculation also...

Why don't you like Roll? He's preaching to you in the choir.

Anyone who could possibly believe either Lance or George may be clean is a cheerleader. Roll is the cheerleader's cheerleader. You think your leader is a tool?
Picture, a small time blogger with good coverage gets to ride with Lance. They have a drink, blogger has time of his life with teh big hero. Some intimate details are shaed, to make for some male bonding. (with lady bloggers it works differently)
Anyway, before the end of the first "date", Lance knows more incriminating details about the blogger than vice versa. And he never does forget anything about anyway, he's a fanatic maniac that way.
A Trek bike and a box of yellow wrists bands exchange hands to seal the deal. Friendship for life.
Apr 27, 2010
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As a long time Bike Snob reader, I have been disappointed repeatedly, when big news about Lance strikes, Snob doesn't really talk any trash about LA. I guess it's OK because he doesn't really take cycling very seriously, but I would have liked to read some Snob sh!t talking about LA, they have obviously been friends for a long time, and it makes me dislike BSNY a little bit less, but hey he's still really funny and a cool dude, because cycling is kind of a joke and he knows that and doesn't really get his panties in a ruffle about it, instead just enjoying it for what it is (old dudes with mullets riding stupid bikes in the bike lane in front of him while he takes photos).
Jun 19, 2009
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sars1981 said:
Phil Liggett is such an epic tool. Such an epic, epic, epic tool. You get the feeling he's a man who knows his job and his role well. He's at all times aware what the officialdom want him to say on every controversial issue, and he pulls it off with sincerity every time. It must be weird going to sleep every night knowing that you're a tool. I wonder what it's like.

You sleep on your back when you're off duty I would guess.
santacruz said:
As a long time Bike Snob reader, I have been disappointed repeatedly, when big news about Lance strikes, Snob doesn't really talk any trash about LA.

The are patterns you'll notice in both blogs. Both try to avoid talking about LA's role in the doping scandal. But lampooning Floyd Landis or making weak attempts at denial of the allegation is common.

Here's one Eben's many "takes" on the scandal hardly a week after Floyd wrote the email, dated May 25.

Speaking of doping, while the cycling world continues to pick at the finer points of the Floyd Landis Affair like obsessive nosepickers digitally spelunking in the darkest recesses of their sinuses, I find myself lamenting the state of our society. Really, regardless of whether or not you believe Landis's claims, what is at the heart of this whole doping issue anyway? Some tiny injections? The occasional blood transfusion? A testosterone patch applied surreptitiously to the "pants yabbies?" Really, in the context of human history, this barely qualifies as doping--it's "woosie" cheating. There was once a time when doping meant eating the heart of your dead enemy in order to gain his strength. There was once an age when, in pursuit of victory and power, men would conspire with the forces of darkness. They would form covens; attempt to summon demons; even commit human sacrifice. Correspondingly, the penalty for such "doping" was not suspension; it was torture and death. Men were burned; drawn and quartered; crucified; left to suffer and die of exposure as they slowly bled.

Here's a snippet from Elden's post "Thoughts About Doping". Not a single word that mentions LA though.

So as far as I can tell, here are my choices with regards to believing Floyd:

1. I can believe that he was lying before, but telling the truth now about himself and others.
2. I can believe that he was lying before, is now telling the truth now about himself, but is making up a new batch of lies about others.
3. I can believe that he lied before, is lying about himself now, and is also making lies up about others.

Which is the most likely scenario? Well, probably not the third one, although it’s only a third more ridiculous than the other two options. But seriously, I have no compelling reason to believe scenario 1 or 2 is more likely.

You can also read posts from his blog like "Cycling and Doping : A Solution" and "Its Not The Dopers Who Are Killing Cycling"
Jun 19, 2009
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Cozy Beehive said:
The are patterns you'll notice in both blogs. Both try to avoid talking about LA's role in the doping scandal. But lampooning Floyd Landis or making weak attempts at denial of the allegation is common.

Here's one Eben's many "takes" on the scandal hardly a week after Floyd wrote the email, dated May 25.

Here's a snippet from Elden's post "Thoughts About Doping". Not a single word that mentions LA though.

You can also read posts from his blog like "Cycling and Doping : A Solution" and "Its Not The Dopers Who Are Killing Cycling"

Both of these arguments sound like LA fan retorts we've seen recently. If these guys are blogging and then anonymously attempting to manipulate other forums I'd be shocked! Shocked I tell you! Shocked if they aren't being paid to do it.
May 21, 2010
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Jul 10, 2009
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I tend to believe both fatty and BSNYC were firmly in the pro LA camp long prior to any actual association with him. I enjoy both blogs and find it refreshing that neither have much to say about topics that have already been discussed ad nausea here in the clinic & many many other places.

I get it- cycling has had and likely still has a significant doping problem.

BSNYC's snarkyness and fatty's stories make me smile.
Jul 30, 2009
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Working out how to get bloggers in your back pocket and spreading your message is the current big thing in PR. They are all at it. What seems like word of mouth is deemed to be that much more 'authentic'. Except of course it is manipulated...

I would have though Cosy Beehive was popular enough to be approached, but he seems to place too much emphasis on the truth, and so will not have much appeal to the PR industry :rolleyes:
Jun 21, 2009
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WonderLance said:
I am considering starting my own blog as I am sick of lance getting picked on by the internet and cycling press. He deserves for someone to stick up for him.
i too hate it when the internet walks around and picks on people. hate it. it is really uncalled for
131313 said:
I can't believe that you'd even think for a second that this scenario isn't reality?


i'd be shocked to learn that armstrong and the hog didn't befriend those bloggers to get them on their side. not that they neccessarily (sp :() would come out and say it straight to their face, "look here's a score now go write something nice about me", probably be a bit more subtle about it.

This is how it works, i'm afraid. just like giving journalists a freebie. only a blogger would probably be a lot easier to get to dance to your tune.
Jun 19, 2009
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workingclasshero said:
i too hate it when the internet walks around and picks on people. hate it. it is really uncalled for


i'd be shocked to learn that armstrong and the hog didn't befriend those bloggers to get them on their side. not that they neccessarily (sp :() would come out and say it straight to their face, "look here's a score now go write something nice about me", probably be a bit more subtle about it.

This is how it works, i'm afraid. just like giving journalists a freebie. only a blogger would probably be a lot easier to get to dance to your tune.[/QUOTE]

Yes and volume of positive information can count. Doesn't have to be true. Look at the effect last minute target adds and internet rumors have had on US elections.


Aug 17, 2009
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I will blog in behalf of Lance and Bruyneel/Shack for free.

Reason they are winners and successful people. I will also blog in the behalf of the US team Radio Shack. I like to see American companies involved in cycling.
I also encourage my children to ride bikes. I just wanted to share that with ya...


Aug 17, 2009
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the thing about it is Cosy, it is really personal how you feel about Floyd. What others think doesn't really sway you one way or another does it. Especially the Floydster, what a card he is...
May 20, 2010
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Cozy Beehive said:
Here's one Eben's many "takes" on the scandal hardly a week after Floyd wrote the email, dated May 25.
Speaking of doping, while the cycling world continues to pick at the finer points of the Floyd Landis Affair like obsessive nosepickers digitally spelunking in the darkest recesses of their sinuses, I find myself lamenting the state of our society. Really, regardless of whether or not you believe Landis's claims, what is at the heart of this whole doping issue anyway? Some tiny injections? The occasional blood transfusion? A testosterone patch applied surreptitiously to the "pants yabbies?" Really, in the context of human history, this barely qualifies as doping--it's "woosie" cheating. There was once a time when doping meant eating the heart of your dead enemy in order to gain his strength. There was once an age when, in pursuit of victory and power, men would conspire with the forces of darkness. They would form covens; attempt to summon demons; even commit human sacrifice. Correspondingly, the penalty for such "doping" was not suspension; it was torture and death. Men were burned; drawn and quartered; crucified; left to suffer and die of exposure as they slowly bled

this guy writes like a failed author, you could not pay me to read such pretentious crap, i doubt he rides a bike as it would be very difficult to ride a bike with your head stuck so far up your a$$.


Aug 17, 2009
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Hillavoider said:
Cozy Beehive said:
Here's one Eben's many "takes" on the scandal hardly a week after Floyd wrote the email, dated May 25.
Speaking of doping, while the cycling world continues to pick at the finer points of the Floyd Landis Affair like obsessive nosepickers digitally spelunking in the darkest recesses of their sinuses, I find myself lamenting the state of our society. Really, regardless of whether or not you believe Landis's claims, what is at the heart of this whole doping issue anyway? Some tiny injections? The occasional blood transfusion? A testosterone patch applied surreptitiously to the "pants yabbies?" Really, in the context of human history, this barely qualifies as doping--it's "woosie" cheating. There was once a time when doping meant eating the heart of your dead enemy in order to gain his strength. There was once an age when, in pursuit of victory and power, men would conspire with the forces of darkness. They would form covens; attempt to summon demons; even commit human sacrifice. Correspondingly, the penalty for such "doping" was not suspension; it was torture and death. Men were burned; drawn and quartered; crucified; left to suffer and die of exposure as they slowly bled

this guy writes like a failed author, you could not pay me to read such pretentious crap, i doubt he rides a bike as it would be very difficult to ride a bike with your head stuck so far up your a$$.
Yeah but Astana uses the hearts of golden eagles, the claws of dragons and the pituatory glands and adrenelin of snow leapords...


Sep 24, 2009
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flicker said:
I will blog in behalf of Lance and Bruyneel/Shack for free.

Reason they are winners and successful people. I will also blog in the behalf of the US team Radio Shack. I like to see American companies involved in cycling.
I also encourage my children to ride bikes. I just wanted to share that with ya...

What in the hell is the matter with you?:(
Jul 5, 2010
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flicker said:
I will blog in behalf of Lance and Bruyneel/Shack for free.

Reason they are winners and successful people. I will also blog in the behalf of the US team Radio Shack. I like to see American companies involved in cycling.
I also encourage my children to ride bikes. I just wanted to share that with ya...

so I am guessing you feel it is ok for your children to take unprescribed substances that leave them vulnerable to a range of health problems because the 'winners and successful people' around them say it is ok and every one does it?

... and cheating is ok cause that is what 'winners and successful people' do?

one of our young riders -a much loved and productive member of our community - recently died in his sleep from heart attack ... he might still be alive if blood thickeners were not easily available in our sport ... and if his peers didn't dope... and if his coach didn't turn a blind eye to it ... and he didn't see his 'heroes' doing it - the 'winners and successful people' in his world
May 26, 2010
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flicker said:
I will blog in behalf of Lance and Bruyneel/Shack for free.

Reason they are losers and cheating deceitful people. I will also blog in the behalf of the US team Radio Smack. I like to see American companies cheat its way to the top of sport and bully others that don't follow its rules.
I also encourage my children to ride bikes. I just wanted to share that with ya...

there that's really what ya wanted say. next time don't be so shy