I was in the courtroom yesterday and witnessed the destruction of a doctor, who has served the public for over 30 years. The court, and "holier than though" Prosecutor, choose to use Dr. Thompson as an example. They offered him up to the biking community as a form of revenge to an ongoing problem. The sacrificial lamb...
I can easily state this, judging by other sentences issued to REALLY EVIL individuals, who have done much worse than Dr. Thompson. His words were construed to mean something that they might not have meant at all - and that's what this case hung its hat on. The biking community feels that it owns the road and that Joe Public should stay out of their way and yield to their pleasure.
They have taken this poor man, who was returning home from an all night shift in the ER - only destroyed his life, but the life of his family. I guess it wasn't enough for Peterson (cyclist) and his crew to destroy this man. Yes, HE HAS LOST HIS HOME TO FORECLOSURE, HIS RIGHT TO PRACTICE MEDICINE AND, THE JUDGE DETERMINED THAT HE WOULD ADD MORE ICING TO THE CAKE - HE LOST THE RIGHT TO DRIVE A VEHICLE FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. Yet, murderers and rapists just get their life's back - no problem...
Because of a medical condition regarding his heart, it came under testimony by his father, a well-respected 85 year old surgeon, that his son might not even make it through the cruel, and over-harsh, 5 YEAR SENTENCE THAT SOME MURDERERS AND RAPISTS DON'T GET.
Obviously, the proper sentence should have involved community service and anger management - allowing him to continue to help those who are sick. A nurse came forward to say how Dr. Thompson had taught her daughter how to play piano at no charge. The girl was tragically killed at 18 - Dr. Thompson has continued to selflessly send flowers to her grave over the years. Yet, the Prosecutor painted him as an evil, selfish man - maybe someone should have looked back at the good things this man has done... Maybe the intensity of the ER caused his stress level to explode that particular morning.
It was clear that Peterson and company still didn't spill enough of Dr. Thompson' blood to feed their frenzy. Although their medical bills were paid, and it came under testimony that Peterson received $100k for his "trouble," he and the Queen Prosecutor are now demanding additional restitution from a man that has been stripped of his life and bank roll. YES, THIS IS CLEARLY ABOUT MONEY, FOLKS!!!
As I said to the Plaintiffs as I left the court room - "Your Karma is coming...it always does..." I hope they can live with their guilt - but I imagine not, as they are a pack of self-serving, self-righteous Sociopaths looking for a free hand out.