BroDeal said:
You don't know what my take is, doofas. Aside from the race director taking the race a little too seriously compared to other 100s, the 100 mile run was a nice race. Of course you don't have to put up with a self centered pro on a hugely expensive doping program showing up to showboat amongst the amateurs.
LOL! Predictably cheery and positive Bro as ever.


I'll give you credit for using one that doesn't get used very often these days (although I still prefer drooling man crush chamois sniffer) I'll just say that if all I have to judge your take on the race is by what you've posted here, I'll make a guess that you think the race sucks and just about everybody who participates is a pathetic fanboy of one Mr. Armstrong.
I'll agree, though, that the trail 100 is a pretty cool race (although pros show up and beat up on the amateurs: the horror). Not anywhere near the circus that the bike 100 has been for quite a while. (before LA even). Of course a 100 mile trail running race is a lot more hard core than a 100 mile mtn bike race so at least in terms of participation, far fewer people have the ability or desire to do something as nutso as that running race. The bike race is about as easy as a 100 mile mtn bike race at altitude can be so plenty of mtn bikers - even those who are not pathetic fanboys - might think it's something they can do. You can't say the same thing about a 100 mile trail run.
As to what the sale means for all the races foot and wheels, hard to say. Could be positive, could be negative. Time will tell. All this stuff, especially the bike 100 has been Cloubers bread and butter for quite a while. I'd guess the bike race has been a very nice payday for him and everything is either barely breaks even or pays at best, dishwashers wages. Maybe like any businessman, after building his business into something successful, he decided it was time to cash out on move on. Can't blame a man for that.