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BroDeal said:

It really is some sick s**t, isn't it?

A few months after Operation Puerto, Enrique meets José Luis Merino Batres on the street, who is the owner of the testing laboratory and the man who organized the logistics of the Puerto transfusions. After greeting him he tells the lieutenant:

“The one I pity the most is Mancebo. Do you know that he naturally has sauch a high hematocrit level, of 49, that we could not give him anything because he would been detected easily? We only gave him a placebo and little else. We’ve been cheating him for a few years.
Oct 11, 2010
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Scott SoCal said:
“The one I pity the most is Mancebo. Do you know that he naturally has sauch a high hematocrit level, of 49, that we could not give him anything because he would been detected easily? We only gave him a placebo and little else. We’ve been cheating him for a few years.[/I]"

How does one receive a placebo tansfusion?
Yes, great read.

“Paquito, you have to go to the doctor, the doctor decides who wins the race, the doctor decides the general claissifcation of the Vuelta, the Giro, those ones who don’t go with him are not worth a damn”.

The appeal to authority here, "the doctor", is very significant, I think.
If it's coming from the doctor, how can it be wrong or bad?

Why these doctors aren't all in jail is beyond me.
Prescribing PEDs should be a big crime. So should facilitating transfusions for non health reasons.
Oct 11, 2010
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Ninety5rpm said:
I assumed they were referring to the pills (that had no effect).

But they refered to his naturally high crit as to why they gave him placebos. Pills don't have any effect on your crit
Sep 25, 2009
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a wicked interesting story.

some facts cross check well, some don’t…like that coni broke the law to get at valverde. that’s a load of bs cas refuted in 2 separate hearings.

curiously, not a word about contador though we know from franke he was mentioned in some documents.
Mar 18, 2009
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Altitude said:
But they refered to his naturally high crit as to why they gave him placebos. Pills don't have any effect on your crit

No, but EPO does, so I assume they were giving him saline in an EPO vial. Which, if true, means that technically Mancebo wasn't doping :p.
I hope that story is true, because it would mean it was possible to be top 10 in the Tour even back then.

But I doubt it.

Anyway, I thought this was interesting:
Valverde’s finished with a worldwide ban applauded by the survivors, who have managed to change just enough so that business keeps the same
Indeed, indeed...
hrotha said:
I hope that story is true, because it would mean it was possible to be top 10 in the Tour even back then.

But I doubt it.

Be nice to think wouldnt it

The much mentioned Moncoutie finished 13th in 2002 and if he really is completely clean then Mancebo's 7th place doesnt have to be dirty. I think the infamous graph of wattages on final climbs shows that year was the last of the post-EPO test dip? From a quick scan through the results it suggests that he got 7th by finishing consistently rather than suspiciously riding up a few mountains at a high W/Kg.

If his crit was 49% then wouldnt he have had some allowance for being close to the 50% threshold? Or would this mean that he would breach it more and so have to take much smaller doses? Given how high up he was finishing apparently while riding clean/cleanish you would have thought that a doctor would realise that he could make a load of money if he could get the doses right.


May 6, 2010
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Just another blog that may have some truth to it. The last sentence reads like a Humphrey Bogart movie ending. Hard to check the veracity of most of the story but I am sure it will feed in to the preconceptions of some who will treat it like Gospel.
May 6, 2009
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That's quite possibly the most ****ed thing I've read. "Dope or be fired". If a truck driver hit the manager of any of the teams, then I would probably shake the truck driver's hand.